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Chapter 62 The Temptation of Queen Gros

Although Rolf was surprised to hear that the Sword in the Lake had been obtained by Slytherin, after thinking about it carefully, he felt...it was natural.

That was Salazar Slytherin, one of the Big Four. If even he couldn't find the sword, who else could.

But this also immediately brought about a problem.

"Didn't Slytherin disappear after the War of the Three Wizards?" Rove asked: "Didn't the Sword in the Lake also disappear with him?"

"Yes." Queen Gros nodded, but then quickly smiled:

"But there is magic on the sword in the lake. After the sword holder dies, it will return to the bottom of the lake.

Therefore, a thousand years have passed, and the Sword in the Lake must still be in the lake where Scylla is."

"This is also the reason why kings in the past dynasties would still go there to find swords after killing the dragon."

Luofu snorted and nodded slightly, seeming to accept this statement, but he was very doubtful in his heart.

As far as he knew, the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets was Slytherin's Horcrux!

Since the Horcruxes are still there, is Slytherin really dead?

If he was not dead, how could the Sword in the Lake return to the lake even if it had magic?!

Shirley also thought of this, but both she and Luofu tacitly suppressed this idea in their hearts, then gently raised the topic and continued to ask:

"So...the Sword in the Lake is not in your hand?"

"Of course he's not here anymore." Gross smiled slightly, "But even if he's not here, it doesn't matter, because there are other weapons that can kill the dragon... Come with me."

She stepped forward, and Luo Fu, Shirley and Niles exchanged glances and followed her silently.

The four people walked on the top of the ladder pyramid, and a series of tombs gradually appeared.

Although the sun is shining brightly, those tall tombs seem to be standing like ghostly giants, making people feel depressed and solemn.

"All the kings of Avalon are buried here."

Queen Gros walked forward with light steps, raised her finger to point to the mausoleum, and introduced the identity of the owner of the tomb to the young man and girl behind her.

"Of course, there are corpses in some tombs; some kings were killed by dragons or enemies, and no bones were left, so they were really just tombs.

Like this one!”

Queen Gros suddenly stopped. Rolf looked up and saw a large square tomb. On the tomb was carved a pair of intertwined snakes. The scales of the snakes were made of exquisite jade, obsidian and lapis lazuli.

"This is Salazar Slytherin's tomb." She looked at the tombstone with deep eyes and said:

"Back then, before he disappeared, he built this tomb for himself in advance."

At this time, two snakes suddenly began to swim on the tomb, and the tomb opened to both sides.

From the corner of his eye, Luofu glanced at Queen Gross and saw her lips moving slightly, but he didn't hear any sound.

Apparently, she used magic to cover up the spell that opened the secret passage.

When the tomb is fully opened, a cave and a spiral staircase are revealed.

Queen Gros didn't know when a beautifully decorated oil lamp with a light blue glass cover suddenly appeared in her hand. She took the oil lamp and stepped onto the spiral staircase.

Luo Fu, Shirley and Niles followed her footsteps and walked down. They could feel a chill sweeping up from below, like the cold breath of the deep underground.

Luofu walked for a long time and came to the end of the stairs. Just when he was about to say something, he suddenly got a fright.

I saw a pile of bones placed in the wall directly opposite!

The boy held his breath and looked around, discovering that the walls were full of holes like bookshelves - burial caves full of bones.

Under the illumination of the oil lamp in Queen Gros' hand, the burial cave looked like a pile of strange empty caves, and the bones piled inside were also flickering strangely.

"These are the corpses of Dragon Scourge..." Luo Fu said in shock.

"That's right." Queen Gros placed the oil lamp in the niche, walked towards the bones of the dragons and said:

"These are the dragons killed by the kings of Avalon in the past. The oldest one has a lifespan of more than 1,500 years, and the youngest one is only sixty or seventy years old."

Shirley walked to the wall, and with Queen Gros's permission, she curiously touched one of the bones.

Her fingertips brushed against a broad skull, and the bones felt smooth, cold and hard.

Her fingers touched a tooth, black and sharp, like a dagger made of darkness.

The ponytail girl pondered for a moment, looked at Queen Gros and asked:

"You don't mean to say that these dragon bones can be used as weapons to kill dragons, do you?"

"That's right." Queen Gross smiled, looked at Shirley with admiration and said:

"Dragon Bane was born from the mermaid Scylla. It has strong defensive capabilities. No magic...including the so-called Avada Kedavra can kill it!

Weapons made by fairies cannot cause any damage to their scales."

Luofu nodded silently, which was also the reason why he couldn't kill Dragon Scourge.

"Those scales are actually made of the same composition as these dragon bones, and the dragon bones are even stronger, so the sword made with them can pierce the scales of Dragon Scourge." Queen Gros said.

"But, since these bones are so hard," Nelisi questioned, "How can they be forged into weapons?"

"We have to mention King Arthur." Queen Gros said softly, "When he killed the first dragon, he used the Sword in the Lake."

"That sword can easily pierce Dragon Bane's scales!"

"King Arthur knows that the Dragon Scourge will continue to appear, and he is worried that after the Sword in the Lake returns to that lake, future generations will have no weapons to kill the Dragon Scourge..."

"He used the Sword in the Lake to chop the dragon bone into pieces, and then asked Merlin to use the smelting technology and magic of the ancient wizard to mix the dragon bone fragments with metal and forge a dozen dragon bone swords."

"In the following thousand years, those dragon bone swords did play a great role." Queen Gros picked up a dragon bone and said:

"Of course, those keel bones have been worn out over the years, and now, only a handful are left."

Queen Gros said, picking up a sword from the wall.

The sword was as black as agate, smooth and bright, and seemed to sparkle under the light of the torch, like a weapon made of black diamonds.

Queen Gros held the sword in an elegant posture, and then swung it hard, and the keel in her hand broke.

"Except for the sword in the lake, there is probably no other weapon in the world that is sharper than this sword."

"Back then, when Salazar Slytherin was the King of Avalon, when he got the Sword in the Lake, he imitated King Arthur and used those dragon scales to forge a batch of armor.

Their defense capabilities...are comparable to Dragon Scourge!"

Queen Gros said, turning her eyes quickly and staring at Rolf closely.

"As long as you are willing to be the king of Avalon and marry me, the sword and armor will be yours... Rolf Scamander!"

This chapter has been completed!
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