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Chapter 85: A professor who never washes his hair is afraid of going bald?

Professor Quirrell is bald,

As he was hospitalized, the news spread throughout Hogwarts as quickly as possible.

Many students went to visit Professor Quirrell, and there was even a long queue outside the school hospital. I don't know whether it was to visit the doctor or simply to satisfy their curiosity.

After it was confirmed that Quirrell was really bald, public opinion changed overnight. Not only was he not widely ridiculed, but he was sympathized with by many students.

"I don't know what's so funny about being bald?" Ravenclaw student Robert Hilliard said seriously: "I'm not bald, but I will never laugh at Professor Quirrell."

Robert, who is only in seventh grade, is the best student in Ravenclaw's class. It is said that he is still teaching himself Muggle computer programming... but his hairline is a bit high.

"Fred and George, they really did something wrong... They shouldn't do this to a bald teacher." Ron criticized the twins at the Gryffindor table.

Mr. Weasley is bald, and their family seems to have a bald genetic gene, which makes Ron feel very sympathetic to Quirrell.

"Quirrell just doesn't want everyone to see that he has no hair. What's wrong with that?!"

It was rare for Malfoy to stand up and sternly rebutted Pansy who was mocking Quirrell.

Malfoy definitely did not speak for Quirrell because his mother took him to divination when he was seven years old, and the old witch predicted that he would be bald in his twenties...

In fact, most British men are bald, even wizards are no exception.

Even if you use hair growth spells and hair growth agents, you must have hair follicles. If the hair follicles are necrotic, baldness is also a terminal disease for wizards!

As a veterinarian, Rove explained the causes of baldness to the little wizards from a professional perspective:

That is, the water quality in Britain is too hard. When bathing, the chemicals produced by this water and shampoo will clog the pores on the hair, causing hair loss.

Everyone suddenly realized that it turned out to be a water problem. Doesn’t that mean that not washing your hair can prevent baldness?!

Could this be the reason why Professor Snape doesn't like washing his hair... he's afraid of going bald?

So, when Professor Snape was in class, he suddenly found a group of students with oily hair in the classroom. He deducted ten points from Harry because... he didn't wash his hair.

The little wizards also held a "Snape Imitation Contest", and everyone voted to see who had the greasiest hair. Unfortunately, Professor Snape only won second place in the "Snape Imitation Contest".

In the Potions class, many students also discovered that Professor Snape seemed to be injured. Someone had removed a handful of his shiny hair.

Although it is only a handful, it is very obvious that it is bare.

Are there any wizards in Hogwarts who dare to fight Professor Snape?

Who is so brave!

But what's even more brave is that someone among the little wizards has posted a bounty mission:

Help Professor Snape wash his hair and get a reward of one hundred galleons.

The bounty was first offered to Quirrell and then to Snape, both of which were still one hundred galleons. Although they didn't know who was so rich, many young wizards were excited.

Professor Quirrell, who was originally very popular, quickly became obsolete and lost his attraction to young wizards. Everyone turned their interest to Professor Snape.

In February, the Quidditch match began.

Professor Quirrell seems to have followed Professor Trelawney's advice and has never watched a Quidditch match since that injury.

Rove didn't have to worry about being cursed by him again, but even so, he didn't participate in the game. He was still a substitute, sitting in the spectator stand waving a towel.

Cedric performed well. He caught the Golden Snitch in two consecutive games, helping Hufflepuff College stabilize its position at the top of the Quidditch Cup.

Slytherin relies on its outstanding "physical talent" and currently ranks second in record, with Gryffindor only better than Ravenclaw.

Wood has become obsessed with it. Other teams train at most twice a week, but he trains three times a week and additional training on weekends.

The biggest benefit is that the twins spend less time playing pranks, making Hogwarts a lot quieter.

But it's of no use. Gryffindor's Seeker skills are not good enough. The current total score is too far behind the top two, so there is only a theoretical possibility of winning the championship.

Professor McGonagall could only hope to find a good Seeker next school year.

As for Ravenclaw, the good news is that they are the earliest team to prepare for the 1992-93 season.

The bad news is that they are currently completely defeated, and it seems that the victory will not be this year, or even next year.

Rove heard from Shirley that even the bronze door knocker at the entrance to the Ravenclaw lounge was updated with a new question, asking about the Ravenclaw Quidditch team's losing streak so far.

Captain Roger Davis didn't dare return to the lounge all night.

Compared to the Quidditch game, Rolf has been busy monitoring Quirrell recently. He often uses skinchangers to invade the body of the evil bird, and then flies to the school hospital to see if he can sneak into the secret room.

But Quirrell has always been honest.

Therefore, in order to determine whether Voldemort had gone to the Chamber of Secrets, Rolf went to Myrtle's girls' bathroom alone when get out of class was over.

When I opened the bathroom door, I saw a dilapidated room. Under the large mirror covered with stains, there was a row of stone pools with peeling surfaces and covered with moss.

The floor was wet, and a few candles were burning low on their brackets, emitting dim light and illuminating the floor in an eerie manner.

On a bare wall, seven blood-red words were scrawled: "Miserable!"

Standing by the pool, Luofu checked carefully and found a small snake engraved on the side of a copper faucet.

This was the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, but Rolf had no intention of using Parseltongue to open the passage. If he went down hastily, he might run into Voldemort.

Although he doesn't know how to go down, he can ask others. There are people who squat in the bathroom with great intensity almost 24 hours a day.

Luofu walked towards a toilet cubicle, where there was a slight movement, like someone stealing food in the cubicle, and the sound of water running.

Luofu knocked on the door of the cubicle, and the sound disappeared immediately. After a while, a weak female voice came:

"This place can't be used! Find a different bathroom!!"

Luofu knocked hard on the door again, and then a short, fat girl ghost floated out. It was a melancholy and gloomy face, which was obscured by long straight hair and thick, pearl-colored glasses.


Myrtle's gloomy face suddenly turned into a smile after seeing Rolf. She said with some surprise:

"Scamander...why are you here?"

"I heard from the fat monk that you were sick and came to see you." Luo Fu said with a smile.

"Last time I went to see you, you said you wouldn't treat ghosts." Myrtle said with a sullen face.

"My medical skills were not good at that time and I couldn't cure Ghost's chest pain. I recently went home for Christmas and learned a lot from my grandpa." Luo Fu said with a smile: "Does it still hurt recently?"

"It hurts!" Myrtle's tears fell quickly from her transparent eyes.

"They all bullied me, especially Peeves..." Myrtle said with a tearful voice, "I also have feelings, you know, even though I am dead."

"Besides ghosts, have any wizards come here to disturb you?" Rove asked: "For example, sneaking in, it looks weird..."

"Yes, I have."




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