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Chapter 88: Your fire dragon is very good, but the next second it will be mine.

Hagrid looked at Rolf with envy. It was a blessing to be able to get close to so many fire dragons.

He sighed softly and said: "I also want to go to Romania to raise dragons. Unfortunately, Professor Dumbledore can't do without me, and Hogwarts can't do without me... It would be great if our school could also have a dragon breeding farm."


Rolf had objections to the first half of Hagrid's sentence, but the second half felt like a real insight.

Rove believed that Professor Snape would also agree to the dragon farm proposal. The difference was that Hagrid wanted live dragons and Snape wanted dead dragons.

Luofu walked to the fireplace, looked at the dragon egg, and suddenly there was a "ding" sound in his brain.

[An unhatched domestic dragon egg was detected, triggering side mission 1:]

Help the Norwegian Ridgeback complete hatching, and you will be rewarded with magic:

【Thick skin】

It consumes a lot of magic power and greatly improves the magic resistance and defense of the skin. It can protect the body from magic damage like dragon scales and even reflect magic spells.

[Side mission 2]

Complete 100% taming of Norwegian Ridgeback, reward magic:

[Fire Dragon Breath]

Consumes magic power to create a ball of dragon's breath, which will explode upon collision or reaching the target location, causing additional magic damage and burning enemies.

Hagrid held up the book "Raising Dragons for Fun and Profit" and muttered:

"According to the identification method in the book... I got a Norwegian Ridgeback. If I want to hatch it, I have to put the egg in the fire, because the fire dragon mother exhales on the dragon egg..."

Rolf used the tongs to take the dragon egg out of the fire. Shirley, Hermione and Neville all gathered around. This was their first time seeing a dragon egg.

The dragon egg is larger than an ostrich egg and cannot be held with one hand. The surface of the eggshell is covered with tiny scales. Reflecting the light of the fire, it exudes a deep black metallic luster and dark red ripples.

"So beautiful!" Hermione murmured.

"It's like a work of art." Shirley praised.

"As charming as the eyes of a salamander." Luo Fu couldn't help but sigh.

"As beautiful as a mandala flower," Neville stammered.

Hagrid also looked at the dragon egg with fascination. He carefully took it from Rolf's hand and leaned it against his belly.

"When I hold the dragon egg, I can feel the little guy moving. Oh, Merlin... what a dishonest little guy. He's kicking me in the stomach!"

Hagrid has completely immersed himself in the role of male mother.

"Hagrid, the temperature of the fireplace flame is too low." Rolf glanced at the dark fireplace, shook his head and said:

"Dragon eggs are hatched by the female dragon by burning them with flames, which is equivalent to breastfeeding...it's worse if you use the flames of the fireplace. After it is hatched, it will be born weak. When it becomes an adult, it will not be as strong as other fire dragons."

"What should we do?" Hagrid looked very panicked. His baby dragon could not lose at the starting line.

"You can use the flames of the phoenix instead." Luo Fu said: "Let Fox give it its milk...ah, hatching is not bad either."

"No, I haven't heard from Dumbledore about the dragon egg yet." Hagrid waved his hand and said, "If the principal knows, he will definitely not allow the fire dragon to be raised."

"Then use magic fire. It would be good to get Gubulai's fairy fire."

Hagrid looked blank and said: "What is that?"

"A kind of enchanted flame that can burn forever." Hermione quickly said: "This is a very advanced magic that only a few wizards can do."

Hagrid shook his head and said, "No."

"It seems that our conditions are a bit more difficult, huh?" Luo Fu held his chin and thought for a moment, "How about this, just use the eggs of the fire ash snake. Don't tell me that I don't have them either?"

"There are fire ash snakes." Hagrid nodded.

Ash snakes are magical creatures that are born when fire burns unchecked for too long.

Ash snake eggs are very hot and emit intense light.

"It's best to put a few more dragon crystals under the Fire Ash Snake." Luo Fu continued.

"Dragon crystal?"

"It's obsidian. It's a gemstone formed when the magma flowing out of volcanic lava suddenly cools. It has strong magical energy." Luo Fu explained.

Seeing Hagrid's dull expression, Rolf sighed and said, "It's not like that, right? I have it over there. I'll lend you a few dollars later."

"I really don't know how to thank you." Hagrid said, holding down Rolf's shoulders.

"It's okay, Hagrid, your dragon is my dragon." Rolf blinked and said, "How could I not do my best?"

Shirley gave the boy a meaningful look.

Inside the small black suitcase,

Standing in front of a burning flame, Luo Fu picked through it and took out a few pieces of dragon crystal.

Among them is a piece of ink-colored dragon crystal, mixed with golden stars and water-like lines. The stone is hard and fine, and it is very heavy to hold.

Because the salamander had been coiled around it for too long, when the boy rubbed it with his hand, he felt a shimmering and sharp edge.

The Salamander was very aggrieved when he saw his treasure being taken away. He leaned forward, knocked his forehead hard on Rolf's arm, and started whimpering.

Luofu rubbed the Salamander's little head and said with a smile: "I'm just borrowing it for a few days, don't be so stingy."

He squatted aside, reached out to pick up the stones, turned over them slowly, and looked at them extremely seriously.

Not far away, Shirley was feeding a group of roosters. They were pecking around and making sharp crows.

Rolf asked for these roosters from Hagrid, but he kept them in the box without saying why.

After Shirley scattered the last circle of grain and sat down on the chair, she suddenly asked: "Rolph, do you want to raise Hagrid's fire dragon?"

"How do you know?" Luo Fe was a little surprised.

"You can tell by the look on your face."

"Is it so obvious?" Luofu rubbed his cheek.

"It's just not written on your face!"

"Well, Shirley, the fire dragon grows very fast. In just a few months, it will be bigger than Hagrid's hut. He can't raise a dragon at all."

Luofu said seriously, the swaying bonfire reflected the young man's handsome face, giving him a special look.

"Sooner or later he has to give up that dragon, so we just take over."

Hagrid's fire dragon is very good, but it will soon become Rolf's.

Shirley yelled, straightened her hands and arms, intertwined her fingers, looked into the distance and said, "It's hard to raise a fire dragon, right?"

"Yes, although fire dragons are not delicate, they have a violent personality and are very troublesome to deal with. They also eat a lot. It is normal for an adult fire dragon to eat a cow... It does take a lot of energy to raise a fire dragon."

Luofu's eyes suddenly widened and he said, "Shirley, are you suggesting that I give you a salary increase?"

Shirley stared at the young man's smiling face. She rubbed her belly and sighed: "I want to say that raising these magical creatures takes a lot of energy... I didn't eat enough in the auditorium at night, and suddenly felt a little hungry."

"Okay, I'm going to make you some midnight snacks. I won't leave those good ingredients to Fox, I'll cook them for you." Luo Fe stood up and walked towards the kitchen. He said:

"Would you like to eat moga crabmeat, or nightbird tenderloin? Or some shield crab roe vanilla pudding? Which one do you think is better?"

Shirley looked at the young man's back, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons, her red ponytail suddenly turned golden, and soon turned red again.

The ponytail girl smiled softly and said:

“They are all delicious!”

This chapter has been completed!
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