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Chapter 94 Basilisk

The dark and damp pipe system had twists and turns, but Luofu seemed to have a clear route and walked in a very determined direction.

The hissing sound that echoed in the pipe was like a guiding light, accurately conveying the location of the basilisk. It kept saying creepy words in a cold voice.

"...kill you...tear you apart...delicious snacks...finally have a full meal...hiss!"

Ta, ta, ta!

Footsteps came one after another, and Rolf did not conceal his arrival. He did not pause until he reached a certain wall.

Luo Fei raised his wrist, and there was a small glass bottle hanging there. The young man flicked his fingers, and the bottle made a crisp sound, and then he slowly moved forward again and walked into a large room.

There are many lifelike rock pillars standing in the room, and dark green shadows fall on the ground, making people feel dizzy.

A huge green snake with a green body was slowly crawling upward along a pipe, as if preparing to leave the secret room. There was also a bright red feather on its head.

Luofu looked at the strong back of the basilisk and whistled, which was extremely sharp and harsh in the empty room.

"A wizard is here...a strange wizard...delicious snacks delivered to your door, hiss!"

The basilisk twisted its body and slid back into the secret room along the pipe. It made a terrifying swallowing sound from its throat and hissed happily to itself:

"Is the wizard delicious? Is it juicy? Is it still crispy and delicious? I haven't had it in a long time... sizzling!"

The basilisk's heavy body slid slowly across the dusty ground. It raised its head as big as a water tank, blinking its yellow pupils like lanterns, looking for the wizard's location.

"Where are you hiding? Our poor little snacks... let's see where we go... hisss!!"

Luofu leaned behind the rock pillar. He blocked his vision, looked at the back of the basilisk, and whistled again.

The basilisk suddenly twisted its body, only to see an extremely dazzling white light that stung its eyes. It could only close its eyes tightly, its face was ferocious and painful.

"We are out of sight...out of sight...the despicable wizard...will do tricks...hiss!"

Like a strong luminous body, Luofu walked towards the basilisk step by step. Looking at the bright light that was unique to poisonous snakes, there was a sudden "ding" in his brain.

[A domesticated basilisk was detected, triggering side mission 1:

Capture the basilisk, reward magic:

【Death Gaze】

When you use this magic, a large amount of magic power will be consumed to condense in your eyes. Magical creatures that look into your eyes will die at the moment of eye contact.


【Petrifying Gaze】

When the magic power is insufficient, there is indirect eye contact, or there is a lack of strong killing intent in the heart, [Death Gaze] degenerates into [Petrifying Gaze], and this magic will only petrify the enemy.

Side mission 2

100% tamed basilisk, bonus magic:

【Hibernation of Basilisk】

You can hibernate like a basilisk and greatly extend your life.

The basilisk's eyes were so painful that it could not open them, but based on the sound of footsteps, it was certain that the boy was approaching it step by step.

It suddenly raised its tail, twisted it in a huge arc, and swung it in a certain direction. The powerful and heavy tail flick erupted with the force of a hammer hitting steel.

Luofu stared at the fierce offensive, but remained unmoved. He raised his arm, revealing a small glass bottle.

In the bottle, there was a group of roosters that had taken the shrinking potion. These roosters were also the ones that Rolf asked Hagrid not long ago and had been kept in the box by Shirley.

He took out his wand, knocked on the bottle, and whispered: "The sound is loud."

The faint sound made by the rooster suddenly amplified a hundred times, and the eardrum-piercing cry echoed throughout the underground space.

Although the basilisk is powerful, it actually has a fatal weakness, which is the crowing of the rooster.

When the basilisk heard the cry, its eardrums exploded and the corners of its eyes began to bleed. It seemed to have been horribly stimulated, its whole body trembled violently with pain, and its huge body swung wildly, causing stone pillars to fly.

The basilisk was in pain all over its body, and it whimpered and roared:

"Don't hurt us! Don't hurt us, hiss! Shut up the cock, wizard! Please, please!!"

"Surrender to me and I will let you go." Luo Fe hissed in the same way.

The basilisk didn't care to be shocked that the wizard knew Parseltongue. It fluttered randomly, splashing countless dust, and almost begged:

"We are willing to surrender to you... please... we have Slytherin's magic in our memories... we can give you immortal glory... endless wealth... and teach you how to conquer death... in immortality

Go further down the road... hiss!"

Rolf's wand tapped the bottle again, and the rooster's crow disappeared. The basilisk lay groaning on the ground, panting heavily.

"Thank you for your kindness...you are much more merciful than the descendants of Slytherin...hiss...you are such a kind guy..."

"What has Voldemort been doing hiding in the Chamber of Secrets?" Rolf asked.

"I don't know what he is doing secretly, but... you'd better come and see for yourself..."

The basilisk's vision had not yet recovered. It closed its eyes tightly and crawled hard and slowly. Rolf asked a few more questions, and it answered them honestly.

Feeling that the young man seemed to have relaxed his vigilance, the basilisk showed a sarcastic smile like a human... It was still inexperienced.

It suddenly opened its bloody mouth and bit hard in a certain direction. Wherever it looked like it was dying, humble and begging for life.

The basilisk's mouth opened wide, so big that it could swallow Rolf whole. The two rows of venomous fangs in its mouth were even colder and contained venom, like two steel knives.

Luofu snapped his fingers expressionlessly, and the vines hidden in the darkness rolled up large pieces of gravel, swung quickly and hit the basilisk hard on the head.

After all, he followed Newt and saw many magical creatures, some were treacherous, some were evil, some were vicious... he was well-informed and had experienced hundreds of battles.

How can you easily believe the words of a basilisk...especially a basilisk that has lived for nine hundred years, has not removed its fangs, has not pierced its eyes, and is still very powerful in combat!

The huge boulder hit the head, making a loud noise, and a brick fell down. The basilisk was caught off guard, its head swayed back, and its huge body with its upper body straightened also leaned back a little.

The cockcrow sounded again, and the basilisk, which did not seize the opportunity, struggled violently. This time it seemed that it really fainted and began to lie on the ground twitching feebly.

Rolf stepped on the basilisk's tail, moved forward along the snake's back, and finally stepped on the head. He held the fairy's short knife and thrust it into the basilisk's closed eyes.

Insert twice in a row.

Black blood spurted out from the basilisk's blinded eye, splashing across Rolf's face.

The young man wiped the blood on his face, then reached out and touched the bunch of bright red feathers on the basilisk's head...it was quite cute.

Luofu finally said softly:

"Be good and be obedient..."

(Adjust your schedule, try to fix the update time at nine o'clock, and send the next one later.)

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