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Chapter 96 Where is the basilisk as big as me?!

Harry's whole body was cold and his hands were trembling.

He wronged Snape and gave the Philosopher's Stone to Quirrell, which was simply a crime.

Why didn't he be more cautious, didn't listen to Professor McGonagall, and just stayed at the Quidditch match, reasoning and being heroic?

"Come on, let me modify your memory, Harry. When you wake up, you won't remember everything I said, you will only remember that it was all Snape's doing."

Quirrell said with satisfaction: "I will mourn him in school with you."

Harry struggled, he had to do something, he widened his eyes and said:

"Professor McGonagall will soon find out that I am gone. I left a letter to Rove and they will come and catch you..."

"Lying." Quirrell said disdainfully: "But even so, it doesn't matter, they should have nothing to worry about now."

"Why do you say that?!"

"The master summoned the basilisk in the secret room. It will come out along the pipe today and rush to the Quidditch pitch... It's the finals now, and many students are there." Quirrell said with a ferocious smile:

"Even if someone notices your absence, even if they want to come to rescue you, they don't have time to take care of this place. And Dumbledore is not in school either, so the plan is foolproof."

It was such a perfect plan that even Quirrell couldn't help but sigh, the Dark Lord was so thoughtful.

But at this moment, a burst of music suddenly sounded in the air.

Quirrell turned around suddenly and looked at the empty room. There was no one, but the music was getting louder and louder. The sound was ethereal, ethereal and mysterious, and it was exciting to hear it.

The flames burned out of thin air, and a crimson phoenix emerged from the flames, letting out a high-pitched cry.

"Fawkes...Did Dumbledore come back?" Quirrell asked in surprise: "Shouldn't he be in London?"

Fawkes flew straight towards Quirrell and pecked his arm. The wand fell to the ground and was kicked away by Harry who was lying on the ground.

Quirrell and Fox fought, but without a wand, he was no match for Fox.

"Quickly, go to the secret room!" A cold voice came from the back of Quirrell's head, which was wrapped in a scarf again.

"Master, are you not going to carry out the plan?" Quirrell was a little unwilling.

"Fox is here, Dumbledore might be on the way." The voice said impatiently: "We have obtained the Sorcerer's Stone, let's resurrect first..."

As long as he can be resurrected, everything will be fine!

Quirrell had no choice but to pick up Malfoy's dropped wand, turn around and run away.

Harry, who was tied to the ground, breathed a sigh of relief. Fox did not chase after him, but landed on Harry's shoulder and pecked away his rope.

Deep in the secret room,

Luofu carried the black suitcase and stood in front of a statue. He looked at the old, monkey-like face and muttered:

"Is this what Slytherin looks like? He's too ugly."

Under the statue, the boy also found two crucibles. The potion in the left crucible showed a milky white luster. The potion in the right crucible looked like thick mud and bubbled slowly.

Rolf recognized the potion on the right at a glance, especially the thick mud...it was obviously Polyjuice Potion, but no hair was added to it.

Luo Fe was excited. The polyjuice potion was difficult to brew. The potion in such a large crucible was not cheap.

I didn't expect to encounter such a good thing once I came to the secret room.

But Voldemort has been hiding in the Chamber of Secrets for so long and brewing Polyjuice Potion here. Who does he want to become?

Rolf squinted his eyes and thought for a while. He suddenly remembered that that night in the corridor of the campus hospital, Quirrell hugged Snape, struggled with him, and even pulled a bunch of hair.

At that time, Rove felt very strange. When did Quirrell become so brave? Now it seems that he did it on purpose, and then took the opportunity to take Professor Snape's hair and turn into him?

What a fight!

You must know that the taste of polyjuice potion depends on the owner of the hair. The polyjuice potion prepared by Snape's hair... probably won't taste any better.

As for the potion on the left, Rove had never seen it before, but it was probably the elixir of immortality. After all, Voldemort had been busy for so long just to steal the magic stone and brew the elixir.

I just don't know if Voldemort stole the Philosopher's Stone.

Luofu looked at the two cauldrons. They were already here, so it wouldn't be good if they didn't take something with them, right?

Luofu used the shortest time to "clean" the secret room and moved everything he could take away into the box, not even leaving behind the two emeralds embedded in the wall at the door.

He checked around to make sure nothing was pulled down, and then he was satisfied and ready to leave, but before he could leave the secret room, he saw a figure rushing over.

Quirrell did not expect to see anyone else here, and this person was Scamander. He stood there stunned for several seconds.

The scene was very embarrassing for a time.

"Professor Quirrell, hello. Didn't you go to the Quidditch final?" Rolf grabbed the black suitcase and said hello.

"No...what are you...doing here?" Quirrell had just deceived Harry, and he wanted to repeat his trick and deceive Rolf again.

"You'd better be careful...I followed Snape here...he wants to steal the Sorcerer's Stone..."

"I also followed Snape here." Rolf smiled and said:

"Professor Quirrell, I know you are a good person. Let's catch Snape together and get the Special Contribution Award to the school and the Medal of Merlin."

"Idiot, he is lying to you!" A cold voice came from Quirrell's body, the voice was high-pitched and cold: "Stop talking nonsense, kill him."

Quirrell had no choice but to raise his wand and shouted sternly: "Avada Kedavra!"

How could Rolf give Quirrell a chance? After hearing Voldemort's voice, he immediately stepped back and hid behind a rock pillar.

The green light came belatedly and hit the rock pillar, causing the rock pillar to explode into countless rubbles and stir up some flying dust.

Since Luo Fu came to the secret room, of course he had prepared a plan to be trapped inside. He knocked on the box, and a bird with fluffy feathers came out.

These are ball escapers, they can apparate and disappear out of thin air and reappear in another place.

Like the house elves, the orbs and phoenixes can apparate in Hogwarts Castle because their magic is different from that of wizards.

Not bound by the anti-Apparition magic here!

Luofu hugged the stupid ball escape bird and urged: "Let's go quickly."

The ball escape bird disappeared with a pop. Quirrell chased after it, only to find that there was no one behind the rock pillar.

"Go and see the crucible, my elixir of immortality." Voldemort roared: "And why is there so much blood on this ground... where is my basilisk!!"

Luofu carried the box and held the ball in his arms, spitting bubbles from his mouth.

He knows that the Ball Escaper has a low IQ, can't understand the wizard's words, and likes to apparate randomly, but it's not so deceptive... take him to the bottom of the Black Lake, right?

Luofu couldn't hold his breath anymore. Not far away, there was a group of mermaids holding steel forks, charging towards him.

The leading mermaid, with a sharp mouth, monkey cheeks, and a thunderous face, shouted:

"Hurry and catch him, it's this wizard who just spied on the patriarch's wife taking a shower!"


(Third update, I have coded 6,000 words today, so it is an additional update. Crow Crow is a waste (justifiably)

Continue tomorrow.)

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