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Chapter 100 Ponytail Girls Ponytail

A person is most afraid of becoming an alien and being incompatible with the people around him, so that he can easily become the focus and the object of research.

It's like driving on a highway and everyone is going the wrong way except you. Then you have to consider whether you are the one going the wrong way.

It's like everyone is posting pornographic pictures and you are the only one who reports it. Then you have to consider whether you are the pervert.

The special power displayed by Rolf is a complete outlier among wizards.

Fortunately, in the magical world, there are innate talents such as Parseltongue and Disguisemagus.

So who dares to say that Rove’s system cannot be classified among them?

Since he can be classified among them, he is not too out of the ordinary... Regardless of whether others believe it or not, Luofu believes it anyway.

"I found snakes in the pipes through Parseltongue. I remembered the legend of the Chamber of Secrets, and checked the past information. I found that Myrtle died fifty years ago, and it was also rumored that the Chamber of Secrets was opened.

I found Myrtle and asked her about what she saw before she died. Finally, in the bathroom, I successfully found the entrance, but unexpectedly I met Quirrell..."

Of course, it was impossible for Luo Fe to say that he was a time traveler and that he had known the location of the secret room for a long time. He could only come up with a set of excuses...ones that could justify himself.

As for whether Dumbledore will find out that Rolf is lying, don't worry about that. The principal generally does not use Legilimency on young wizards and ordinary people.

He has a personal bottom line and will not be like Voldemort, who wants to use Legilimency at every moment.

In other words, the reason why Dumbledore is Dumbledore, not Grindelwald or Voldemort, is because he can restrain himself and will not rely on his own strength to do things unscrupulously.

Of course, it is difficult to deceive Dumbledore because he has outstanding wisdom and outstanding insight.

Dumbledore didn't need Legilimency to easily tell whether a wizard was lying.

Fortunately, Rolf's actions in the Chamber of Secrets were enough for him to win Dumbledore's trust, especially the young man who stopped Quirrell and took back the Sorcerer's Stone...

At this moment, he took out the tempting stone from his pocket again, but without any hesitation, he handed it back...

Dumbledore likes this kid even more!

Smart, talented, kind to others, and most importantly, able to withstand temptation... He is simply an enhanced version of his younger self.

"Oh, I almost forgot about it." Dumbledore took the almost tarnished stone.

"After Harry gave the Sorcerer's Stone to Quirrell, I almost thought I had completely lost it. I never thought you could get it back."

"Rolf, I must say you did a noble and brave thing today." Dumbledore praised:

"You find the Chamber of Secrets and stop the Basilisk. I heard from Harry that Voldemort is going to put the Basilisk on the Quidditch pitch.

If he did it, it would be a disaster and I think you could get an Outstanding Contribution to the University Award."

Dumbledore placed the Sorcerer's Stone on the table and said in a gentle voice:

"Of course, I think it's not too much for you to receive the Order of Merlin. You prevented Voldemort from being resurrected... It's a pity that this is not my final say.

I just talked about something with Minister Fudge, but he thinks you are too young, and Professor Quirrell was swallowed by the devil's flames and cannot prove much. The most he can think of is that he stole the Philosopher's Stone."

"I have no intention of commenting on Minister Fudge's decision..." Dumbledore blinked and smiled: "But sometimes he is more conservative than an old man like me."

"Okay, it's time for me to leave. If I don't leave, Madam Pomfrey will rush out and drive me away. You know, she is more vicious than Professor McGonagall." Dumbledore stood up.

"Professor..." Luofu asked suddenly: "I have another question."

"Is it the last one?"

"Of course." Rolf looked at Dumbledore's back and asked seriously: "What if Voldemort really stole the Sorcerer's Stone and was resurrected?"

"Then I probably won't be very distressed." Dumbledore said in a calm voice, "Because Tom will soon discover that the magic power in this magic stone has almost been exhausted."

"After Voldemort was resurrected, the elixir of immortality would soon lose its efficacy, and then his body would rapidly age and die. He had tried hard to resurrect for several years, but the result was always a failure."

Rolf was thoughtful.

Dumbledore turned and left the room.

"Professor, you forgot to take away the Philosopher's Stone." Rolf shouted.

"It's okay, Rolf. You protected the Sorcerer's Stone from Voldemort. I believe you won't lose it. During the summer vacation, you can return it to its true owner... Good night!"

After Dumbledore left, Rolf leaned against the bedside. He picked up the stone and rubbed it gently.

Is the magic power in the Philosopher's Stone almost exhausted? Dumbledore held an almost useless stone and played with Tom while applauding.

It's really scary.

With a creak, the door suddenly opened and then closed again. Rolf raised his head, but saw no one.


A figure slowly emerged, it was Luo Fu's invisible beast Uduka, but not only her, there was also a girl hidden in the arms of the invisible beast, helping her to become invisible.

"Shirley, why are you here?" Rolf asked in surprise.

Shirley stood not far away. She raised her head with difficulty, forced out a smile that was more haggard than crying, and said:

"I came to see you... Madam Pomfrey didn't allow us to come in. Hermione begged her many times. Everyone said you..."

"I'm fine." Rolf lifted the quilt, stood up and said, "I told you before on the Quidditch field that the blood is not mine, but belongs to Quirrell and the Basilisk..."

"I'm really fine, look!" Luofu jumped out of bed and said lively:

"I also caught a basilisk and put it in the box. Did you see it? Stay away from it. That guy seems to have some mental problems. He always talks about 'we, us'. Maybe he is schizophrenic."

"Are those rumors true? Everyone is saying that Quirrell is a dark wizard, and you took back the Sorcerer's Stone..." Shirley asked, looking down at her toes.

"It's more or less the same. I'll tell you the details later." Luo Fu raised the stone on the table, shook it and said:

"The Philosopher's Stone, the earliest crystallization of alchemy, the thing that Voldemort coveted. Before he could warm it up, I chopped off his head and kicked him into the flames.

Take a look quickly..."

Shirley did not take it. The pale girl wrinkled her beautiful face and struggled not to show her cowardly side in front of Luofu.

But tears still fell from his eyes little by little.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"Nothing!" Shirley really cried, but her eyes were red and she bit her mouth to prevent herself from crying.

Luofu walked over in a hurry, and said softly: "Stop crying, am I okay?"

The girl with the ponytail just cried but didn't speak.

"Shirley, don't say anything!" Luo Fu, who was about to suffer from autism, said at a loss:

"If something like this happens again in the future, I will definitely not go there casually. Even if I want to go, I will tell you. How about you agree to my going?"

The girl raised her head and looked at Luo Fu with tears in her eyes: "Really?"

Luofu stretched out his hand to wipe her tears and said with a smile: "Of course it's true. I'm just lying to you."

"You have to write it in the work contract... If you violate the agreement, your... box will be mine..." Shirley cried and laughed, the pear blossoms were raining, but they were as bright as flowers.

Luofu also laughed. He reached out his hand and touched the ponytail of his ponytail for the first time.

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