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Chapter 1007 Director Yangs awakening

Minister Lu hated that iron could not become steel. He scolded Factory Director Yang until he opened his mouth and was speechless. Director Luo quickly smoothed things over when he saw this: "Okay, okay, Lao Lu, Xiao Yang works in the steel rolling mill."

Still pretty good.

Xiao Yang, don't worry about what Lao Lu says, he just means what he says. As his old subordinate, you don't know what Lao Lu's temper is, so you can't expect him to praise you to your face.

Don't take it seriously. The more Lao Lu talks about you, the more he values ​​you!

Usually at home, our Lao Lu always praises you and praises you for your good work in the steel rolling mill. The key is to be neither arrogant nor impatient. Many times, as long as it is beneficial to the steel rolling mill, you, the factory director, can let you go.

The factory director’s face is like that of a leader!

Lao Lu, you are the same, you still think that now is the same as before, you are still young, and Xiao Yang is even younger! How old is Xiao Yang now? He is the father of several children. The eldest son of Xiao Yang’s family is Bihong.

Xuan Duda, you want to say something to Xiao Yang but you don’t know where to choose the occasion. Xiao Yang is also a dignified factory director now. How could you let Xiao Yang come to Taiwan in front of so many people in the room?


You have to say that Factory Director Yang has a bit of a good face. Who in his right mind doesn’t have face? Not to mention that Director Yang is the director of such a large steel rolling mill!

But Director Yang often doesn't care about his own face as much as others. Especially when facing Minister Lu and Director Luo, Director Yang has never thought about what face is.

Because Director Yang was a mountain boy, Minister Lu accidentally led the troops to pass by and saved his life. In order to survive, he insisted on following Minister Lu. When Minister Lu saw that he was pitiful, he took him with him.

Whenever he had time, he taught him how to read and write, urged him to study, and also taught him how to fight. Later, Minister Lu was too busy, so Sister Luo often taught him how to study.

When Director Yang grew up, he went to the army and started working at the grassroots level. During this process, Director Lu and Sister Luo often cared about him and did not forget to urge him to study. It is precisely because of this that Director Yang was born.

A long day today.

Therefore, in Director Yang's mind, Director Lu and Sister Luo are no less important to him than his reborn parents. Every time Director Yang faces Director Lu and Sister Luo, he doesn't care about his identity and face at all.

When it's time to act bad, when it's time to be mischievous, when it's time to be mischievous, it's completely like a child who hasn't grown up!

Director Lu's words just now did not make Director Yang feel embarrassed. The first thing Director Yang felt was that he had let down his old leader again. Then he calmed down and thought about it, and then suddenly realized that the old leader

You are right. Ever since Duan Hongxuan took out the first machine tool drawing for the steel rolling mill, he, including all the leading cadres of their steel rolling mill, seemed to have taken Duan Hongxuan to help their steel rolling mill as a matter of course. Whenever he encountered a problem, he would

They immediately thought of looking for Duan Hongxuan and completely regarded Duan Hongxuan as their support!

Director Yang suddenly broke into a cold sweat when he thought of this. What the old leader said was true. Since Duan Hongxuan appeared, leaders like them seem to have really lost their spirit of self-innovation and relying on themselves in everything!

Factory Director Yang raised his head and looked at the angry-looking Minister Lu on the sofa opposite, and said with shame: "Old leader, your criticism is right!

I just thought about some of the things that happened this year, and then thought about some of my actions and thoughts. As you criticized, I have completely regarded Hongxuan as our steel rolling mill.

As our backer and savior, we always feel that as long as Hongxuan is here, we don’t have to worry about anything. We completely forget that we have to rely on ourselves for everything and our steel rolling mill’s own abilities!

Sister Luo, you know that I don’t care when or what my position is. As long as I am in front of you and the old leader, I don’t care about face. Besides, the old leader was right to criticize you just now. He criticized me.

It’s also for my own good!

Old leader, I have remembered what you just said, don’t worry, just watch my actions from now on, I won’t let you down!”

Minister Lu's eyes flashed, and he looked at Director Yang with a little surprise. Seeing Director Yang's resolute expression, Minister Lu knew that what Director Yang said was completely from his heart. It seemed that he really wanted to understand.

, Minister Lu couldn't help but smiled with relief and said: "Well, not bad! It seems that you, the factory director, have not completely lost your head, and there is still hope!

It doesn't matter if you make mistakes, the key is to be able to realize your mistakes in time and correct them in time!

Well, just like what you, Sister Luo, said, you are not young anymore and are already the father of several children. In a few years, you should also be a grandfather!

Alas! Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, that skinny mountain boy who fainted from hunger on the roadside is now the director of a large factory with tens of thousands of people, and will soon become a grandfather!

Old, really old!”

"Lao Lu, why are you so old? Stop lamenting there. Our biological son is not yet one month old. When our child grows up and gets a wife in the future, when you become a grandfather, you won't be able to lament anymore.

Not too late!

Now come here, if you don't see the child awake, you, the father, come over quickly and see if the child has peed!"

"Pfft!" Minister Lu, who just now was lamenting that time makes us grow old, was suddenly beaten to a pulp by Director Luo with a stick. This sudden turn made Minister Lu almost choke on his own saliva!

When Duan Hongxuan saw Minister Lu, he was stunned at first, but soon turned into a look of embarrassment and helplessness, and almost laughed out loud!

Duan Hongxuan suppressed his laughter and said quickly: "What, um, it's time to make lunch.

Uncle Yang, bring me the good ingredients you brought, let me see what good ingredients you brought today!"

Factory Director Yang has followed Minister Lu for so many years and knows his old leader very well. He almost couldn't hold back his laughter just now. When he heard Duan Hongxuan's words, he quickly opened the bag he brought and introduced it to Duan Hongxuan.

When Duan Hongxuan saw it, he was immediately surprised and said: "Oh! Good fellow, Uncle Yang, you are really a little tricked this time!

Let me take a look, you have squid and sea cucumbers here, okay. Where did you get them? Oh, and there is also a pretty big hairtail fish.

Huh? You got two pheasants! Oh, and two hares!

What kind of meat is this? It seems to be venison?"

"Huh? Didn't you see it, Hongxuan? Even the skin on this hind leg was peeled off and you could actually identify it as venison. It's not easy. You deserve such good cooking skills!

Look at this again, can you recognize what this is? If you can recognize this, I will really admire you!"

As he said that, Director Yang took out a few killed and skinned chicken-like things from the bag and proudly gave them to Duan Hongxuan.

Duan Hongxuan looked at it and looked at Director Yang in surprise. Director Yang thought that Duan Hongxuan couldn't recognize it, so he immediately became excited: "How is it? You didn't recognize this! Hehe, let me tell you, this is the real

I asked my old comrades in arms to help me get these good things after a lot of favors!

If I told you what this is, a good cook like you would jump for joy!"

Duan Hongxuan looked at Factory Director Yang with contempt: "That's it? I admit that your stuff is pretty good and can be regarded as top-quality ingredients, but I didn't say I didn't know it. Besides, I'm not a cook.


"Huh? You know all these things? It's impossible!

As far as I know, you have never left the capital since you were a child. This kind of food is not found on the ground in the capital. Where did you know it? You don’t think of this thing as a chicken!"

The conversation between Director Yang and Duan Hongxuan immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the room. Director Luo was curious: "Xiao Yang, where did you find such a good thing? You dare to say that Hongxuan doesn't even know it? Let me see!"

"Sister Luo, let me first ask Hong Xuan to identify what this is! Hong Xuan, you said you know it, then can you tell me what it is?"

Duan Hongxuan said disdainfully: "Tsk! Isn't it just a flying dragon? It's like you've never seen it before!"

"Oh! You really know me! Yes, you are awesome!"

"Flying dragon? What is this? Let me see quickly. Is there really a dragon in the world?" Director Luo quickly urged after hearing about the flying dragon. Others were also very curious and stretched their necks.

Duan Hongxuan raised the flying dragon in his hand. Everyone looked at it curiously. Qin Jingru said strangely: "Brother Hongxuan, isn't this a killed chicken cub? Why is it called a flying dragon again?"

"Haha! This is not a chick. This is a wild animal in the Northeast called hazel pheasant. It is a bit like a pheasant, but not as big as a pheasant and does not have as beautiful feathers! It is called "Fei" in Manchu

"Yelenggu" means "chicken on the tree". Later, its homophonic pronunciation was adopted and it was called "flying dragon".

This is a very delicious ingredient! As the saying goes, dragon meat is in the sky and donkey meat is underground. This dragon meat does not refer to the legendary dragon, but this kind of flying dragon!

You are in for a treat today, these are the most delicious when used to make soup! Okay, let’s not talk about it anymore, just for these flying dragons that Director Yang brought, I have to cook them myself today!

Jingru, let’s go cook, I’ll teach you how to cook these ingredients today!”

This chapter has been completed!
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