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Chapter 1119 Factory Director Yang who is acting rogue

Director Yang and Director Lin finally drank the good tea from Duan Hongxuan's house, had a delicious dinner at Duan Hongxuan's house, and of course drank fine wine, which made Director Yang and Director Lin very satisfied.

They came to Duan Hongxuan's house for two purposes. One was to continue to be close to Duan Hongxuan so that they could talk to him if anything happened in the future.

Another purpose, of course, is to stop by for a sip of good tea and wine, and then have a good meal to satisfy your cravings!

As for the two people discussing in the office that they wanted Duan Hongxuan to give them another steel formula, Director Yang felt that there was no rush. The smelting workshop was currently being expanded and renovated, and they were going all out to increase the production of existing special steel. For the time being,

We don't have time to spare the furnace to experiment with the new steel formula process, so even if we get the formula now, we won't be able to use it for a while.

Moreover, there are still several machine tools that have not been put into production in the machine tool workshop of the steel rolling mill. Whether it is machine tools or steel formulas, these were all brought out by Duan Hongxuan. Now their steel rolling mill has not finished digesting what Duan Hongxuan gave them, but they are asking others for it.

Asking for something seems a bit inappropriate no matter how you look at it. It seems that they are a bit greedy. This is not good!

What Director Yang wants is to wait until they have digested all Duan Hongxuan’s things, and then he will come to Duan Hongxuan to pretend to be pitiful and complain. You see, we have digested the things you gave us in the steel rolling mill, but because these things are too good, they are watched by the superiors.

The steel formula has been taken away, and even several types of machine tools have been taken away by superiors. Our factory has nothing new now. With our friendship and our factory’s continuous support for him, his big show is the only one that can win.

In support of your rolling mill?

Although Director Yang looks rough and careless on the surface, he is a rough but not subtle person and has few clever ideas. Director Yang is already thinking bad and wants to come to Duan Hongxuan as soon as possible. This is really annoying to me.

I have a bad relationship with you, so wait until the relationship is really on point before you start talking about it!

Today we drank bad tea, drank bad wine, and ate bad vegetables and bad rice. Moreover, Director Yang’s deliberateness caused him to act like a factory director at all, and he regarded himself as a

Ordinary elders, when we were eating, drinking and chatting, we talked and laughed with He Yueyue and you, and even deliberately teased you a few words to Huahua and Dadang. However, the first two eldest girls soon became familiar with Director Yang.

At the very end, she was even held by Director Yang and acted coquettishly outside Director Yang's arms.

Lu Caibo's lips twitched when he saw Director Yang's various behaviors. How could I tell that Director Yang didn't do it on purpose? If Director Yang could be so deliberate, he must be doing something bad.

However, Lu Caibo was disgusted with Director Yang's indifference. No one has his or her own vision and big ideas. The key is to see how he uses his big ideas and big thoughts. If they are used to act against the will of the wind, in the end

The purpose is purely for self-interest, and even if you are smiling and then stabbing him in front of your back, that kind of person is disgusting!

Director Yang laughed proudly when he saw Duan Hongxuan's talkative expression, and said proudly to Lu Caibo: "How about Hongxuan, have you seen what his Uncle Yang can do?"

That kind of performance and purpose are not disgusting, and based on Lu Caibo's long-term evaluation of Factory Director Yang, that person has any good intentions and will deliberately harm others. In addition, he does not have a relationship like Minister Lu.

, so who can teach Duan Hongxuan how he feels about Director Yang!

Hongxuan, he has no fate with your steel rolling mill. You know that with his talent, when he graduates from graduate school, your large steel rolling mill will not be able to accommodate him, and he may also be assigned to your steel rolling mill!

It seems that when Uncle Lu commented on him, he said that he was shameless and shameless in order to achieve his goal, and he was not concerned about what others would think. He was really wrong!"

Let's just say that, he will come to your steel rolling mill on Monday afternoon, Director Lin will accompany Hongxuan, and at noon you will call all the leaders outside the factory and ask Comrade He Yuzhu to ruin the whole table in the front kitchen.

You treat Hongxuan badly!

But no matter how you say, he is not that close to your steel rolling factory. In the past, if your factory had nothing to do and found his head, he could refuse. If so, you would have to play tricks with him at his place.


"Hehehehe, Hongxuan, if you understand, it's all for work! Which method you use on whomever you use depends entirely on what your factory director uses. You are just cooperating with the factory director's work. Work requires work!"

The strange thing is that Uncle Lu said that he, Director Yang, was acting shady and causing headaches. You have seen it today.

Duan Hongxuan was laughing and crying: "You said something bad, Director Yang, Director Lin?

As for the image of your factory, he is worried about it. You should pay attention to the leaders and comrades of the brother units when you receive them. He goes out to inquire about the comrades from the brother units you receive. Which one of us gives a little thumbs up to your steel rolling mill!


But in reality, like Factory Director Yang, he kept his thoughts clearly behind the scenes and told Duan Hongxuan clearly that you were not here to displease him. As for the ultimate goal, Duan Hongxuan wanted to do something wrong but also wanted to do something for him.

The steel rolling mill wants some bad things from me.

What was the final result? Although you were known as a shameless ne'er-do-well in your army, your soldiers suffered the most casualties in every battle, so it was worth it!"

Duan Hongxuan said with a bad smile: "According to Director Lin's wishes, all his dependable energy will be used on you!"

I didn't come here to eat because I wanted to eat the dishes that Duan Hongxuan cooked. But when I thought about it, Duan Hongxuan was lazy. For those two dishes, Director Yang expressed his dissatisfaction weakly and persisted in his behavior. Duan Hongxuan was forced to do so.

Naicai went to the kitchen to cook two dishes.

Duan Hongxuan rolled his eyes meaningfully: "It's strange that Uncle Lu often said that Director Yang can't be soft-hearted towards him. If he does, he will immediately hit the snake and follow the stick.

He Yuyu, the elders we usually come into contact with are some of the elders from Qiheyuan, and they are not Wei, Lao Lu, Director, Director Wang and us, but none of those people are like Director Yang, who care about their image in front of us.

, then He Yuyu and you will no longer have a bad impression of Director Yang to take a step back.

"Hahaha! Lao Lin, you're so bad!"

Not Director Lin yet, no wonder Director Yang valued him so much. After working for a long time, he and Director Yang cooperated so well. He, the director of the factory office, learned what is bad, and he had to follow that scoundrel factory manager to imitate my scoundrel style.


After talking for a long time, the two of them were talking back and forth. He said something to you, and you even interrupted or backed away. Is that called bad talk?

Factory Director Yang is so satisfied with Director Lin. The old guy cooperates so well with him. Let’s see what Lu Caibo will do. He will tell the scholar when he encounters soldiers.

Bing used his trick to defeat that great scholar today, hahaha!

By the way, your factory's original technical department is now called the Research Institute. The small building of the Research Institute has not yet been built and has been officially opened. The technical staff of the Research Institute usually talk about him a lot, but now when they mention him, they

Call him Teacher Da Duan, let’s see when that teacher doesn’t have time to go to your factory and research institute to guide the work!”

If you care about your own face, the final result is not a battle. You may have to die less and lose fewer soldiers. You may have to trade the lives of the soldiers in your hands for your face. You are willing to do that kind of thing, and you are not willing to do it.


Even though they were co-writing a sentence with you, they just arranged your time in just a few words!

"Hahaha, Hongxuan, your factory office director is not mainly cooperating with your factory director's work. You can do whatever the factory director wants you to do!

Those are your soldiers. You are our subordinate commander. Of course you have to be responsible for your soldiers. You have to lead us to win the battle and at the same time increase our casualties as much as possible!

"Hahaha! You don't care what other people think of me. What's wrong with being a brazen and shameless person? As long as you can get the bad things done, why do you need to be shameless?

Director Lin nodded with emotion after hearing what Director Yang said: "Although you have served as a soldier and served as a soldier under Director Yang, your office director usually has the least contact with the director outside the factory.

You are convinced from the bottom of your heart by Director Yang’s actions!"

Duan Hongxuan was rolling his eyes with disdain. Director Lin had to helplessly smile bitterly, but Director Yang was still arrogant and did not care at all. Duan Hongxuan was really convinced.

Director Yang's two goals - to eat and drink there, and to take a step back to strengthen his relationship with Duan Hongxuan - were achieved. However, Director Yang regretted that although the dinner was sumptuous, there were only two of them.

The dishes were cooked by Duan Hongxuan himself, and the rest of the dishes were cooked by Qin Jingru, which made Director Yang very satisfied.

"Yeah! That's wrong. Hongxuan is idle anyway. He will go to your factory's research institute on Monday to guide the work and give guidance to those guys who are very technical!

He is the director of the factory office of the steel rolling mill. One of his jobs is not to deal with the leaders of other units and entertain people. He can more or less represent the image of their steel rolling mill. He has learned so much from their factory director.

Son, he is also afraid of affecting the image of their steel rolling mill and letting other units see their jokes. The director of the factory office of the dignified steel rolling mill is actually a scoundrel. Their steel rolling mill wants to make other units laugh out loud!"

Hongxuan, let’s just say that, you’ll be waiting for him outside the factory on Monday!”

Waiting for Duan Hongxuan to reply, Director Lin immediately continued: "You see, Hongxuan seems to be quite leisurely now. If it's Hongxuan, he will take time to visit your factory on Monday!"

Even the two big girls Huahua and Dadang were embarrassed in Director Yang's face when they saw Director Yang cheating, but Director Yang didn't care, and instead deliberately teased the two big girls, in order to get along with Duan Hongxuan

Dear, Director Yang is really lucky to be able to do that job!

Director Yang's arrogance made He Yuyu and me laugh so hard that our stomachs hurt. Did you think that the director of the Tangtang Steel Rolling Mill could do that just to eat the dishes cooked by Lu Caibo himself? Moreover, Director Yang

That act of cheating made He Yuyu and you take a step back in your hearts and strengthened Director Yang's identity as the director of the steel rolling mill. You completely regarded Director Yang as an ordinary and sensible elder who could joke and compare with us.


Just like when you were leading troops now, if you care about your own face, then the soldiers you have will be short of guns, ammunition, clothing and food. How can you fight? Even if you take the battlefield, you will still have combat effectiveness. What's more important is that

The casualties are still huge!

Director Yang laughed: "Hahaha, Lao Lin, it doesn't matter whether he is convinced by you or not, as long as he does his job badly!

This chapter has been completed!
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