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Chapter 1289: Busy Duan Hongxuan and others

He Yuyu and the others knew that the time to leave was getting closer and closer, and they learned from Duan Hongxuan that once they left, it would be impossible for them to come back to see their families for at least ten to eight years, although they didn't know why Duan Hongxuan said that.

, but out of their absolute trust in Duan Hongxuan, He Yuyu and the others believed that what Duan Hongxuan said was true.

The three of them felt uncomfortable when they thought that they would not be able to see their relatives for ten years after leaving. Therefore, during this period, the three of them wanted to spend more time with their relatives!

He Yuyu is simple. Apart from his father, who doesn't know where he is now, his only relative is his brother who lives next door. Now he has a sister-in-law and a nephew, so it is convenient to meet him, and he can see him almost every day.

In addition, Shazhu didn't know why he suddenly became interested in learning boxing and kicking kung fu. He came over to practice kung fu with He Yuyu every day after dinner.

He Yuyu taught seriously, and Shazhu was willing to endure hardships. The two brothers taught and practiced each other and even bickered from time to time, and their relationship became closer.

He Yuyu has also been very affectionate towards Li's sister-in-law and nephew recently, which makes both Shazhu and Yu Li feel a little strange. Why is this sister (sister-in-law) so clingy to them recently, especially to their son, who often either hugs or hugs them?

Honey, I almost can’t put it down.

Although the young couple feels strange and don't know why, after all, this is their only biological sister (sister-in-law). The young couple feels quite happy to be so close to their own family. This is good, it is like a close relationship to warm up the whole family.


Yu Haitang's relationship with her parents is average. The best relationship in the family is with her sister Yu Li, so she is very affectionate with Yu Li every day. It even makes Yu Li feel that her sister is a bit clingy, like following her around all day long when she was a child.

Later, the younger sister was older and the younger sister was younger. Yu Li was a little puzzled as to why this younger sister kept living longer and longer.

In addition to hanging out with Yu Li every day, Yu Haitang used to go back home once a month, but now she goes back every week. Every time she goes back, she brings some meat, eggs, etc. to eat at home.

After a meal, he secretly left a few dollars to his brother.

Although Yu Haitang has a normal relationship with her parents, she doesn't have any opinions about her younger brother because of her parents' preference. On the contrary, she loves this younger brother who is spoiled by her parents. Rather than saying that she goes home every week, she just wants to see her family.

It's better to have a meal just to see my brother a few more times.

Qin Jingru's family is in the countryside, a little far away, but she has a good relationship with her family, both her parents and her brothers.

Although Qin Jingru is a girl, it is said that the patriarchal mentality in the countryside is more serious, but maybe it is because she is the only girl in the family. On the contrary, the whole family loves him, the only precious daughter in the family, not to mention how much their parents prefer her.

, at least she can treat her younger brother equally, and the two older brothers also take good care of her younger sister. Therefore, in general, Qin Jingru does not feel the injustice of favoring boys over girls. Because of this, she has a good relationship with her family.


Now it seems that she will leave in half a year, and this departure is really a long journey, and she will not be able to see her family again for ten years, so Qin Jingru is the most uncomfortable.

In this regard, Duan Hongxuan asked Qin Jingru and Yu Haitang to go home every week to have a meal and chat with their families, see more of their families, and of course, bring big and small bags home every time they go home.

Take something with you and leave a few dollars when you leave.

Duan Hongxuan has warned a few people that although he doesn't care about this little money, they should never leave too much money to their families. Just leave a few dollars each time. Giving too much money to your family is sometimes not a good thing, especially when

In the countryside of Qin Jingru, if you give your family too much money at once, not only the family will be affected, but if other people in the village find out, they will inevitably be remembered, and even more serious people will doubt the origin of the money, and then

If you have any bad thoughts again, report it.

Although they are not afraid of any reports, let alone someone coming to investigate, they are not troublesome after all.

What's more, Duan Hongxuan has repeatedly warned the three of them to keep a low profile recently and not draw attention to themselves, so that when they disappear for no reason one day, they will be as unnoticed as possible.

Si Zhu was not short of money, so He Yuyu didn't bother to give money to Si Zhu. Although Yu Haitang and Qin Jingru would leave some money for their families every time they went home, they followed Duan Hongxuan's instructions and only left three yuan each time.

Don't leave more than five yuan, so it won't look out of place, and the family can accept it.

Duan Hongxuan is also making some preparations. On the one hand, he is making some arrangements for the steel rolling mill. On the other hand, he is also preparing to leave something for Mr. Wei's family. Mainly, he is leaving some medical things for Mr. Wei, such as dialectical diagnosis and medication.

Regarding acupuncture, as well as some massage and bone setting, Duan Hongxuan personally considered and summarized each aspect and wrote it into a book. He believed that with these, Mr. Wei could take his medical skills to a higher level.

The children of Mr. Wei's family can also choose to delve deeply into a certain aspect according to Mr. Wei's arrangements and their own preferences.

As for Minister Lu, there is no need for special preparations. On the contrary, they will still need Minister Lu's help when they leave under what name.

There is no need for Director Wang's side. He really doesn't lack anything. The only thing is that housing is a bit tight. However, Duan Hongxuan has long planned to let the boss and his family move here after he leaves. This will temporarily solve the housing problem of Director Wang's family.


Duan Hongxuan planned to leave and go to Hong Kong Island to get rid of Minister Lu, and then tell Director Wang and his wife. As for Mr. Wei, he planned to keep it a secret, so he would not tell him.

Because Duan Hongxuan finally saw that Mr. Wei and his wife were purely academic talents and had no sensitivity at all to political matters. Precisely because they were too insensitive in this regard, Duan Hongxuan was afraid that one day they would accidentally express something with emotion.

He let it slip, maybe it would cause Mr. Wei trouble just because of their relationship as senior fellow apprentices.

With the temperament of Mr. Wei and his wife, when the special period comes, Director Wang and Minister Lu only need to remind Mr. Wei more, and with Mr. Wei's special status as an imperial doctor, as long as they pay a little attention, they should be safe and sound.

Get through that special period.

While Duan Hongxuan was secretly making preparations and arrangements for leaving, Uncle Li, who lived in the front yard of the courtyard next door and was often seen in a hurry, suddenly arrived one day, giving Duan Hongxuan suddenly something new to do.

On Friday afternoon, Uncle Li suddenly came to the door. Duan Hongxuan quickly greeted Uncle Li warmly.

Ran Qiuye had been married to Uncle Li for almost half a year, and this was the first time he saw this neighbor who lived across the door from them, so he looked at him curiously.

Uncle Li was holding a large cloth bag in his hand and a black locomotive hat on his head. He went into the house and took off the hat, revealing his gray hair.

He has a small round mirror on his nose and a dark blue cotton robe on his body. His whole person feels calm and gentle. When he speaks, he is neither hasty nor impatient and speaks clearly. It feels like he is facing a very knowledgeable old gentleman.

Qin Jingru served tea to Uncle Li. Uncle Li picked up the teacup and sniffed it lightly. Then he raised his head and said dissatisfied to Duan Hongxuan: "You boy, I rarely come to your place once, but you are reluctant to bring out your good tea for me to enjoy."


Although your tea is considered to be of the highest quality, it is still not as good as the best tea in my hand. You don’t know how to respect your elders at all!”

Duan Hongxuan quickly said half-jokingly: "How dare I not serve you with good tea when you are here? You have to be honest, do you dare to say that the tea in your hand is bad?"

"Hmph! I admit that this tea is also rare and good, but don't you have a better tea? Are you really so stingy?"

"Hehehe, Uncle Li, look what you said, I can't be stingy with anyone but I can't be stingy with you! You drink this tea first, good tea is prepared for you. When you leave later, there will be a jar of good wine and a bag of good tea.

,How is it? Are you satisfied?"

"Oh? Haha, it would be okay if that were the case!

But speaking of you, you are young and not bad at all. Why do you put your mind on thinking about these things? You are brewing wine and making tea. This is not something that you, a young man, should think about!

You said that for a person of my age who has lived for most of his life and has sons and grandsons, he should retire in a few years. I have worked hard for most of my life and now I should enjoy my life. Then I will be fine.

It makes sense to think about brewing wine, making tea, etc. At your age, you should focus more on studying, and after graduation, you should focus on work.

It's a waste of your youth and your clever brain to spend so much time on these things of your own taste and taste!"

"Yes, what Uncle Li is saying is that we young people should not spend too much thought on these palatable things!

But Uncle Li, this is not something I have been willing to put effort into in the past few years. This is not because my master was lazy in the past, but he is an old man like you and feels that he should enjoy it when he is old, so naturally it should be me.

I became an apprentice to serve his old man, and then I was forced to spend my time learning these things at a young age. Do you think it’s easy for me?”

"Hahaha! So that's what happened, it's interesting!

It’s really hard for you to meet such a lazy master!

Okay, no more chatting with you, I still have serious business today.

No, didn't you tell me to pay attention to some ancient books last time? These are all I have recently collected. I will show them to you. If you like them, you can keep them, but you have to give me the money!

These books are brought to our store for consignment or sold directly to our store!

I’ll have to take back the books you didn’t like in a while!”

"Look what you said, of course I have to give you the money. I would be very grateful if you helped me collect these books. How can I let you spend money!"

"Haha, okay, you can read the books yourself here! These are all picked by my old man. Although some books are of good age, the content is totally useless in my old man's opinion, so I didn't get them for you.


As he spoke, Uncle Li put the big cloth bag in his hand on the coffee table.

This chapter has been completed!
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