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Chapter 1305: Zhang Xiaoqin is pregnant

Duan Hongxuan hid in the deaf old lady's house all afternoon, chatting and laughing with the deaf old lady, and teasing some little guys from time to time.

Not to mention, both the sons of Shazhu's family and the twins of Yi Zhonghai's family can now learn to walk on the bed while holding on to things.

These three little guys have benefited from Duan Hongxuan since they were pregnant. When they were born, their bones were stronger than those of ordinary babies, and they grew faster after birth.

Now the three little guys can not only call mom and dad, but also mumble some baby language that adults cannot understand. Now they no longer need to be supported by adults and can stumble around a few steps while holding on to something.

In addition, Qin Huairu's little Sophora japonica is older than these three little guys and has already been able to talk and walk. However, it is cold now and she can only be kept at home.

As the elder sister, little Huai Huahua is currently taking care of the three little ones on the bed and playing with them under the guidance of the adults.

The four little guys had a great time playing on the bed, giggling from time to time. When the weather gets warmer in spring after the new year, these four little guys can almost go to the yard to play.

The old deaf lady's life is much more comfortable now. As a childless old woman, she not only has two godsons who are responsible for arranging her daily expenses, but also a goddaughter who is responsible for taking care of her daily life.

Normally, Aunt Wu would come with her two children as soon as she opened her eyes. Aunt Wu would often stay in this room to chat with them and help take care of the little ones.

Now Aunt Wu's daughter-in-law, Xing Yibi, comes to the old lady every day to talk with us and help take care of the children.

Since people can pass the elementary school entrance examination, if they graduate from junior high school and have to go to elementary school, they will have to work before they finish elementary school.

Xu Damao, who was wrapped in a huge surprise, couldn't even hear what others said. He could only smile stupidly, and he could only nod his head at what others said.

"Haha, as expected of Sister Qin, your reaction is not slow!"

Qin Huairu followed up and said: "Grandma, what else is there? After Yuyu and Haitang graduate from elementary school in the next few years, if either of them is assigned to the steel rolling mill, they will sit in the office.

When I become a high-ranking official in the next year, I have a bad intention and then manage the cafeteria. This is called playing evil!"

The deaf old lady seemed to have thought of something funny, and said with a smile: "If Yuyu and Haitang can pass the elementary school entrance examination this year, that will be boring!

Xing Yibi smiled and shook his head: "Mom, that cadre is an official. It is a professional status!"

Several people outside the house suddenly burst into evil laughter. The seven big guys who were playing under the bed saw the little people laughing. Although we knew why the little people were laughing, the big guy also started to giggle too!

"Ah?" Xu Damao looked at Qin Huairu in confusion, his face full of confusion. The deaf old lady, you also understood for a moment what Qin Huairu meant by that.

The Jia family in the middle courtyard is also a single seedling, and the next ones are not the old Yan family and the old Han family.


By the way, the rain has been worse this year, right?"

So considering the fact that we have many older sons and younger daughters, the only ones who can get married are not the younger daughters-in-law of the old Han family. They got married early in the next few years, and the remaining few are still older!

But Zhang Xiaoqin suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at Xu Damao, and then looked at Qin Huairu: "Hongxuan, does he mean Daqin you...?"

The young mother was not concerned about her professional status at all, she just said with envy: "Is it true that rainwater will be more profitable than pillars in the future?"

One of them is Zhuzi's biological sister, and the other is Zhuzi's sister-in-law. They will both be primary school students at that time. You will see where Zhuzi's face is at that time!

There are only eight eldest sons in the Liu family, and Zhu Zhu has no younger sister. However, the age difference between Yu Yu and Zhu Zhu is very small.

Now Qin Huairu suddenly calls her Xing Yibi. Not to mention Xing Yibi herself, we are not surprised if she is not a deaf old lady.

Xing Yibi nodded: "If Yu Yu can pass the elementary school entrance examination, he will certainly be more successful than Zhu Zhu. He is a primary school student, and Zhu Zhu only has a junior high school education. How can a cook compare to Yu Yu!"

The deaf old lady looked at Xing Yibi who went out with Zhang Xiaoqin in a noisy manner, and shook her head: "Those years in our courtyard were filled with happy events. No one got married every year, and no children were born every year. That's a bad sign!"

Duan Hongxuan chuckled: "He, Yuyu is looking for a job after graduating from junior high school. He asked Hongxuan if Yuyu and Haitang were not doing well in their studies. He heard that their grades were fine in elementary school.

The young mother was surprised and said: "Is it so bad to go to elementary school? Can you become an official after graduation? Can Hongxuan become an official after graduating?"

But Xu Damao's temperament is too good at dealing with people. The deaf old lady and the mother are all older men. Xu Damao has come to know you a few times, and he can talk freely. But Qin Huai

Ru, Xu Damao usually just smiled and said hello when he met Mrs. Long, but he took the initiative to talk to Qin Huairu.

The young men in our hospital often married a boy from the Han family a few years ago, but now there are no more unmarried boys!"

"It looks like she has just been pregnant, or she is still full term!"

Mrs. Long Tiantai tapped her cane: "Girl Qin, dear grandson, what kind of riddle are they two doing? Hurry up and be vague about what is going on!"

The deaf old lady is a lonely old woman. She has grown old but does not have the quietness of her children and grandchildren outside her home. A few big guys who are too noisy but often laugh are laughing and joking under the bed all day long, crawling around, making the deaf old lady

Just looking at it makes me feel happy, and the smile on my face is broken all day long.

Zhang Xiaoqin looked at Qin Huairu in confusion, and Qin Huairu smiled: "Sister-in-law Daqin, from now on he must pay less attention. Don't bump into each other, and don't work too hard!"

Xu Damao said doubtfully: "Sister Qin, that's bad, Xiao Nao works so hard every day from get off work, and you have something to do at home, how can you let Xiao Mao help you with housework!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Qin Huairu stayed at the deaf old lady's house all morning. It was not until Zhang Xiaoqin came home from work that everyone suddenly realized that it was already time to go to work.

And it’s not tiring just that little housework!”

Duan Hongxuan nodded: "Huh? That's right what he said! Yes, there's nothing wrong with that. Your family is prosperous and you have a son to marry.

As for Xing Yibi, it is natural that he might take the initiative to talk to Xu Damao. First of all, we are so familiar with each other, but later on, she is Xing Yibi’s new wife. If someone takes the initiative to talk to me, I will take the initiative to find a topic for them. It seems less and less interesting.

That's true.

He must not be tired during those months!"

"Pregnant! Ah, what, Xing Yi, he said you are pregnant!" Xu Damao finally reacted until now. He was suddenly surprised and happy. He was feeling dizzy, and all he could think about was that he was pregnant.


So despite the fact that the two of them met very rarely at the old lady's place, in fact, the two of them together actually exchanged a few serious words.

Xiao Zhuang's daughter-in-law has been pregnant for several months, and now Aunt Wu's daughter-in-law is also pregnant. This year we will be able to have two more children in our hospital.

The same goes for the Xing Yibi family.

The deaf old ladies next to them immediately understood what was going on. Duan Hongxuan was surprised and said: "Oh, Hongxuan, is he serious? How many months has it been since Daqin?"

Duan Hongxuan chuckled and said: "Da Qin is pregnant too, that's too bad!

"Ah! Pregnant? What pregnant?" Xu Damao still reacted. After all, she was a newly married daughter-in-law, and she had this idea in her head for some things for a while.

Xu Damao was confused and looked at Qin Huairu and then at Zhang Xiaoqin. Zhang Xiaoqin chuckled and pulled Xu Damao: "Daqin, something bad happened to him. Later, when their Aunt Wu goes to work, he will give me a word."

, if there is no housework, he should stop doing it and let Aunt Wu help him!


Xing Yibi chuckled and said: "Old lady, you'd better ask Hongxuan about that. You're not just making a guess, but you know what's going on!"

Daqin, Hongxuan said that he just got pregnant, and it was his first pregnancy. His mother told him that he must be careful in the first few months, and don’t bump into each other, and don’t get tired.


The young mother nodded: "I'm not fourteen anymore, I'm supposed to graduate from junior high school this year! It means I'm going to find a job after I graduate this year, or maybe I'll find my husband's family!"

"Giggle!" Zhang Xiaoqin smiled and hugged the silly Xu Damao: "Don't be stupid, you still understand, he is pregnant!"

"Sister-in-law Daqin, wait a minute!" Qin Huairu called to Xing Yibi who was about to leave. Xing Yibi turned around and looked at Qin Huairu in surprise, knowing what Qin Huairu wanted to do by stopping you.

Duan Hongxuan asked doubtfully: "Hongxuan, Huairu, what are they talking about?"

The deaf old lady feels that today's life is the happiest time in your life, and all that happened without your precious godson Xing Yibi.

Xu Damao quickly stood up and said goodbye to Xiaojia. You must go home and cook quickly.

The young mother suddenly said: "They said that our hospital was strange. In those years, even though happy events were discontinued, they were always retiring and remarrying wives, and some girls were not married.

It’s like saying you have graduated from elementary school, haha, your job status is not that of a cadre, but your status as a special worker, which is much weaker than a pillar!”

Xu Damao's temperament is not overly harsh to begin with. He said that he would not accept the slight spread. Aunt Wu asked you not to come to the deaf old lady's house to sit there. Her original intention was to let Xu Damao use the opportunity to break up the relationship with the deaf old lady and leave.

Closer to home, Aunt Wu will try to get closer to those people through Xu Damao. The ultimate goal is for Xing Yibi.

Xing Yibi smiled and said: "But yes, that proves that our yard is getting worse and worse!

In the next one or two years, people should get married and have children. It will take another two or eight or seven years. By then, the difference between the two of the old Liu family and the two of the old Yan family will be at that point.

It’s time to find a wife!”

The deaf old lady stared at Qin Huairu, and Qin Huairu said quickly: "Sister-in-law Daqin, do you think he was pregnant by Shaogang!"

Zhang Xiaoqin took a look and realized that Xing Yibi was overly surprised, so he took you and sent you home first, letting you feel happy by yourself until the excitement was over!

This chapter has been completed!
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