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Chapter 699: The first lady is famous for being pregnant, Duan Hongxuan is in trouble

Ever since he found out that his eldest mother was pregnant, Yi Zhonghai smiled all day long when he saw everyone and was full of energy in the workshop. He hurried home as soon as he got off work. The co-workers were all curious about Yi Zhonghai's strange behavior. Later,

The people in the machine tool workshop somehow learned that Yi Zhonghai's daughter-in-law was pregnant with twins. They all congratulated and teased Yi Zhonghai. Yi Zhonghai also responded cheerfully and promised everyone in the machine tool workshop office that he would wait until next year for him.

When your child is born, you must have wine in the courtyard to celebrate and invite everyone to drink in their courtyard!

The news that the eldest mother was pregnant caused a sensation not only in the small area of ​​the steel rolling mill, but also in the courtyard and even in the entire alley. After all, Yi Zhonghai was a rare eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill and was also the manager of the courtyard.

, not only has a high salary, but also has a very good external image, and is somewhat of a celebrity!

Moreover, because the couple had never had children, and they had been seeking medical treatment everywhere in the past few years, but there was no improvement at all, making Yi Zhonghai famous not only in the circles he was familiar with at the steel rolling mill, but also in the entire alley!

Many people can't help but gloat about their misfortune and say something behind their backs, "Yi Zhonghai is still an eighth-level worker, what's the point of having a high salary? You don't even have a son and a half. When you retire in the future, you two will be around you when you get old."

There was no one who could even ask for help, give water or medicine, let alone deliver it to the couple!

But now, all of a sudden, the couple, both in their forties, suddenly had children, twins. This surprised everyone, and made some people a little bit sad!

However, after everyone was surprised, they were very curious that Yi Zhonghai's daughter-in-law could still be pregnant at her age, so many people came to inquire about Yi Zhonghai, wanting to know where he had found the miracle doctor!

In this era, there is no such thing as DINK. On the contrary, everyone hopes that the family will have more children and grandchildren, and the population will be prosperous. The more children in the family, the louder the voice will be when talking to others.

Being childless is a big deal. Not only is the person involved unable to hold his head high in front of others, unable to speak forcefully, others also look down on him. What's worse, some people will bully families who cannot have children, and they feel confident doing so.


The reality is that it is very difficult to have children in this era, so the fact that Yi Zhonghai's wife is pregnant with twins has immediately become a hot topic of concern to everyone. After all, everyone has relatives and friends.

There are always one or two people with fertility difficulties around everyone who can have some connections, so in the past few days, there have been many people asking Yi Zhonghai through various channels, which has annoyed Yi Zhonghai!

Later, Yi Zhonghai couldn't stand it anymore, so he had to ask Duan Hongxuan for advice. After all, he had always been so tight-lipped. It didn't matter if he rejected one or two people. If there were more people, if he refused again, there would be more people to offend.

Yi Zhonghai was also a little overwhelmed!

"Hongxuan, sir, I'm really at my wits end. There are so many people who come to me for inquiries through connections. Even some leaders in the factory come to me for inquiries. There are even some leaders from other units who come to me through connections.

If you come to me to inquire, I can't just say nothing. There are too many people who have been offended. I really can't bear it anymore!

Give me some advice, sir!"

Duan Hongxuan was a little bit confused when he heard this. This was indeed a troublesome matter!

If others knew that Duan Hongxuan had this ability, Duan Hongxuan would never be able to live in peace!

Duan Hongxuan scratched his head in distress, "Master, let me think about this carefully, and I will give you an idea after I think about it!"

"Okay!" Yi Zhonghai nodded, and then warned: "But Hongxuan, you have to hurry up, I really can't delay it much longer!"

Duan Hongxuan nodded and said: "Don't worry, Sir, I will definitely get back to you as soon as possible!

Alas! Such a good person can actually cause such trouble!"

Yi Zhonghai apologized: "Hongxuan, I'm so sorry for causing you trouble for my sake!"

Duan Hongxuan waved his hand: "It's okay, sir. This is not a big deal in itself. It's just that I have to go to school and be busy with the steel rolling mill. Now if there are a lot of people who want to have children, they will come to me."

, then I won’t even have any free time all day long!

Forget it, I'd better discuss it with my senior brother and see if he has any good ideas on this matter!"

Yi Zhonghai came to see Duan Hongxuan during dinner time. The next day, Duan Hongxuan went straight to the Second Hospital after nine o'clock in the morning!

Duan Hongxuan came to Wei Daosheng's office and found that no one was there. After asking the nurse, he found out that Mr. Wei had taken them for ward rounds!

Duan Hongxuan comes to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of the hospital two days a month. His superb medical skills have completely convinced the doctors in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department. Therefore, Duan Hongxuan is very famous in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department. In addition, Duan Hongxuan is outstanding.

Of course the little nurse in Corey also knows Duan Hongxuan's appearance.

The little nurse hurriedly went to the head nurse. The head nurse asked Duan Hongxuan to sit in the office first and ordered someone to make tea for him. Then she wanted to find someone to inform Mr. Wei and the others, but Duan Hongxuan stopped her!

"Head nurse, there's no need to find someone to inform Mr. Wei. It's business to check the patient's ward. We can't delay it. I'll just sit back and wait for a while! My business is not urgent!"

The head nurse smiled and said: "Dr. Duan is not only good at medical skills, but also has good medical ethics. He would rather sit here and wait than delay the doctors' rounds. No wonder he convinced the doctors in the department!"

Duan Hongxuan smiled and waved his hand: "The head nurse praises me! How can I be regarded as medical ethics? At most, I just abide by the doctor's duty!

Head nurse, if you have something to do, you can go about your business, you don’t need to stay with me here, I can just drink tea and wait for Mr. Wei!"

"Okay! I'm really busy with something, so I'm sorry to excuse you!"

The head nurse said a few more polite words and told Duan Hongxuan to call her if anything happened, and then went out to do her business. Duan Hongxuan was waiting for Mr. Wei with a teacup in his hands!

Because Mr. Wei has many responsibilities, he does not stay in the Second Hospital all day. As the vice president of the Second Hospital, his real office is actually in the office building!

The current office in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine actually belongs to Wei Daosheng. Mr. Wei himself does not have an office in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. If he comes to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Mr. Wei will at most just wait in Wei Daosheng's office to handle some matters!

At almost eleven o'clock, Duan Hongxuan heard the voice of the head nurse greeting Mr. Wei outside, and then saying something to Mr. Wei. Soon, the door of the office was pushed open, and Mr. Wei and Wei Daosheng came in in a hurry!

When he saw Duan Hongxuan, Mr. Wei quickly observed Duan Hongxuan's face. Seeing that it didn't look like something big happened, Mr. Wei breathed a sigh of relief and then asked Duan Hongxuan with a smile, "Why are you here now, junior brother?

It’s rare. Is there something wrong?”

Wei Daosheng respectfully greeted Duan Hongxuan from behind Mr. Wei!

Duan Hongxuan said with a bitter face: "Senior brother, I've run into some trouble, and I want senior brother to help me come up with an idea!"

"Oh?" Mr. Wei felt nervous and asked quickly: "What troublesome thing is it? Tell me about it. Senior brother will definitely help you solve it!"

Seeing Mr. Wei so nervous, Duan Hongxuan felt warm in his heart and said with a smile: "It's not a big deal, it's just...!"

Later, Duan Hongxuan explained how Yi Zhonghai and his wife had not had children for more than ten years, how they had sought medical treatment for more than ten years to no avail, how he had helped them recover, how the eldest mother was now pregnant with twins, and how many people now

I asked Yi Zhonghai to find out, etc., and told Mr. Wei everything.

Then Duan Hongxuan said distressedly: "Brother, I just wanted to help my neighbors at first, but now many people have heard the news and started asking around. If they know that it was Yi Zhonghai and his wife who I treated, then I can still be free.

!Won’t you have to annoy me to death from now on!

Can you give me an idea on what to do about this matter?"

"Hiss!" Mr. Wei was surprised after hearing this, and at the same time he was relieved. He originally thought that Duan Hongxuan had some other troubles, but he had already thought about it, even if he risked his face to beg.

The supreme commander also had to help Duan Hongxuan solve his troubles. I didn't expect it to be like this!

While Mr. Wei breathed a sigh of relief, he admired Duan Hongxuan's medical skills even more, so he asked carefully about the situation of Yi Zhonghai and his wife. When he learned that the eldest mother really had twins, Mr. Wei shook his head with a smile: "Junior brother, it is true.

It's amazing! You have solved a problem so easily that people have been seeking medical treatment for more than ten years. Brother, I really admire you!

But now this matter is indeed a trouble. There is no airtight wall in the world. They were cured by you. Sooner or later, others will know about this matter. Even if you can hide it for a while, you can't hide it for the rest of your life!"

Duan Hongxuan nodded with a grimace: "That's right, senior brother, that's why I hurriedly came to you and wanted you to help me make an idea!

I'm still in school now, and I'm busy with machine tools in the steel rolling mill. If someone finds me at home all day long, I'll be annoyed to death!

Besides, this infertility situation is complicated and has various causes, some of which even gods can’t fix, let alone an ordinary Chinese medicine practitioner like me!

If someone really comes to my door, it would be wrong for me to treat it, or not to treat it, it would really be a headache."

Mr. Wei sat and rubbed his forehead, but he was also at a loss. He frowned and thought hard, thinking about how he could help Duan Hongxuan solve this problem!

No one in the room, Mr. Wei Duan Hongxuan and Wei Daosheng said anything, they were both frowning and thinking!

After a while, Wei Daosheng said: "Uncle Master, can you really cure some infertility?"

Duan Hongxuan looked up at Wei Daosheng and nodded: "I can cure what can be cured, but I can't help what can't be cured!"

Wei Daosheng was confused by Duan Hongxuan's words, "Uncle Master, what do you mean by something that can be cured?"

Duan Hongxuan explained: "Actually, a considerable number of infertility patients are caused by poor living conditions and physical injuries. This is actually the simplest!

Some other problems can also be treated! These are all within the scope of treatment!

But some are born, or some are infertile due to some acquired factors, but for some reason the damage is too serious and cannot be undone by human beings, so these are all incurable!"

Wei Daosheng nodded: "I understand, that is to say, there are actually quite a few infertility patients, and my uncle is still capable of treating them!"

Duan Hongxuan nodded in agreement, but added: "But how many patients can I treat by myself? If they all come to me for treatment, wouldn't I be bored to death?

Daosheng, do you have an idea?"

Wei Daosheng nodded and said: "It's not a good idea, it's just a preliminary idea that's not very mature yet!"

Mr. Wei hurriedly asked: "If you have any ideas, just say it, and let's talk it over together. If it's really not suitable, we'll find a way!"

Wei Daosheng nodded and said: "That's what I think. Uncle Shi has the ability to cure a considerable number of infertility patients, and he also uses traditional Chinese medicine. Our department is a Chinese medicine department, and Uncle Shi happens to be there."

We have a temporary position in this department!

Uncle Shi is simply afraid that there will be too many people coming to see him for treatment and he will be too busy, so why not open a clinic specifically for the treatment of infertility in our department?

In this way, it can not only solve the patients' worries, but also have so many doctors in our department to help him, so he doesn't have to be so busy. It is also good for building the reputation of our hospital. This kills three birds with one stone and benefits three aspects.

There are benefits to everything!

Let's hang up the sign for infertility treatment and assign several doctors to help Uncle Shi. Uncle Master only needs to come once a week and he will give specific treatment plans and leave other trivial matters to Corey.

Just let the doctor be responsible!

Dad, uncle, what do you think of this idea?"

This chapter has been completed!
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