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Chapter 240 Planed something

I stayed there for seven years and got a reduced sentence for good behavior.

On the first day I came out, I received several calls. The bosses tried their best to persuade me to work with them. One person offered me a car for RMB 100,000 a month, and another offered me shares for RMB 200,000 a month.

Most of these calls come from two places.

Panjiayuan in Beijing, Shenyang Road in Tianjin.

After thinking about it at the time, I still rejected them all.

It was a mistake for me to join this industry in the first place. Even though I became rich overnight, I also paid a price. In seven years, I went from a fair-skinned young man to a fat man in his thirties now.

The girl I met back then, now my kids know how to make soy sauce

I was alone with no relatives and no reason, so I finally chose to go to Dali.

I bought a small shop on the shore of Erhai Lake and opened a small supermarket. Every day when there was no business, I would go to the beach for a walk and enjoy the sea breeze. My life was quite leisurely.

The address of the small supermarket is on Cangshan East Road, next to Lemart. If any friends want to come and play, I will treat them with tea.

Didn’t we discover the ancient Shu civilization some time ago? We also unearthed a golden mask that shocked the whole country. In fact, my way to becoming rich has something to do with these things.


Two words are inseparable.

Antiques, tomb robbing.

In the past few years, movies and TV series such as Ghost Blowing the Lamp, Tomb Raiders Notes, and Golden Eyes were huge hits. Now that I have some free time, I also write about things in this industry.

I have never seen the Yunding Heavenly Palace or the Sacred Tree in the Qinling Mountains, and I don’t have golden eyes, but I entered the antique business at the age of sixteen, and I have indeed seen many things with my own eyes that ordinary people cannot understand.

Let’s start from the beginning.

I was born in a small mountain village in the northeast of the motherland, close to Mohe, and the winter is so cold that people can freeze to death.

My grandma raised me. I have never met my parents, and I don’t want to ask them what their names are.

As the old saying goes, we are a generation apart. When I was a child, I was very naughty and would not listen to the teacher's discipline. My academic performance was very poor and I was always at the bottom of the class.

At that time, the village provided a subsistence allowance, which seemed to be more than 80 yuan per month, and there was also a special allowance for orphans, which was more than 100 yuan per month. It would not be an exaggeration to say that my family was struggling to make ends meet.

When I was in junior high school, CCTV’s treasure hunt program was on TV every day. I was particularly fascinated by it. Those bottles and jars that people didn’t take seriously before turned out to be sold by experts for tens of thousands. They were antiques and could be exchanged for houses or cars. !

I kept lying to my grandma, saying that the school asked me to buy study materials. Grandma gave me money, so I ran to the bookstore and bought all antique books.

The first book I remember reading was "Fifty Treasures of Ancient Springs", published by Mr. Dai, it was a very thick book.

Ancient springs are copper coins, which are called purple coins in our country. This book opened my eyes and made me crazy about antiques.

I rummaged through boxes and cabinets in our house, and deceived my classmates. Without reading, I asked them to steal copper coins from their own homes at a price of fifty cents each. I then sold the stolen coins to me and I bought them.

I lived frugally and never ordered food from the canteen. Later, I sold a bunch of textbooks for seven yuan. I was so bad at studying that the teacher just kept sighing and said that this kid is screwed. If he doesn’t study hard, he will only be able to It is a cancer on society.

I dismissed the teacher's words at that time. I had a dream in my heart of getting rich. Even if I became a cancer, I wanted to be a rich cancer.

In the third year of junior high school, when the high school entrance examination was approaching, I was 17.

Grandma had an accident while clearing snow in the yard and accidentally broke her leg. The medical and surgical expenses totaled more than 3,000 yuan.

Our family's situation was such that we couldn't even afford 600 yuan at that time. I was deeply impressed. My grandma was lying on the kang, covered with a thick quilt, and would cry at night.

My eldest uncle opened several farmhouses in Mohe, Xuexiang. His business was doing well, so I went to his house to borrow money to buy medicine for my grandma.

Although I didn't say anything on the surface, I secretly overheard it once. My eldest uncle said that I was a bad guy, and that our family was in a bad state. He said that the loaned money would be pawned, and asked my eldest aunt to marry me.

We communicate.

That winter night, it was more than 30 degrees below zero in Mohe. I sat on a stone for more than three hours.

He was young and frivolous, and his eldest uncle's words severely shattered a young man's self-esteem.

Holding the borrowed money tightly, I swore in my heart: "I! Xiang Yunfeng! I must get ahead!"

I dropped out of school on my own. Strictly speaking, I didn't even have a junior high school diploma. I was considered a primary school graduate.

Of the three thousand yuan, apart from the medicine for my grandma’s surgery, I still had seven hundred and fifty-three yuan left. I kept this money secretly.

Not only did I collect copper coins, I also went to other people's homes in neighboring villages to collect porcelain and silver coins.

Rural people only think that silver dollars are valuable, and most of them don't understand and don't care much about bottles, dishes, porcelain and the like.

I read books and treasure appraisal columns every day, and I gradually developed some basic eyesight.

I bought a pair of large navy blue chicken feather dusters from the late Qing Dynasty for 100 yuan, a few small salt shakers with pastel paintings of ladies from the Republic of China for less than 200 yuan, and three mid-Qing folk paintings for 180 yuan.

Kiln blue and white bowls. Unfortunately, these three bowls have chicken claw marks, were not well preserved, and all have large marks.

I also saved a small bag of copper coins before, about two hundred of them. Most of the copper coins were Song coins and Qing coins. Among them, Daoguang, Guangxu, Qianlong, Huangsong, and Yuanfeng coins were the most numerous. These coins exist in large quantities, and I know they are not very valuable.

Among them, the most satisfying ones are three Yongzheng pieces in good condition. I knew the Yongzheng Tongbao was worth some money, but I didn’t know how much it was worth at the time.

After buying these things, I spent a total of more than 500 yuan, and I still had 240 yuan left. The average monthly salary at that time was just over 300 yuan.

I had a good relationship with a female classmate at the time, and she helped me out and lent me two 30-inch large trolley cases.

There were a total of 11 pieces of porcelain and a small bag of copper coins. I carefully wrapped them in quilts to avoid breaking them, and stuffed them with a lot of foam.

Finally, two large trolley cases and a backpack were completely filled.

Grandma didn't understand what I was doing, and said that I was not doing my job properly, and that she had raised me in vain. My eldest uncle also knew about it, and most of the people in the village also knew about it.

Many people pointed fingers at me behind my back.

Suffering from the glare and the incomprehension of others, I left Mohe with my things on the morning of the 17th day of the twelfth lunar month.

At that time, I thought that Beijingers were the richest, so of course the antiques I collected would be sold to Beijingers, not to mention that I had longed for the legendary place Panjiayuan.

There is no direct train from Mohe to Beijing. You can only take a train to Siping first, and then from Siping to Beijing West.

The whole journey is more than 2,000 kilometers and takes more than 50 hours. In order to save money, I chose the cheapest hard seat.

I was carrying two large trolley cases and a large backpack behind me. My hair was oily and my clothes were very shabby. Passengers in the station pointed at me and whispered to me from time to time.

I have never traveled far, this was my first time taking a train, and I was alone.

After buying the ticket, I had less than 100 yuan left. If I couldn't sell the things, I wouldn't even be able to afford a return ticket, let alone a meal.

The food on the train was very expensive, and I didn’t dare to spend money, so I kept drinking hot water from the cup I brought with me. I was really hungry, so I bought a bag of Mahua that costs 4 yuan.

It was the first time for a country boy to come to Beijing. Everything he saw was new, including the security checkpoints at the station.

I was not yet eighteen at the time, but I was not afraid of strangers and dared to talk to them, so I asked others how to get to Panjiayuan Antique Market. The ticket sales girl was very enthusiastic. She let me take the subway and told me how to transfer.

Take Line 9 from Beijing West Railway Station, then get off at Liuliqiao Station, change to Line 10, and then get off at Panjiayuan Station.

Fortunately, I have a good memory and didn't make many unnecessary trips. At that time, it was still two yuan to ride on the subway, and no one would care about you as long as you didn't leave the station.

When I got off the subway station, there were anti-skid pits on the sidewalk. It was very difficult for me to drag two large boxes with my bag on my back.

After walking across Warwick Bridge, I finally saw the golden monument standing outside the north gate.

“Panjiayuan Flea Market.”

"finally reached

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