Turn off the lights
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The iron door of the container was locked with a chain, and the lock was rusty. Douyazai hit it with a rock several times, and a few of us hid inside and closed the door.

There were a lot of debris piled up in the scrap container, including some broken mattresses and tables. There was a lot of dust. After closing the door, the light dimmed. There were spider webs in many places. I dragged two tables over to block the door.

Douyazai is looking at the new mobile phone he bought before. Only the boss knows the phone number of his new mobile phone. We have been waiting for the boss to call.

"Why cry? Just cry!" I heard Xiaoxuan scolding Xiaomiao.

"Let me go. Don't harm me. I won't say anything and I don't know anything." Xiao Miao sobbed softly.

"No!" Xiaomiao exclaimed.

In the blurry light, I saw Xiaoxuan pick up a stool leg.

"What are you doing!" I rushed over, grabbed the stool legs and threw them on the ground.

"You're crazy! You don't think things are troublesome enough! Why are you so awesome and want to kill someone!"

Xiaoxuan was yelled at by me, and she squatted on the ground with her head in her hands and fell silent.

We hid in the abandoned container until it got dark and the street lights in Yinchuan came on.

"It's coming! It's coming!" Suddenly, Douyazai excitedly raised his cell phone and shouted: "The head! The head is calling!"

"Hurry up and answer the phone!" I urged.

Douyazai immediately pressed the answer button and put the phone to his ear.

"Where have you all gone?" came the head's voice from the phone.

Dou Sprout looked like he was about to cry, "Hurry up and come here, we are hiding outside now and we have been discovered."

He kept his head silent for dozens of seconds on the phone, and then said: "Exactly what happened, please tell me clearly."

"Give it to me, let me tell you," I saw Dou Sprout Zai couldn't get to the point for a long time, so I took the phone over.

I told the boss the whole story on the phone.

After hearing this, he asked: "Where are you people now? I will go find you."

I wasn’t familiar with Yinchuan and didn’t know what the roads were here. I just remembered that when I ran here I saw a big billboard on the side of the road, so I said: “Come out of the hotel and walk south. After passing a few traffic lights, there is a big billboard on the side of the road.

We are all hiding in a waste container here about the real estate billboard. Come over here and take care of it."

"I know, just wait for me there," he said and hung up the phone in a hurry.

I returned the phone to Douyazai and told him to stop staring and pay careful attention to what was happening outside.

The hotel was not far from here. Maybe more than thirty minutes had passed when I suddenly heard someone knocking on the door.


I walked over carefully and looked out through the gap in the iron door of the container.

I saw the boss standing outside the door with a frosty face.

I breathed a sigh of relief and moved the table blocking the door, then ducked in.

After closing the door, I sat down with my back against the iron door and asked the boss what I should do now.

He walked to Xiaomiao and squatted down, "Girl, don't be afraid. I ask you, tell the truth. Does your father know about this now?"

Xiaomiao raised her head with a pale face, looked at it and shook her head.

"Well, okay, I understand." He took out his cell phone and said, "Girl, I promise you will be fine, and we will never hurt you. Now do as I say and call your dad.

, just to make sure you're safe, just say you'll stay at a classmate's house for one night, so your dad doesn't have to worry, and we'll let you go back tomorrow."


"Really, I keep my word." Boutou said.

After thinking for a few minutes, Xiaomiao tremblingly took the cell phone from his head and dialed the landline number of the small supermarket.


"Dad, it's me, Xiaomiao."

"Damn it, girl, where have you been? You haven't been seen all afternoon! I called your school and the teacher on duty said it's holiday! Where are you now!"

The head looked at Xiaomiao calmly and nodded to her.

Xiaomiao held her mobile phone in both hands and said: "It's Feifei's birthday today. I'll stay at her house for one night and go back early tomorrow morning."

I heard the landlord yelling on the phone: "The older you get, the less control you have, right? When your wings become stiff, you dare not stay up at night!"

"Dad, just one night, just one night, I'll go back tomorrow, please."

"Okay, okay, don't do this. I heard it at Feifei's house last night. Don't hang out with your male classmates. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, I got it. Dad, let's do this. The classmate's cell phone I was using has been hung up." After saying this, Xiaomiao hung up the phone.

"Very good." He took the phone over his head and praised Xiaomiao: "Girl, you did a good job. Don't worry, I keep my word. You will be fine. Are you hungry?"

Xiaomiao still looked a little afraid, so she asked if she was hungry. She nodded first, then shook her head immediately.

Tuotou smiled, stood up and said, "Yunfeng, go ahead. I came over just now to see a bun seller over there. Go and buy some. You haven't eaten yet, right?" Tuotou asked Xiaoxuan and Douyazai again.

I saw him nodding his head, saying to buy more, and buying a few bottles of water.

I said yes, then opened the door and took a careful look. Seeing that there was no one around, I ducked out.

"Lady boss, buy ten steamed buns and five bottles of water."

The proprietress is a fat lady in her forties. She looked at me and said: "There is no water but soy milk. What fillings do you want for the buns? Pork, green onions, pigs, dogs, fennel, and all-white vermicelli."

I'm busy, I can choose any filling, just ten.

The proprietress opened the cage and was counting for me, when two men in uniforms suddenly walked up behind me. I was startled, and then I saw that they were two young security guards from a nearby construction site.

"Sister Li, two pickles and one bean curd." After the security guard said this, he glanced at me.

Seeing that I bought so much, the security guard smiled and talked to me, "Brother, you bought so much. Sister Li's steamed buns are really cheap and delicious."

I ignored them, took the plastic bag, threw away the twenty yuan and left.

"Seven dollars for you, hello"

Returning to the scrap container, I knocked on the door, and Dou Sprout opened the door for me.

"Here you go, eat," I handed Xiaomiao a bun and a cup of soy milk.

Xiaomiao hesitated for a few seconds, then reached out to take it. She lowered her head and took two small bites of the buns, and drank the soy milk through a straw.

"You all sit down and eat," the boss said to us to sit down.

I bought ten in total, and Bean Sprouts ate five of them in one go. After finishing his meal, he wiped his mouth and said, "Boss, what should we do tomorrow? Is there any good idea?"

Without eating, he took a sip of soy milk and stood up, saying, "Come out and talk."

A few of us got out of the container and locked Xiaomiao inside. I thought maybe I had something to say that I didn't want her to hear.

"I never said anything to you. You are young and have no experience in the industry. This incident has taught you a lesson. Remember, no matter where you go in the future, don't take it lightly. We are not here to play, let alone travel, especially you.

Ya Zai, you need to change your careless character, otherwise you will suffer losses in the future."

We were reprimanded, and Douyazai hesitated and said that he knew the trick, and I would pay attention to it in the future.

He nodded his head and said, "Go back tomorrow."

"Go back! Go back to the hotel??"

"No way!" Douyazai said loudly that it would be over if we go back. Let's run away and leave Yinchuan.

"If it doesn't work out, we can learn from that boy named Aza. Let's go to Alxa and find an abandoned mine to hide in. We don't dare to go back. Damn it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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