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When we were in the Mustard Tomb at the foot of Moth Mountain, I didn't know what happened to my second brother and Li Zheng. Why did they become afraid of light after they came up? Their eyes turned yellow?

What is in the little blue bottle?

Is it really the medicine of immortality?

Just like what Xu Fu was looking for for Qin Shihuang.

I didn't believe this at first.

I don't believe such a thing exists in the world, it's not scientific.

Just as I was meditating, the young man who opened the door for us came in. He bowed and said, "Sir, we are ready."

The middle-aged man nodded and said to me: "Young man, I know you don't believe it and you also have many questions in your mind. Come with me and I will help you answer the questions in your mind."

After speaking, he stood up and walked to a wall in the middle of the living room, stretched out his hand and pressed on the wall.

Then there was a clicking sound.

There is actually a cave in the wall of the living room, and there is an entrance hall inside.


He waved his hand and motioned for Brother Yu and me to follow him in.

"What? Are you afraid that I will kill you?" Seeing that I didn't move, he turned around and said with a smile.

"You are too worried. You don't want to know the story of that bottle of medicine? Come in." After he finished speaking, he disappeared behind the entrance.

Brother Yu and I looked at each other, and Brother Yu said if you want to come in, come in, if you don't want to come in, leave, don't hesitate.

I finally chose to go in and take a look because I wanted to know the secret of the little blue bottle.

The space behind the entrance is not small, probably similar to the attic storage room of a building. In addition to the sundries, there is an old man with gray hair standing in the room. There is an eye-catching small blackboard hanging on the wall. On the blackboard, a large number of words are written densely.

Pile of English letters and symbols marks.

After introduction, I learned that the old man's name was Wang An. I didn't know whether it was his real name or a pseudonym. I only knew that he was a doctor and a senior professor in a certain type of medical research field, with a very high level.

"Old Wang, as I said before, you answer."

The old man nodded and said to me: "Young man, don't you know? The bottle in your hand is very important to us. That thing is like a key. Under special conditions, it is possible to open the door of human beings."

The secrets locked in the body.”

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the small blackboard and asked me: "Now, please read this sentence in English."

Looking at the row of English letters on the blackboard, I can’t read them or recognize them at all.

I only know a few English letters, such as Banana, Bu Na Na, Dog, Dao Ge, Ni Hao, He Lou.

"do not know?"

He asked again: "Do you know the young man with the stick?"

Brother Yu had a cold face and didn't reply.

"You don't even know him?"

The white-haired old man shook his head, "I guess it's difficult to explain. Forget it, I'll just tell you."

He pointed at the blackboard and said: "This, this is a woman's name. This person's name is Henrietta Lacks. Henrietta Lacks. This foreign woman is the original host of HeLa cells in our medical field. HeLa cells hide human immortality."

The secret of agelessness.”


I couldn’t understand what he was talking about at all. Jihou was a vassal king in the south during the Western Zhou Dynasty, 3,000 years ago! Why did a foreign woman pop up again!

What the hell does this have to do with Little Blue Bottle??

Next, the old man talked intermittently for nearly two hours!

The more he spoke, the more enthusiastic his eyes became, and the more he spoke, the more excited he became. At the end of the story, he kept slapping the blackboard with a ferocious expression, completely different from his previous appearance!

What he said was very complicated. Some of them I couldn't understand at all and couldn't remember. Others I still couldn't understand but I remembered them.

Let me tell you, it's scary.

Over the past five thousand years in China, there have been so many emperors and generals who have pursued immortality in every dynasty! It is unknown whether Xu Fu got that medicine when he went to sea.

I have low academic qualifications, so I can only explain what the old doctor said based on my understanding. There are many things I don’t understand. If you have friends who are majoring in medicine, you can tell me and see if this possibility exists in reality.

Henrietta Lacks, this foreign woman died of cancer in 1951. In order to confirm the cancer, her attending physician took some cancer tissue samples from her body. He never thought that Hela herself would die.

Finally, this part of the cells is still alive, and this part of the living cells completely subverts the existing medical common sense. That group of cells will not age or die! And under the microscope, new HeLa cells have been continuously generated at an alarming rate.


According to what the old man said.

The limit number of divisions of cells in a normal human body is 56. Each division will cause aging. After 50 times, the cells will die and the person will die. However, the HeLa cells discovered accidentally are not restricted by this rule.

Even if it is divided ten thousand times, one hundred thousand times, or even hundreds of thousands of times, it will not age! Under the microscope, it will always maintain the high activity of young human cells.

That’s why I say scary!

It is precisely because of the existence of this kind of thing that an author wrote the best-selling book, "The Immortal Hela".

Recalling what the old man told me, there is a substance called telomerase at the end of cells. It is this telomerase that affects human aging. Telomerase in HeLa cells can instantly repair cell damage after division.

This is the mutational evolution at the bottom of human genes, and the pharmacology of the legendary elixir of life for thousands of years.

Let me tell you something, many people may have heard of it.

A few years later, a pharmaceutical company in Hong Kong developed a cancer vaccine. It said that as long as this drug is taken, it can prevent and cure a certain type of cancer forever. This is the kind of "dcv sky-high price vaccine" that is circulated on the Internet and costs 1.2 million per shot.

Most people question whether it is true or false, let’s not mention this for now.

Let’s just say that this drug was developed by a certain pharmaceutical group in Hong Kong.

And the researchers Li Zheng and An I met at Moth Mountain before are working at the Tianlin Institute of Medicine in Hong Kong.

It is rumored that someone once injected a living HeLa cell strain into the human body. The consequences are unknown. There is a high probability that the person will not survive. Therefore, some scientists have said something: "When humans completely crack the HeLa cells

If you know the underlying genetic code, you can live forever."

The question arises again. The original host of the god-like HeLa cells was Henrietta Lacks. Is this the only known example in the world?

Does anyone else have something similar like this in their body?


According to the explanation of the person from the Changchun Society.

It should be mustard weather.

I immediately thought of the answer to something.

Think about it in Shunde.

Yao Yumen once said that Jihou was just a small vassal king in the southern region during the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Why is this little vassal king not afraid of the Emperor of Zhou? Why can he have such a big underground palace and a back garden? Why can he have the financial resources to pull stones thousands of miles from the north to build an apotheosis? Why can he use a clam coffin? Why can he use it even after his little daughter dies?

Gold coffin and silver coffin?

Why did King Wen of Zhou ignore these leapfrog choices made by Mustard Hou?

Also, when we excavated the mustard coffin, we found totem bronzes from the ancient Yue Kingdom. Ancient Yue is similar to ancient Shu, and it appeared long before the Western Zhou Dynasty!

The pattern of the four-legged snake troops on Jiehou's coffin, and the four-legged snakes are related to the ancient Yue black wizards, we initially guessed that Jiehou might be a descendant of a certain noble group of the ancient Yue people.

We may be wrong.

The several ancient Yue bronze burial objects in the coffin, all of them, probably indicate one thing.

At this time, people lived from the ancient Yue Kingdom to the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Buddhism and Taoism were far from being introduced at that time. At that time, both the rulers and the people believed in ghosts and gods, their power, and mysterious totem culture worship. They believed that ghosts and gods could provide them with protection and could decide their own death at any time.

, thus willingly contributing money, working for free, and giving rights.

In one word, that was the time when people would never grow old in that era.

It's their gods.

Gods can naturally enjoy everything.

The HeLa cells discovered abroad in 1952 are not the only ones in the world.

There is a higher level of existence.

If you look at it this way, China has long had people who do not age, people who were regarded as gods by the rulers at that time.

There is the mysterious and unusual Henrietta Lacks abroad, but in China we have an earlier mustard.

How many years earlier?

Not much.

3500 years.

This chapter has been completed!
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