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I withdrew my right hand forcefully, "Madam, what do you mean by this?"

The old lady curled up in the bed and coughed twice. Mr. Wu quickly helped her up and let her lean on the bed.

"Cough! Cough."

"Old lady, please stop talking."

The old lady looked even thinner when she sat up, and it could be seen through her clothes that her upper body was already skin and bones.

She coughed a few times and said in a hoarse voice: "Young man, I won't lie. I'm dying and I can't see clearly. Your face looks like a piece of white paper to me. Come here."

After speaking, the old lady opened the bedside table and took out a leather box.

The box looks to be old, shiny and shiny, with a small lock on it.

Opening the lock, the old lady took out a piece of paper from the box. It looked like white paper for writing, but the color was yellowish and the grain was very rough. On the edge of the paper, she wrote two small words, "Look at the paper."

"Young man, when were you born? Are you an only child?"

Before I could say anything, Wu Xilin suddenly snatched the white paper away and pushed me out of the door.


After he came out, he pointed at me with a cold face and said: "Leave quickly, I have already helped you, don't make me angry."

"Master Wu, you"

"Grandma, what on earth does she mean? It's so scary."

"It doesn't mean anything! It doesn't mean anything!"

"What's the point of an old woman in her seventies or eighties? She's so confused!"

"Lao Wu Lao Wu"

At this time, the old lady's feeble shout came from the house, and Mr. Wu immediately entered the house and closed the door.

After a few minutes, he opened the door and came out.

"She doesn't have a few days left and can't help you, so let me give you a few words."

I nodded and asked what you said.

Master Wu stared at me and said, "During this period, have you eaten anything given by others? If so, don't eat it."

"In the coming spring, if you often catch colds and have headaches, you should go get yourself checked. You must go to Guangxi to see a Miao doctor."

"One last thing."

"Be careful of the bugs around you"

After Mr. Wu finished speaking, he left. I knocked on the door several times but no one answered.

I'm completely confused.

I know my own body well. I am in good health. I don’t have a cold or a fever. Also, what does it mean to be bitten by something, and what does it mean not to eat food given by others?

I didn't take this matter to heart.

It is normal for old people to talk nonsense when they are sick. I once saw an old man talking nonsense in the village. The old man said he saw a mushroom as tall as a person growing in his toilet and that he had Alzheimer's disease.

The weather is cold in winter, and the elderly don't like to get up from bed. They just put a urinal on the bed before going to bed. Some elderly people in nursing homes have difficulty with their legs and feet. At four or five in the morning, they will go to help empty the urinal.

The old man who was emptying the urinal was riding an electric tricycle. I was anxious to go back but couldn't find the car, so I said to someone: "Uncle, can you give me a ride? I don't have to go to the station, just go to a place where there are buses. I'm right."

Not familiar here."

After saying that, I offered the uncle a cigarette.

"Hey, it's so smoky. There is a bus stop here but there is no night bus. If you want to leave now, you can only go to the overpass and wait."

I said where the overpass is and how far it is.

"It's five or six kilometers away. Just wait for me for ten minutes and I'll pick you up along the way."

I said okay, you go about your business first.

There were several large white leather buckets on the tricycle, which were covered with lids. You could smell the smell of urine. The old man was busy for a while, and then he asked me to get on the bus, so I squeezed in with him.

Logically speaking, these dirty things should be dumped into the toilet, but the old man didn't dump them, he sold them.

I was puzzled at first, wondering who would want these things.

The old man laughed and said that the urine of the old and frail old people was sold to others for 15 cents, and someone specially collected it.

I asked who would collect it.

The uncle said: "Have you never seen it? There used to be people in the village who collected the urine of pregnant women for three yuan a pound. After they collected it, they sold it to the factory. The factory processed it to make pregnancy test paper. I sold it to the Erdao dealers and they added it.

Anyone who goes in to counterfeit it will make a profit of two yuan per pound."

I'm speechless, this is all fake.

It's really three hundred and sixty lines, and I can't afford it early without any benefit.

The electric tricycle moves as slowly as an ox. I asked you, can you go faster? The uncle said, no, no matter what happens, it’s all money.

I knew that he had been doing this in the nursing home all year round. During the conversation, I asked him about Wu Xilin and his wife, especially the skinny old lady from Guangxi. I asked him if he knew anything about it.

"You think that's Alan? She's the only one from Guangxi in the nursing home. Don't mess with her, young man. That old lady is evil."

I asked again what was wrong.

The old man said: "People say she is some kind of paper girl from Guangxi. She used to keep scorpions and centipedes in the house. In the summer, the scorpions crawled out and stung others. In the first half of this year, she was diagnosed with advanced cancer and it only went away. The nursing home is gone."

No one dares to enter their house."

When we arrived at the overpass, the old man put me down and walked away.

I didn't wait long enough to hail a taxi. It was still dark at this time, around five o'clock in the morning.

"Master, if you want to leave, go to Xi'an Chonghuang Police Station."

"Let's go." As soon as he heard that there was a big job, the driver immediately cheered up and stopped feeling sleepy.

I was thinking about all the messy things and fell asleep leaning on my seat.

I don’t know how long it took, but someone pushed me.

"Brother, brother, wake up, we are here."

I rubbed my eyes and looked out of the car. I had arrived at the entrance of Chonghuang Police Station. It was already past 9 a.m.

After paying for the bus, I went directly to the hotel.

"Bang bang!"

"I'm back."

It was Brother Yu who opened the door.

Xiaomi was watching TV in the living room. I asked where the others had gone, but Brother Yu said they were all in the house and hadn't gotten up yet.

"Brother Yu, wake them up and tell them I'm back for a meeting."

Brother Yu started knocking on the door one by one. At this time, I remembered something again and called Lao Pi.

"A rope ladder for 70?"

"No, Xiang Bantou. Where can I find a 70-meter one for you? The longest one is only 50. If it doesn't work, you can pick it up. The wheel car is fine. What era is this deep hole from? You want to send it."

I smiled and said, don't worry about it, 50 is fine. If you want three pairs, I'll give you the price and send it to me together with the wheel in the afternoon.

Half an hour later.

I called everyone together for a meeting, including Lao Wang, an employee of the sulfuric acid plant. Only Jiang Yuan was not present. I planned to marginalize her and finally kick Jiang Yuan out.

Dou Sprout covered his coat, yawned sleepily and said, "What should we do? The hole must be dug so deep and several square meters of earth must be dug out. The factory is full of people day and night, so how can we disperse the earth?"

Lao Wang said: "There is a way. Normally no one goes to the red brick house where the generator is installed. I will switch shifts with others and dump all the excavated soil there. Leave the brick house to me."

I thought about it and nodded and said, "That's okay. Lao Wang, you have to find a way to get us all into the factory. Also, how are the three people I asked you to inquire about."

Lao Wang nodded and said: "I have inquired clearly. They came here half a year ago to do crushing work in the sulfur area of ​​the east courtyard. In three days, that is next Monday, the ground will be dug near the brick house. The one who operates the hook machine on the night shift is

The surname is Niu."

"When are we going to do it?"

I pointed to the calendar card on the table.

"Just tonight."

This chapter has been completed!
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