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Let’s not talk about whether the hidden secret reincarnated soul boy is true or false.

If it is true, even if there is a 1% chance of it being true, then the person who is looking for Xiaomi should be Partridge Woman, because Partridge Woman can tame birds and control owls.

Wen Yun is dead. The previous generation of Partridge Woman was very mysterious, and no one had even heard about her.

The previous generation was the concubine named Ye who served Zhu Liankui.

If it's this person...then...

The Changchun Society once commanded the Golden Leather Painting Association, and the judging panel was responsible for the eight gates of the Liu Dynasty. At that time, Zhu Liankui was truly the number one in the leather industry.

He was a magician at home, but became a popular magician abroad.

He died in 1922 and lived to be 68 years old. He was a concubine whom he only took into his later years when he became rich.

The old newspaper information that can be found is that Zhu Liankui was about twenty years older than Ye Xiaoconcubine. This age difference was very common in society at that time. In other words, Zhu Liankui married Ye Xiaoconcubine when he was about fifty years old.

In 1922, Zhu Liankui pushed forward 20 years, which was around 1900...

1900 to 2003.....

If this concubine Ye is still alive, she must be older than the old scholar!

He is at least over a hundred years old! Can he still play with animals?

It's scary to think about it, but it is indeed possible. Centenarians are not uncommon. I have seen it myself. An old scholar became a centenarian after persisting for two days.

I closed my eyes and went over the whole thing in my mind.

Sister Hong ate the finger gold and almost stabbed her head to death with a knife.

Xiaomi ate zhierjin, and she made me eat leek dumplings with yellow rice worms.

Sister Hong said that the control person of Zierjin cannot take effect continuously, and there is an interval in between.

To put it this way, Xiaomi and I did not show any abnormality after arriving in Xianyang...

If the old partridge woman can control Xiaomi, then why not directly control it and let Xiaomi leave on her own?

The only explanation is that there is a gap in time.

And how long is this interval?

Don't know, don't know.

After listening to Lao Jinmiao's words, I looked back on the whole thing and found that many places were right...

I opened my eyes, took a deep breath and said: "Master Wu, please help me ask, ask carefully, because I have a friend, she said that the black seedlings in Miaojiang can deal with Zhierjin."

Mr. Wu asked me, "What? Don't you believe it?"

I shook my head and said that I really didn’t believe it, but there were too many coincidences. Xiaomi was my friend, and I didn’t want Xiaomi to go through Sister Hong’s journey again.

"Who is this Sister Hong you are talking about?"

I recalled: "Master Wu, you may not know who Sister Hong is, but if I mention her name, you should have heard of her. After all, you have only been away from home for a few years."

"Oh? Really? Tell me."

I looked at Mr. Wu and said word by word:

"A mole, Chen Hong."

"A mole..."

"It turns out it's her. I know a mole. That woman is known as a coquettish woman in the industry. I heard from my friends that there are dozens of men she has been with."

"It's not like that," I said, Mr. Wu, you don't understand Sister Hong. She did that just to fulfill her wish as soon as possible. Sister Hong is a very good person.

Mr. Wu said that he didn’t know, so he asked me again, and the result was the same as before. Lao Jinmiao really didn’t know how to solve Zhierjin.

Very disappointed, but I was mentally prepared for this result.

Sister Hong was talking about Heimiao at first.

This involves regional issues.

There are many branches of the Miao people, such as the Meng Miao from the Guizhou Huangping branch, the Miao from the Gaoqiu branch, the Nan Miao from the Danzhai branch, the Baji Miao from the Rongjiang branch, etc., and these lines have integrated many

Xinmiao people, for example, you have big flower seedlings, small flower seedlings, wood comb seedlings (self-combing girls), Chuan seedlings, etc.

Among these branches, there are five that have the ability to inherit and have great influence.

Red seedlings, white seedlings, black seedlings, green seedlings, golden seedlings.

Hongmiao was a warrior in the Miao-Han conflict at first, and was good at cold weapon martial arts and killing techniques.

White seedlings and black seedlings know how to remove the voodoo and release the voodoo.

The golden seedlings are the least and the green seedlings are the most.

And Hei Miao is the most mysterious and has the greatest ability.

This kind of authentic black Miao people are not in Guangxi, but live hidden in the mountains in the north of western Hunan. They are the Garong clan of the Bala River branch. Sister Hong said that the people who know the secret of Zierjin are this kind of black Miao people.


Because of this, Lao Jinmiao from Guangxi didn't know. Although he could see that there was something wrong with Xiaomi, he couldn't deal with Partridge Po's Zhierjin.

Let me give you a simple analogy. For example, if a chef has been making Sichuan cuisine all his life, and you ask him to make an authentic Shandong cuisine braised sea cucumber with green onion, he may know the process steps, but if he is asked to make it, he will not be able to get the taste.

I have never come into contact with black seedlings in the mountains of western Hunan, not even my head.

But I know a person who I must have some contact with, but I haven’t seen him for a long time. I don’t know if he is willing to help me.

I already have a plan.

There are good and bad people in the Changchun Society, and there are many hidden characters that have never been seen before.

In my opinion, the Changchun Society is like a hundred-year-old turtle, like a shady person like the old partridge woman, like barnacles growing on the turtle shell. I want to get rid of them, but there are too many and I can't get rid of them.

Therefore, this century-old turtle can only live in symbiosis with the barnacles on its shell.

I didn't have much ability before, but now, I have fought against Xie Qirong, and I have met high-level people like Mr. Qianye, so I already have some connections.

So I will not let Xiaomi become the second Miss Hong again.

"Boy? What are you thinking about?" Master Wu's words brought me back to reality.

I shook my head: "I didn't think about it. What did you say just now, Mr. Wu? I didn't hear it clearly."

"It's not me, it's Jin Miao who said that although he can't cure this child, he can help hide it for a few days so that the owl can't find it. The owl owner will naturally not be able to find the child."

This news was so good to me that it gave me some time.

I quickly thanked him and asked Lao Jinmiao to help take care of Xiaomi for a few days.

"You're welcome. We don't live in a nursing home. We will take this child to a new place to live for a few days. If you think of a cure, come to us. By the way, there is one more thing, kid."

I tell you.

Mr. Wu glanced at me, half-smiling but not smiling: "I have a notebook in the bottom drawer. Have you opened it and read it?"

My expression changed and I immediately shook my head and said no!

I have definitely never read that Tomb Raider Notebook!

Mr. Wu rubbed his temples and said in a strange tone, "How do you know it's a tomb robbing note if you haven't read it?"


I realized that I was too nervous to reveal my secret.

The old man chuckled and patted me on the shoulder: "You're not entirely right. There are five notebooks like that in total, and I have two in my hand."

"I heard that Wang Xiansheng was sent back to customs once before?"

I said yes, many northern masters came.

Master Wu shook his head: "Those people who returned to the customs are indeed masters, but let me tell you, kid, the notes you are reading were not written by me, but copied by me, with added notes, and written by several deceased people.

"Let me tell you this, these people don't rob small tombs, they only rob big tombs. Do you understand?"

"Do you want it?"

"This...if you can give it..."

I swallowed, my heart pounding.

What tomb should I look for if I have that notebook? It’s like having a navigation system. From now on, I can just follow the map to rob tombs. I can rob wherever I go!

"Momojiji! Do you want it or not?"

"I want it." I said.

"Didn't you eat?"

"I want it!" I shouted this time.

Master Wu was very satisfied. He put a smile on his face and said: "The notes recorded a lot of information and knowledge. The tombs of the Han Dynasty alone recorded 23 structures. Once you understand and become familiar with it, you can create it in your mind."

Structural diagram, where to shovel in the future to avoid risks, where to inject to prevent collapse, etc. I don’t need to explain these benefits, right?”

After I understood this sentence, my breathing began to become rapid.

Master Wu saw this scene in his eyes, and he continued: "Boy, I won't work anymore. I will go to accompany Alan in a year or two. I can give you everything, but you have to agree to one condition."

"Master Wu, please tell me."

I almost said that I would do whatever shit you asked me to do, because as long as I can learn my skills, I won’t be embarrassed.

The smile on Mr. Wu's face gradually faded, and he said:

"It's very simple. Just leave Wang Xiansheng alone and recognize me as your leader from now on."

"Call me master."

"As long as you agree, I will pass it on to you."

"Those two northern school tomb robbing notes."

This chapter has been completed!
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