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"Stop smoking, it's not safe, put out the cigarette." said the head.

Dou Sprouts and I quickly put out our cigarettes.

There is a reason to be worried. There is indeed a hidden danger. This box of illegally made old-fashioned detonators is unstable. If it explodes, there is no need to clean it up. If that happens, the six of us will become sixty people.

Brother Yu carefully covered the box tightly, put a waterproof bag on it, and stuffed it into a plastic bag.

After resting in place for two hours, we got up and continued walking into the cave.

"Look there, do you see it?"

He stopped, pointed his head at the corner of the cave with a flashlight, and said: "The traces of artificial excavation, judging from the degree of weathering of the fractures, should be nearly a thousand years old."

The further you go in, the more frightened you become.

From time to time, you can see some human bones on the ground, scattered and broken. Because the air humidity here is high, a layer of green hair has grown on the surface of many bones, and no one has restrained them. They look like they have been dead for a long time.

"Did you hear that?" Ah Chun turned around and looked around.

"What did you hear?" Brother Yu asked.

"Whispering is like having a lot of people whispering in your ear."

"No, it's so quiet here. Did any of you hear it?" Brother Yu asked us again.


The three of us shook our heads and said nothing.

It's just that sometimes if you accidentally step on a bone, it will make a clicking sound.

Ah Chun didn't speak.

"Eh... so disgusting."

As we were walking, Xiaoxuan suddenly ran up behind me and pointed to a place for me to look at.

I moved my flashlight over.

It was a human joint bone, with a few white bugs crawling on it. I had never seen it before, so I don’t know if it was dead. It didn’t move when I shined a flashlight on it. I guessed it was a centipede, or something like a cave millipede.

As before, none of us saw a skull.

The atmosphere is very depressing.

"Head! Come and take a look! There is a hole here!" Dou Sprout suddenly shouted.

This is considered a karst landform, and caves of various sizes are not uncommon. Many of them are formed by water erosion all year round. I have seen several of them when I came here before. After getting in, the space is narrow and they are all dead ends.


"Is this flashlight filled with water?" The flashlight suddenly flickered on and off, and Dou Sprout patted it vigorously.

The cave entrance that Dou Sprout discovered was irregular in shape, more than one meter high, and very dark inside.

When you put your head in and take a look, be careful and pay attention to the lighting under your feet.

Bend down and crawl towards the hole.


"Huh...it's so cold here." When Brother Yu spoke and breathed, he could see white air.

Several caves that I have explored before have dead ends at the end. This one is different. The deeper you go, the deeper you go. I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect. Brother Yu and I feel the same, very cold.

"Wait, there's something." He waved his head and hands to make us stop.

On the ground, I found a cloth shoe in the corner. It was very worn and had several holes on the upper surface. When you put it on, your toes would be exposed.

Dou Sprout bravely wanted to pick it up and look at it, but it broke into pieces and became weathered. These were cloth shoes worn by ancient people in the past. Since shoes were found here, it proved that someone had come in before.

After walking for another five or six minutes, a corner appeared in front of us. After turning the corner, the space suddenly became larger and people could stand upright. What appeared in front of us was a secret room space.

In addition to moisture, there seemed to be a rotten smell in the surrounding air.

"Look! What is it!"

“It’s available here too!”

"Chair? Made of iron? It doesn't look like..."

There are some very strange things here, all covered with a thick layer of dust.

I saw a rusty iron chair, but if I looked closely, I saw that it was different from ordinary chairs. This rotten iron chair had three legs. The legs were very high, and the buttocks were as big as a fist.

of holes.

It must be an old thing with a mess like this, but it doesn't know what it is used for, and the shape is very weird, very similar to... the high chair that was placed on the bar counter in the early years. People can put their feet up after sitting on it.

In addition to the iron chairs, there are some strange things here.

There is a large iron bucket with a lid. There is a hole more than 20 centimeters in diameter in the iron lid. I don't know what it is used for.

In addition, you can also see rusty iron chains and an old brush here.

After looking over his head carefully, he took a deep breath and suddenly said:

"I recognize it. This is a place of torture, a torture chamber. It may be a secret room used to punish cave quarrymen."

He turned around, pointed at the rusty iron bucket and continued: "Do you know what this thing is?"

I thought for a while: "It looks like a shower head, isn't that what is shown on TV, but those are made of wood, and this one is made of iron."

"Yunfeng, you are only half right."

The head said: "This can be called a bathtub, but it was not used for bathing before."

"I met a woman in my 1990s who specializes in collecting torture instruments used to torture people. She wrote a book on ancient torture instruments and submitted it to Jiangsu Publishing House, but the content was too bloody and they refused to publish it. Later, she illegally printed several books.

I’ve looked through it.”

"This thing existed in the early Qing Dynasty, and it was called a dirty bucket." Gaotou told me.

"Dirty bucket? What do you mean?"

I couldn't understand, so I explained a few sentences.

It is said that the "dirty bucket" was invented by a man named Xu. At that time, the Qing army entered the customs and asked people to shave their hair and leave braids. "The hair and skin of the body should be respected by the parents." This order was strongly opposed, especially by some

Scholars would rather be killed than have their hair braided.

The man surnamed Xu said: "Want to clean it up? Okay, let you guys do it." Later, he asked a blacksmith to make this kind of bucket.

First, people take off their clothes, lift the iron cover, and sit naked in the bucket. Then close the lid, because there is a hole in the lid, and the person's head will be exposed.

At this time, use a brush dipped in sugar and honey and brush it onto the person's face. In summer, the sweet things will attract ants, mosquitoes, flies, etc. The person sitting in the bucket will feel itchy and unbearable, but because only the head is exposed outside, it is difficult to scratch

It was itchy and couldn't be scratched, and soon it was bitten by ants and mosquitoes, leaving it unrecognizable.

During this period, food was given as normal, and there was a lot of food. If you couldn't eat, you would stuff it in. It was always convenient to eat when your belly was full.

The big ones and the small ones can only be put into buckets. Gradually, more and more things accumulate, maggots and bacteria breed, the odor is unbearable, and they basically lead to death from infection.

Maybe it reminds me of a scene that may have happened here. Xiaoxuan coughed and retched, staying far away from the bucket.

"Boss, what is this for?" I asked again about the iron chair that looked like a bar stool. There was also a fist-sized hole on the surface of the chair.

He hesitated for a few seconds, frowned and said, "This thing is called a flower chair, or a pear blossom chair. It existed briefly in the Ming Dynasty, very rarely. This is the first time I have seen the real thing."

"Hoo! Hoo!" Douyazai blew the dust hard, coughed and said, "Pear Blossom Chair? The name sounds pretty good."

"What sounds good."

He shook his head and said, "Extorting confessions through torture, and forcing people to speak. These are things that only perverts in ancient times came up with."

The boss told me how to use this thing. It was the first time I heard it. Before, I only knew about tiger stools and hand plates.

I'm afraid someone is eating, so I'll try not to sound disgusting. This thing is real.

The "Flower Chair" can be used by both men and women. The method is to tie the person to the chair, take off the pants, and hang the legs in the air. Isn't there a fist-sized hole in the chair surface?

At this time, the torturer got under the ground, inserted a big pear with a stick, and stuffed the pear inside, which can hurt the person to death.

Once it's stuffed in, it can't be pulled out, so I keep poking it back and forth with a stick until the pear blossoms.

There are more stone carvings in Guizailing than the Terracotta Warriors and Horses, so the amount of limestone used would be very large. I don’t know who looked at these stonemasons back then, but they can tell through these torture tools.

I don’t know how many masons that man killed. It is possible that this man can be found in the history books.

One more thing can be seen.

This person is a mentally twisted pervert.

This chapter has been completed!
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