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"Stop crowding!"


"Who the hell stepped on my toes! Make room for me!"

There was a lot of noise, clanging and clanging on the stage, and the opera began.

What kind of drama are you singing?

The song is a unique Fujian opera in Fujian, and the name of the opera is "Qiulan Sending Rice".

Although I didn't understand it, it was quite interesting to watch because the singers were all beautiful women.

Authentic Fujian opera pays most attention to the vernacular dialect and graceful figures. It is no exaggeration to say that these girls singing can be said to have model figures.

While I was watching, Brother Yu suddenly patted me.

"What's wrong, Brother Yu?"

"Look there, that guy."

Brother Yu pointed to the southwest corner of the stage for me to look at.

It was crowded with people, and children were sitting on adults' shoulders. I didn't know what to look at, but Brother Yu pointed again, and I saw it clearly.

There was a woman there, standing on tiptoes to watch the show. The woman's hair was very long but disheveled. Her right hand was raised high, holding a bunch of candied haws, and she was eating while watching.

This seems to be... the snake girl just now. She was sitting in the jar in the soil embryo house just now. Why is she here now? She is also eating candied haws.

The more I look at it, the more it looks like her. The only one with this hair style is her!

Brother Yu and I looked at each other, squeezed past, and quietly walked behind Snake Girl.

"Good! Good singing!"

The crowd clapped and cheered, and she also clapped excitedly.


I patted her shoulder.

This woman looked back and seemed to have recognized me. She threw away the candied haws and turned around and ran away!

"Don't run away!"

Brother Yu's strong body pushed through the crowd and surrounded him from the side.

While the woman was running, she bumped into Brother Yu and fell down.

"Oh, oh...it hurts me so much."

"Why are you running away? We won't do anything to you."

She stood up with her hair disheveled, patted the soil and said, "Handsome guy, don't trouble me. It's not easy for me. I earn a commission. I only get five yuan for a hundred yuan."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and ran away.

Brother Yu lightly grabbed one of her arms, and she couldn't get away no matter how hard she ran.

I walked over and said, "It's okay, it's okay, girl, don't panic, I'm not asking you for money, I'm just going to ask you something."

"Is that tongue of yours fake? How did you do it?"

She raised her head and plucked her hair, and then I saw her face clearly.

She's not ugly, she's not pretty, her skin is a little tanned, she's just an ordinary girl.

She was pulled by Brother Yu by the arm, and said with a grimace: "It's made of pig tongue, controlled with a thin bamboo pole. It can only be spit out, not taken back. Once taken back, the secret will be exposed. Let me go, I will do it every time."

There are performance indicators every month.”

"Ah? Do you still have achievements?"

She nodded and said, "Yeah, most of our money has to be handed over, but it's better than going to work because we have to support our family."

I wanted to ask who the money was given to, but at this moment, there was a sudden loud shout from behind me.


"That's you!"

"you liar!"

The pretty girl pulled her girlfriend, squeezed through the crowd, and immediately grabbed the snake girl's hair and slapped her on the left face. Maybe she felt annoyed, so she slapped her on the right face again.

A slap, the sound is soft and crisp, but the slap is very hard.

"Give me back my money! You liar! I still have two thousand yuan!"

The pretty boy pulled her hair hard, and the woman yelled, "It hurts." I felt like her scalp was about to be pulled off.

"about there."

Brother Yu grabbed his wrist with a cold face and moved it away little by little.

After pushing hard, the pretty boy staggered several steps and fell into the crowd.

Brother Yu frowned and said, "We can discuss things if we have any, so we don't need to be so harsh."


The pretty girl got up and cursed: "How dare you cheat me out of money! I'm going to get her today!"

"Come here! Everyone, come and see! Look at the liar! Come and see!"

He shouted to everyone around him, so loud that it drowned out the sounds of the opera singers on the stage.

"Look at Yunfeng, this man is going to be in trouble."

Brother Yu came over and whispered to me: "You dare to lie to people like this in the temple. It's impossible if there is no one behind you."

as expected.

After just a few minutes, several middle-aged men came and dragged the pretty boy away.

I looked at it and shook my head. Just like what Brother Yu said, when you go out and ruin people's wealth, it's like killing your parents. A beating is probably the lightest thing to do.

The pretty girlfriend hurriedly took out her cell phone from her bag and wanted to call the police, but someone dropped her cell phone and smashed it to pieces. She was so frightened that her face turned pale and she didn't dare to move or scream.

One of the men looked like the leader. He lowered his head and asked the "fake snake girl" a few words, and then the fake snake girl pointed at us.

The middle-aged man nodded repeatedly when he heard this, and then walked over with a smile on his face and said: "Brothers, I am so offended. You know the rules and know that it is not easy for us brothers to make a living. Do you want to refund the money? It is 60, right?"


"Hey, no need, it's no big deal." I waved my hand and said.

The man nodded and said: "It's so hot, don't crowd outside, come inside and have a cup of tea."

I wanted to refuse at first, but then I thought about it. Most of these local gangsters have strong connections and wide connections, just like Li Fei in Normandy. They might be able to help me, so I agreed and followed with Brother Yu.

They entered a hut.

The room is much cooler than outside, the air conditioner is on, and there are leather sofas covered with mats.

After we sat down, the man poured a cup of cold white tea for me and Brother Yu, and said with a smile: "Where do you two come from?"

"I'm from the north, just passing by."

"But...do we really have that kind of snake girl here?" I asked.

He put down the teapot, sat on the sofa opposite, crossed his legs and said, "Of course there is, but most people can't see it. The snake girl doesn't have a tongue. In fact, it's just like a normal person."

I asked again: "Does that mean you live in a jar? Do you have to drink snake blood from a bowl every day?"

He smiled and said: "Yes, it is in the jar, but most of the time it is outside. It is true that I drink snake blood, but it is not three bowls, just a small wine glass, three cups a day."

Brother Yu curiously asked: "Why do you need to drink three cups of snake blood every day?"

The man turned around and said with a smile: "Brother, you are asking this, so why do we have to eat three meals a day? It's the same."

After chatting for a while, the rich second-generation pretty boy was dragged in.

He was beaten badly, his face was swollen into a pig's face, his brand-name clothes were all covered with big footprints, the corners of his mouth were bloody, his eyes couldn't be opened, and his front teeth seemed to have fallen out.

"I...I don't dare anymore...I don't dare anymore...Don't hit me..."

This man walked over and kicked the person to the ground. He pointed and said in a cold voice: "It's a big deal to have two stinky riches? When you go out to play in the future, you should improve your memory and don't talk nonsense. Do you remember?"


The corners of the pretty boy's face were cracked, bleeding and foaming, and he weakly said: "Remember...I remember."

The man patted his cheek, raised his head and asked his men: "Have you searched? How many are there?"

The subordinate said: "Brother, this is damn rich. There is more than 10,000 yuan in cash in the bag, as well as the gold necklace and diamond ring her girlfriend is wearing. We got them all."


"Let them go."

After they left, I asked: "Aren't you afraid that people will call the police after you did this?"

The man blew out a puff of smoke and said with a smile: "If I were afraid, I wouldn't do it. Don't worry, brothers are being protected."

Sitting down again, I asked this person something intentionally or unintentionally, about the eldest brother and the third brother.

After hearing this, the man thought for a while, shook his head and said, "A person in a wheelchair...and wearing a cotton hat? I really have no impression of this."

Although I was mentally prepared, I was still a little disappointed after hearing this. A few months ago, after my second brother briefly appeared at Xiangting Medical Snake, there was no news at all.

Just when Brother Yu and I got up to leave, suddenly a man, sweating profusely, ran in hurriedly and said: "Brother! It's bad! Qin Kuding is here! Don't we have enough money?"


"Isn't it coming in half a month? Why is it so early this month!"

"Hurry up! Invite people in and borrow money in my name as soon as possible. We will borrow at least 40,000 yuan today! Go quickly!"

The men ran away in a hurry.

The man turned around with an ugly expression and said, "You two, please leave quickly. I have something to do here and I can't entertain you anymore."

I nodded and said you're busy, so I won't bother you.

As a result, Brother Yu and I had just left the hut when four people walked towards us, three men and one woman.

This woman is wearing jeans, a tank top, a strong smell of perfume, a sunhat and sunglasses, and her skin is fair and tanned.

The man was sweating profusely, ran out and bowed down respectfully and said: "Qin Kuding, why is it so early this month? We haven't completed the task yet, but I have asked someone to borrow it and will be back soon."

"Yunfeng? What's wrong? Let's go?" Brother Yu turned to call me.

I was stunned when I looked at this woman.

When she saw me, she was stunned for a moment.

"why you!"

I have seen this woman, I know her!

What's your name? I can't remember it right now!

At that time, we were taken to a warehouse by the fat man Jin Leihuang because we were selling blood agate.

And it was this woman who stuffed a note in the bread for me, asking me to take Jin Leihuang to the back kitchen of the real kung fu restaurant in the puppet theater during the day!

This chapter has been completed!
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