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You need to pay a price for people to protect you. There is no free lunch in the world.

In fact, the seeds of this incident were planted from the beginning. When the beggar Liu Jianjiang asked Zhao Qingwan for protection, he asked for 200,000 membership fees.

I think Zhao Qingwan’s puppet club should be called “Puppet MLM Club” because it’s like a pyramid scheme that controls people and makes them pay monthly.

And listening to Qin Huaihu’s last few words, it’s not just me, she wants our entire team to be her Kuding.

Shouldn't tomb robbers be free to go wherever they want?

I don't want to join any puppet club at all!

If there really should be an organization, it would be the Northern Faction!

Northern tomb robber Xiang Yunfeng! He will also be the leader in the future!

Be a chicken-feather Xiangkudin!

From the beginning, it was like there was an invisible thread, carrying me around like a puppet. If Zhao Qingwan moved the thread, the person underneath would move like a puppet.

Changchun Hui Blue Potion!

Zhao Qingwan wants money!

"The Puppet Club, damn it..."

"Brother Xiang?"

"What are you muttering about alone in the corner?" Qin Huaihu came over and asked.

"No, I didn't say anything. Brother Qin, did you hear it wrong?"

"Can I leave?"

Qin Huaihu still smiled: "Of course, the card number is on the note I gave you. Let's start from next month."

When I left, it was still the old man who rowed a boat to see me off.

I wanted to talk to Sister Hong about our respective experiences during this period, but I couldn't get in and she couldn't get out. In order to achieve her goal, Sister Hong chose to follow Zhao Qingwan, also sacrificing her freedom.

The night I returned, I all slept.

Baotou and I each had four taels of wine, half a bag of peanuts, and chatted until dawn.


The next day at 9:30 a.m., Snake King Temple.

"Clang clang clang!"

"Give way! Everyone, give way!"

Someone beat gongs and drums to separate the crowded crowd into a path.

Then, I saw a dozen middle-aged strong men, holding sacks in one hand and snake-catching tools in the other, squeezing over with arrogant expressions on their faces.

It turned out that this group of people were famous snake catchers in previous years, and they had just returned from collecting snakes in Nancuo Forest.

"This year! Our Zhanghu snake king must be me!"

"Don't brag, what species is in your bag?"

"Big Wheel Spot," the man said directly.

"Big Wheel Ban also wants to be the Snake King? My mother-in-law thinks it's low class. What are you dreaming about?"

"You're just bragging, what did you catch?"

""I won't tell you, but I will win 100% this year."

The reason why these men are in high spirits is that once the snake they catch is rated as the King of Snakes, the Zhanghu District Government will not only reward 5,000 in cash, but also give a certificate. Zhanghu only issues one certificate every year. Until this year, it will only be

A total of dozens of photos were sent.

In addition, on July 7, the day of the parade, the Snake King will be put into a red painted wire cage and then carried through the streets. The red painted cage will be written with red paper and calligraphy: "Snake Saint, captured by so-and-so"


This is a matter of honor in the local area, so naturally many people fight for it.

As I was watching, a man came running quickly carrying a plastic bag.

"Xiang Kuding, it's so hot today, let's eat an old popsicle to relieve the heat."


I tore open the package and took a lick of the popsicle. It was cool and not bad.

"Old Zhao, Qin Kuding has something urgent to come over these two days. She asked me to come here to help. I'm not saying that you are really inefficient."

This man named Lao Zhao was the one who beat up the second-generation rich boy and invited me into the house for tea that day.

Lao Zhao wiped his sweat with his hands, nodded repeatedly and said, "What Xiang Kuding said is, then in your opinion...how can we improve efficiency?"

I ate the popsicle and said, "Go and call the second girl."

Er Yatou is their nickname for the fake snake girl with a pig's tongue.

I am a fourth-level Kudin in the Puppetry Club. I am at the same level as Qin Xiaofang and have corresponding rights.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the two fake snake girls hurried over.

I looked at her and said, "You should straighten your hair and cut it. Don't look like a beggar all day long."


She wondered: "If I straighten my hair, the fake tongue will be exposed."

"This is what I want you to change."

I looked at them and said, "The old methods no longer work. Not only do you make less money, but you are also burdened. You are obviously guarding the Snake King Temple, but are your monthly tasks very tight?"

These people all lowered their heads, acquiescing.

"So, you have to change your approach."

"Go and cut your hair so it doesn't look like a chicken coop, and then use five thousand yuan to buy makeup and clothes."

"Aren't you related?"

"You spend money to rent a meditation room in the temple, and then ask the locals to spread the news, saying that the snake girl can help select this snake king. Naturally, someone will give you money."

Lao Zhao's eyes lit up at first, and then he said with some uncertainty: "Is this... can this be done?"

I asked him: "How many people have seen what a real snake girl looks like?"

He shook his head and said: "That's too little. The real snake girl only appears a few days a year. I am a local snake at least. I have only seen her once, let alone other people. Most of them are just rumors."

"That's fine."

I said: "To deceive people, you have to be willing to spend money first. To get some extra money, you have to be quick, accurate, and ruthless. This method can last up to a month. You can get as much as you can."

Facts have proved that this method is feasible. Many people came secretly to ask for money. I set the charging standard for Lao Zhao not to exceed 5,000.


Because the Snake King bonus is 5,000, people have to think like this: "I paid 2,500, got the bonus, and still have 2,500 left. I can also become famous and get a certificate. It doesn't seem to be a loss no matter what."

Only when the results are announced, these people will know that they have been cheated.

At this time, if they report it to the police, they will not be able to hold their head high in the local area in the future. If there really is a fool who doesn't care about their reputation and comes to their door, it's okay and they should retreat, because no matter how you calculate it, they will make money.

In just this month, they completed a year's worth of tasks. When Qin Xiaofang came back and learned the news, she said with a smile: "It seems that the master has chosen the right person. Xiang Kuding is really capable. I believe he will surpass me in a short time."

He’s been promoted to level five Kudin.”

I cursed in my heart and smiled on the outside: "Everything I say is for the sake of the puppet show, as it should be."

She nodded and said: "By the way, Qin Huaihu asked me to urge you yesterday. It has been so many days, when will you pay?"

"Next week, there is nothing to delay."

"Then hurry up. I've urged you several times."

"Okay." After chatting for a while, I watched Qin Xiaofang get up and leave.

To this day, Zhanghu chooses the snake king every year, and some people still use this method to defraud money, but fewer and fewer people are fooled.

Later, there was no news about Lao Zhao, but I knew that Er Yatou, relying on her connections, opened a small shop behind the Tianmu Temple, mainly selling water, towels and plastic buckets.

This is the only one in the scenic spot. Towels and plastic buckets are used to contain snakes, which are necessities to help cool down. It seems that the second girl is living a good life.

I have been procrastinating because I am waiting for the first day of July.

Because some time ago, the girl from the Xiangting Snake House told me: "My grandfather has never seen the four-legged snake disease that your friend has, and he doesn't know how to cure it. If anyone in Fujian can cure it, I'm afraid it's only the snake girl. Your friend

When you come to our Zhanghu Lake, there is a high probability that you are here for the Snake Girl."

The Luohua Cave Girl in Xiangxi lives in a cave, and the Zhanghu Snake Girl in Nanping lives in the woods, in Nancuo Forest.

Not many people can see it. Lao Zhao, a local, told me: "From the first to the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, the snake girl will live in the woods for two days, and then go to the temple for a tour."

I asked him: "Haven't you seen it before? What does a real snake girl look like?"

He shook his head: "It's hard to say. You'll know for yourself if you go and see."

Nancuo Forest is next to a small river. This snake is a tributary of the Minjiang River. They call this small river the Fangsheng River because people in Zhanghu do not eat snake meat. After the Snake Festival every year, many snakes are thrown into the river. Snakes

If you know how to swim, you can swim away by yourself and you can't drown.

The weather is sultry and hot, and it just rained two days ago. At this time, there are many venomous snakes in Nancuo Forest. You must bring four things with you when entering the forest at night.

Flashlight, anti-bite leggings, bamboo pole, sulfur bag.

Many snakes are sensitive to heat sources and like to put out fires, so they do not use open flames for lighting. Bamboo poles are used to explore grass, and sulfur bags are used to smoke snakes.

I went into the forest in the evening and walked deeper. On the way, I saw the pit snake, the flat-headed snake, and the highly poisonous bamboo-leaf green and white-browed adder.

I always take detours to avoid venomous snakes. If I don't recognize them, I use bamboo poles to pick them away if I think they are not poisonous. The forest is so big that I have been walking deep into it for more than two hours, but I still haven't seen the place that Lao Zhao talked about.

It was stuffy and hot, and there was sweat on the back of my neck. I wondered if I was going in the wrong direction?

It was past ten o'clock in the forest when I looked with a flashlight from a distance and saw a dilapidated thatched house in front of me behind two big trees.

There was a faint light in the room, as if a candle was lit.

Walk over quickly.

"Is there anyone? Is there anyone?" I shouted to the thatched house,

There was obviously candlelight in the room, but no one spoke.

I turned off the flashlight and moved closer, looking through the crack in the door slowly.

This chapter has been completed!
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