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This man was a bit of a tiger, so I lit a cigarette for him and asked him if he knew where to go up the mountain? To the village on the mountain.

He smoked the pipe: "I told you that the road is open, but this land is mine! I discovered it!"

"Brother, don't worry, we won't take your territory." I said.

"That's pretty much it," he pointed to the north side of the ditch and said, "Have you seen that platform?"

"I saw it."

"That earthen platform is called the Army Pointing Platform. I ordered troops there two thousand years ago. No, I was wrong. It was Liu Bang who ordered troops there two thousand years ago."

Good guy, I was shocked. I thought you had lived for two thousand years.

He pointed the way and said: "There is a tree around the earth platform. If you go up the small slope under the tree, you can go up to the village on the mountain."

"Thank you very much. If you don't bother me, brother, you will make a fortune."

The man waved his hand and continued digging along the ditch.


"Brother Yu, please walk slowly and wait for me."

"Come on Yunfeng, what time is it now? Find someone to buy two good shovels and go back. Do you want to spend the night in the mountains?"

I suspected that there had been a mudslide or something here before. The road was very difficult to walk. I gasped and said, "Brother Yu, how about you carry me up the mountain?"

"Get out of here, you are a big man and you have your own legs, how dare you let me carry you?"

I jokingly went up to the mountain and looked around, seeing a desolate scene.

I frowned and thought, "Can anyone live in this place? I'm afraid it would be too shabby for the beggars."

This place used to be a village. There wasn't a single house in sight, and there was no life at all.

There are weeds, moss-covered bricks, and some houses are so dilapidated that only a door frame is left standing there.

Not to mention electricity, it seems that it is difficult to get water and water here. Why would anyone want to live here alone?

Sure enough, as Mr. Li said, this guy named Lao Xie is a bit "evil" and doesn't play according to common sense.

"How much cash do we bring, Brother Yu?"

"I brought more than six thousand."

"That should be enough. Just buy a few shovels. Let's go look for them."

Entering a dilapidated village, I searched from house to house to see where anyone had lived.

We walked straight in and when we approached the west end of the deserted village, we saw an old man holding a cigarette in his right hand and blowing on a fire to make a fire.


After shouting, Brother Yu and I ran over quickly.

"Uncle, how about living and cooking?"

This old man wore a yellow vest, had gray hair, was about 1.6 meters tall, and was as skinny as a monkey. His fingernails were yellowed from smoking cigarettes all year round.

"What can I do?" the old man asked.

"Excuse me, are you Kong Laoxie? We were introduced to a man named Kong Laoxie on the mountain to buy something."

The old man said: "I am Kong Laoxie. I can buy whatever I want."

Asking knowingly.

I didn't say these four words, but said with a smile: "Old man, if you spin it into the earth and know it for thousands of years, people will judge both good and evil, so I will buy this thing."

The thin old man in the yellow vest shrank his cheeks, took a puff of his cigarette, pointed at me and said, "You rotten boy, you can also write poetry."

Damn it, what does rotten skin mean? I don’t think it’s a good word.

"Shovel, please leave as soon as possible." He said no and drove us away.

I said I would give the money, and immediately took the thick envelope from Brother Yu's hand. I took it out, shook it fearfully and said, "Money, I'll give it to you, Mommy."

The old man didn't even look at the thousands of dollars in my hand. He glared and scolded me: "Yeah! You rotten boy, you see what you can do, get over here and get fucked up." (It means get out of here)

He really lives up to his name, no wonder he is called Lao Xie. He is really evil and doesn’t want our money.

At this time, Brother Yu frowned and said: "Master, we are from the Mangshan Archaeological Team. I heard that you are good at craftsmanship, so we bought it for the archaeological team. Why are you scolding me?"

"Yeah? Could it be from the archaeological team?"

The old man said with disbelief: "If I were in the archaeological team, I would be the mayor."

After grinding for a long time, nothing worked. The old man said that he didn't have a shovel to sell us and he didn't know how to do it himself.

I'm also angry, so I'll just tell you, let's go, Brother Yu.

Brother Yu was helpless when he saw this, so he said let's go.

But just as he turned around and took a few steps, the old man suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute."

"What? Changed your mind?" I turned around and asked.

The old man lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking, and waited quietly for a minute or two.

When he raised his head, his eyes suddenly turned red and he said, "If you can help me catch the stolen dog, I will help you with the shovel, okay?"

I turned to look at Brother Yu: "What do you mean? Help catch the dog thief?"

Brother Yu asked: "Old man, we didn't quite understand. Please say it again."

The old man explained it, and then he understood the meaning.

He had a big yellow dog that was poisoned to death by a group of people feeding him ham last week. He was in the house at the time and ran out when he heard the dog snoring, only to see several people preparing to take the dog away.

He picked up a stick and shouted, and the group of people ran down the mountain in a panic. When they looked down, they saw that the big yellow dog couldn't breathe within a few minutes and died.

At this point, the old man's eyes were red. He wiped his tears with his arms and sobbed. He looked very painful, as if his son had been poisoned to death.

In fact, I can understand that he is a childless old man. He has been keeping an old yellow dog as a companion for more than ten years. If he has a stutter, he will give the old dog half a bite. Now that he has been poisoned to death, he is naturally very sad.


The key is, can we help with this? I have never caught a dog thief, how can I help?

Brother Yu walked over, squatted down and chatted with the old man for a few minutes, then pulled me aside and said, "I asked Yunfeng, the dog thief must have used poison."

I said I knew that the poisonous ham sausage might be mixed with rat poison.

"No," Brother Yu shook his head and said, "I used to know a dog thief in a theater troupe. They didn't use rat poison. Dog meat that has been tainted with rat poison cannot be sold. People who eat it will be poisoned."

"What kind of poison is that?"

Brother Yu said, "The dog stops immediately."

The local dialect is called Dog Liting, which means that the dog will stop panting immediately after eating it. The scientific name should be "isoniazid (jing)."

At that time, many dog ​​thieves used this kind of thing. It was a prescription drug used to treat tuberculosis. Medical students should know the principle. People who take a small dose of isoniazid are fine, but once a dog eats it, only a small amount is needed.

will be poisoned to death.

Dogs poisoned by this drug are sold to dog meat restaurants across the country, because humans can eat the meat without any problem.

After thinking about it, I said to the old man: "Uncle, I can help you find this group of dog thieves, but you have to let me see the shovel first. If it doesn't work well, wouldn't our work be in vain?"


The old man immediately stood up and said, come with me, let me see what it is called, "The most awesome, sharpest, fastest digging soil in the world, the best Luoyang shovel."

Brother Yu and I followed him into a dilapidated house. There was a mud stove with a hand-push blower under the stove.

There are also various hammer tools, scrap metal, scrap cans, etc. piled in the room.

Leaning against the corner stood two Luoyang shovels.

Looking from a distance, the momentum of these two shovels is different, like two square halberds, peerless magic weapons stuck in the ground!

The afterglow of the setting sun shines in through the window, and the whole place is shimmering with cold light.

I walked over, picked it up and tried it.

It's lightweight. I don't know how it was made. Compared with all the shovels I've used before, it's at least half the weight.

I lifted the shovel and gently poked it into the ground. Without using much force at all, the shovel surface went down ten centimeters!

I picked it up and didn't want to put it down. I simply couldn't put it down. I have never seen such a good Luoyang shovel.

At that moment, I even had an illusion. I felt like I could dig up the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Lishan with just one shovel!

Seeing the excitement on my face, the old man held a cigarette in his mouth and said, "You bastard, did you hit the mark?"


I said it was a hit! I want this one!

In the end, he shook his head and said, "No, someone ordered this. I ordered it for them, but I haven't come to pick it up yet."

The shovel shaft of this shovel is one-piece. I scratched my head and thought about it, then asked him: "Can it be made into two parts? That is, it can be packed separately in a bag?"

He nodded and said, "No problem, I can tailor one for you according to the size of your hand."

Later, many years later.

This shovel of mine is still the best one in the entire Northern School.

none of them.

Always number one.

This chapter has been completed!
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