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Next, did the descendants of these chieftains dig up corpses?

Don’t panic, let’s talk right away. Here I will briefly talk about my subsequent research results. What if some of you here come across it in the future?

If I had put this effort into research and study, damn it, I might have graduated from Harvard long ago.

The fear of unknown things among living people is the root of the existence of witchcraft and religion.

As long as there are still people who believe this, these things will be passed down by word of mouth and will exist forever.

The wizards of a few tribes do not use yellow talisman swords like Taoist priests when doing this. They generally use these things.

"Five blessing crowns (felt hats embroidered with five bats, usually cotton hats), animal skin drums, puppets no more than 30 cm long, iron bells, wooden fans, sutra bags, and finally a fly soul flag.


This old wizard used two of them, bells and puppets.

Black witches are mainly divided into three broad categories.

There is spiritual black magic, imitation black magic, and contact black magic.

The spiritual black witchcraft is the most advanced, and I can't understand it through research. The main ones are "sitting Buddha", "curse", and there is another kind that has been spread abroad called "slandering the law."

In the imitation of black witches, there are many popular folk magics. I believe some people have heard of the round light technique and the Nine Dragon Bone Transformation Water, right?

There are many people in Tibet who know the Circle Light Technique, which is to draw a circle on your hand and then cover it with a cloth to use it to find things.

There are many old ladies in Heze who can make Kowloon Bone-Resolving Water. It is used to dissolve fish bones. If the fish bones are stuck in the throat, drinking this water will give immediate effect.

There is also something called "Tuan Doll". For example, if a child falls into a well and is rescued, he becomes dazed and confused. At this time, someone who understands will use the child's clothes to simply sew a doll and stuff it with some cotton.

If you throw the rag doll into the well, you will be fine.

I know about three types of contact witchcraft, one is called "transferring a substitute", one is called "Fang Luo", and the other is called "steaming cat".

The first is to transfer a substitute. For example, if someone is seriously ill and is about to die, put a gold necklace under his pillow, or put a hundred dollars directly there for three days in a row without opening the pillow to look at it.

Then throw the gold necklace or money within a hundred meters of this person. After throwing it, as long as someone of the same gender picks it up within an hour, it is equivalent to transferring the pain to the person who picked up the money.

, in this way, the person who is about to die can live for several more years.

"Fangluo" is a witchcraft of the Dai people. Its function is to instigate the relationship between other people's couples.

For example, there is a woman who doesn't want a certain man and woman to be together, so she goes to the man's ancestral grave, breaks off a section of dry branches and brings it back.

Cut off branches, dip them in ink or paint, choose a secret corner near the house where the couple lives, and write in Dai language: "You have thorns on your chest. You can't hug each other, you can only look at each other across the river."

If you don't erase these words, over time, a couple who were originally very good will start to quarrel and fight every day for no reason, and eventually get divorced and each will live his or her own life.

The last "steamed cat" is also called "Asuo steamed cat". I said this in a vague way is related to "sex".

It can only be used by men on women, and conversely, it has no effect on women when used on men. It is said that it originated in the Nadhong area of ​​​​Xishuangbanna.

After the wizard received the man's money, he prepared a sheepskin bag and a female cat in love, put the cat in a steamer to steam, opened the lid after half an hour, wrapped a little steam in the sheepskin bag, and quickly tied the cat's mouth


The wizard handed the bulging sheepskin bag to the man, and he placed it on the seat of the unit or under the passenger seat in the car. As soon as the woman sat down, the bag would deflate.

Then, after the people left, the man followed the wizard's instructions, quickly took the sheepskin bag, sat it under his butt, and said: "What is pressed under my crotch is not the sheepskin bag, but so-and-so (woman's name)"


This way you will succeed.

In addition, there are two kinds of black witches among the Zhuang and Nisu people, which I will not talk about. After all, I will definitely not use these things, I am afraid.

Let's go back to the events of that night.

The ground has been dug down and no one can be seen.

I heard someone yelling from under the robbery cave: "Laye! That's right! This was a cave before! There are still traces of shovel digging on the wall!"


The goat barked, and the cry always felt a bit sad. The old wizard squatted on the ground and didn't speak, but kept caressing the goat's head.

"Let's go astray... Let's go astray... Let's go astray..."

"Young man, what are you mumbling about?" someone turned around and asked me.

"I didn't say anything. You heard me wrong."

The man was stunned, turned around and continued to watch the people digging the soil.

"Let's go wrong...let's go wrong...let's go wrong..."

The man suddenly turned his head to look at me, but I still kept my mouth shut and said nothing.

This group of people are not tomb robbers. It is possible to dig astray when digging a hole. I prayed in my heart that they would dig astray. As long as they could dig half a meter to the right, they would not be able to dig the bottom tomb. Of course, they would not be able to dig it.

The body is gone.

Time passed by, and everyone gathered around the pit and looked down.

My forehead was sweating and I kept wiping the sweat with my sleeves.

Some people brought sacks and cattle ropes with them, and they used these to hold the soil.

After one hour.


"Stop! Look! What is this!"

When I saw what was exposed in the soil, my pupils shrank suddenly!

It was half a bamboo basket covered with mud!

When he saw the basket, the man digging the soil immediately shouted loudly: "This is Apo's medicine box! That's right! This is Apo's medicine box! Apo!"

I remained calm and quietly took two steps back.

That day we were backfilling the robbery hole. When we were almost halfway through the filling, we found that the cow was gone, and we also found a bamboo basket containing herbs. Because at that time, I asked what kind of herbs were in the ingot basket, and I remembered it very clearly, and then I threw the basket down casually!

That is to say!

This bamboo basket is dug down about three meters! You will see ancient tombs and corpses!

That was not the only thing that made me sweat. I suddenly thought that I took off my clothes and covered the corpse’s head that day. Damn it! I didn’t take that clothes back later!

Extremely nervous.

At this moment, one of the villagers watching said, "I'm going to relieve a big man. Do you want to come with me?"

Someone immediately came out and said, "Let me relieve myself and let's go together. I'll wait for you when I'm done."

"Is there anyone else going?"

While the man was speaking, he glanced at me intentionally or unintentionally.


"I'll go and solve it too!"

"Oh, let's go then. Come back and take a look once you've solved it. The critical moment is about to come."

The three people walked together behind a big tree not far away. The man took off his pants, squatted down, and said in a low voice: "Now, leave quickly, go back and pack your things and run away."

"Then thank Mr. Li for me."

"Stop talking and walk as fast as you can."

I nodded and stepped back step by step.

Because there were trees blocking the way, I found a blind spot and took a detour to leave here.

I'm not walking, I'm running!

Run back!

I didn’t dare to stop! It was a journey of more than three hours, and I ran back in almost an hour!

Panting and dripping with sweat, I went back and slammed open the courtyard door.

"Hand...your head!"

"Xiao...Xiaoxuan! Why haven't you left yet!"

"Something big happened! Didn't Yuan Bao come to inform you? Something big happened! The ancient tomb! The chieftain's body! They dug it up!"

I said anxiously: "Head! It's already burning! Why are you still in the mood to drink tea!"

He gently put his head down the tea cup, raised his eyebrows and said:

"Yunfeng, are you teaching me how to do something?"

This chapter has been completed!
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