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It may be difficult for us normal people to understand, but such people do exist in reality.

In terms of relationships, it can be either male or female, and sister Zemi Wang is one of these people.

Zhang Biao's last words were serious. If he didn't have any evidence, how dare he spread rumors like this? After all, the other party's identity is the leader's sister...???.

After hearing this, Xiaoxuan looked disgusted: "Hey... It's true, Brother Biao, you didn't mean to scare me, did you? I don't want her to like me... I feel so disgusting, hold your head, let's leave quickly.


"Don't panic yet," Zhang Biao said again: "You should at least stay for a day or two before leaving, so that the other party won't be suspicious. As for what I said, of course it is true. Girl, you are so good-looking.

If I hadn't gotten married long ago, to be honest, I might have taken the initiative to pursue you."

I want to slap Zhang Biao in the face, he really dares to say anything openly.

No girl wants to hear compliments about her beauty. Xiaoxuan was not angry, but glanced at me triumphantly.

I have two things to do in the afternoon and evening.

One is to let Xiaoxuan simply put on makeup, and then distribute spiritual water to the men and women in the tribe as the "reincarnation of Vajra Haimu". Whoever drinks the spiritual water can give birth to a girl within the next year.

Of course, this is a lie. One year later, we don’t know where we are and we are not afraid of them finding fault.

Similar activities are also held in Lhasa, such as the reincarnated living Buddha giving spiritual wine to women. Those of you who have traveled to Lhasa may have seen the big wine barrel on the table outside the temple. That is spiritual wine. They are all local women.

Go and drink.

Another thing is to hold a tree burial for the person who was stabbed to death by Xiaoxuan.

Zhang Biao said that tree burial is a custom of Sherpa people. They never cremate. They believe that cremation and burial will pollute the soul of the deceased. Only tree burial can make the soul pure.

We suddenly changed from prisoners to guests. The red lotus mark on Xiaoxuan's forehead was not washed away. Every Sherpa man and woman who saw her would bow to Xiaoxuan respectfully.

At 2:30 p.m., the spiritual water distribution started on time.

A large basin was filled with water, and Xiaoxuan took a spoon and poured it into other people's bowls.

"Don't grab it, everyone, don't grab it, everyone will get it!"

People were crowded, adults and children, all pushing forward with empty bowls. Some even held them with their hands. Everyone in the tribe wanted to drink the spiritual water blessed by Vajra Haimu.

The first group of people to drink water, one of them, a woman in her forties, spoke a lot excitedly. The others were even more excited after hearing her words. They screamed and pushed forward like primitive people.

Even the tables were overcrowded, and the occasion was unprecedented.

I asked Lao Fu, and Lao Fu said with a smile: "The woman said that it is really spiritual water. It is different from what we usually drink. The spiritual water is sweet."

I thought it was weird if it wasn't sweet, so I poured a whole bag of sugar into it.

At this time, someone suddenly shouted twice.

The crowded crowd automatically separated into a road, and Serba, the sister of King Zami, came over.

Holding a wooden bowl in her hand, she walked straight over and handed it to Xiaoxuan.

Xiaoxuan took it, scooped up a ladle of spiritual water, and handed it to her.

After taking the bowl, she suddenly grabbed Xiaoxuan's wrist and wouldn't let go.

"What are you doing? Let me go!"

Xiaoxuan tried her best to pull her hand back, but found that she couldn't pull it back and it didn't move at all.

When Zhang Biao saw this, he immediately said a few words.

Sister Miwang's fingers suddenly loosened, and Xiaoxuan jerked her hand away, with a bit of anger on her face.

The woman looked askance at Xiaoxuan, grabbed her wooden bowl, raised her head and drank it all in one gulp.


Putting the bowl heavily on the table, there was still a drop of water left in the corner of her mouth. She looked at Xiaoxuan, slowly stretched out her tongue and licked it clean, with a smile on her face.

After the person left, Xiaoxuan immediately scratched her arm and said, "Hey, this woman is so scary, Yunfeng. Look at me, I have goosebumps on my hands."

Her husband died yesterday. Apart from kissing her husband on the forehead, this woman did not show any sadness at all, and she did not shed a single tear.

She should eat and drink, as if the person who died was not a man who had had physical contact with her, but a stranger.

I even feel that even if her eldest husband and her three husbands all died, she would not shed a single tear, she was very heartless.

After giving out the spiritual water in the evening, I saw several couples of men and women walking hand in hand into the woods. Although I couldn't understand what they were saying, I could see happy smiles on their faces.

Douyazai scratched his head anxiously, and he asked me to go and have a look with him.

I said I couldn't go, there was nothing interesting to see, and if I went to peek at others, I would be acting like a pervert.

Zhang Biao overheard Dou Sprout Zai's words. He laughed loudly and said: "It's okay, you will leave soon. It's fate to know each other. Let's go. I will take you to experience the customs and customs of the Sherpa people."

I frowned and asked, "What should I do if I see someone else? I might get beaten."

He smiled and said: "Don't worry, you can't see anything."

What do you mean you can't see anything? Invisible?

Zhang Biao's words aroused my curiosity.

Then Dou Sprout and I followed him into the woods.

In the evening, there was not even a soul in the woods. There were only wooden huts. There were about a dozen huts, separated by a certain distance from each other.

There was candlelight shining through the hut, and the laughter of men and women could be vaguely heard.

"How are you, brother? I'm not lying to you. I can't see anything."

Zhang Biao pointed in front of him and introduced: "The Sherpa people have a custom of trial marriage. These huts are called trial marriage huts. If a man and a woman in their tribe see each other, they will tell their parents and then leave from home.

Move out and live in a trial marriage hut when the boy is 17 and the girl is 15."

Zhang Biao continued: "All of them have children first before moving on to the next step. Trial marriages are usually a minimum of three years and a maximum of ten years. After a few years, if they still love each other, then they will truly love each other."


"If she feels it is inappropriate, the woman will immediately expel the man from the trial marriage cabin. No explanation is needed, just saying hello will be enough,"

"Brother Biao, isn't this bad... What will happen to the child if we are no longer together in the end?" I asked confused.

"Good question."

"That's why I asked you for that thing yesterday!"

"If there is a child, it is usually the man who pays the woman a large amount of child support."

"Alimony? Doesn't it mean that the tribe doesn't use money?"

He looked at me and explained: "The alimony I am talking about does not refer to circulating money. It can be dozens of kilograms of salt, dozens of kilograms of sugar, etc., or some people simply give a few kilograms of sorbet. Here, these are

hard currency."

"Snow beads? Are they those red beads? People here know how to make sherbet beads?"

"Yes, I can do it." He brought a red sorbet bead and immediately took it out for me to see.

Seeing the extremely red sorbet in his hand, I swallowed subconsciously.

This thing has never been cheap. It is extremely expensive. The ones sold outside are more expensive than Dzi beads. It is a relatively mysterious thing in Tibet.

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