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1061:Winning a prize or throwing a tantrum?

The last semester of senior high school passed very quickly for Wen Ying.

Time is like turning on an accelerator, and it’s April in the blink of an eye. Wen Ying still ignores "Crown of Thorns". Song Foxiang's "Elopement at Dawn" is selling booming, and "Xun Yong" numbered "No. 600000"

Still no whereabouts.

As for Xie Qian, he flew to Shanghai twice on the way to complete the demolition compensation matter.

Xie Qian is still waiting for the results of the DNA paternity test. The overseas authorities asked Xie Qian to wait for a few more days.

There is nothing Xie Qian cannot tolerate.

"Xunyong" has only been on the market for more than a month. According to the sales situation obtained by Modu Publishing House, it will be almost time to reprint it in half a month.

This is good news for Wen Ying.

There is also good news from Xie Qian's side. The play written by Zhang Guangzhen for Jiaxin will be broadcast the day after tomorrow. It has been intensively promoted on Oriental Channel in the past two days.

The play is a serious one, and its title is quite simple, just called "The Alley Family".

This drama is produced by Jiaxin Film and Television Company, with Gong Sheng’s name as the producer and Jiang Youjia as the producer.

Charles Schwab is a medium-sized and declining film and television company.

Gong Sheng, a completely unfamiliar name, is not a big name in the film and television industry.

There are also several leading actors in this drama. They are indeed experienced actors with solid acting skills, but in terms of popularity, they are only so-so.

Just as Xie Qian said when he met the big boss Ran in Beijing, the most famous actor in the whole drama is actually Xu Mei.

Xu Mei became famous through hype. In the eyes of the public, she has no acting skills. If a drama relies on Xu Mei to play the leading role, the audience will not have much expectation.

What kind of "Longtang Family" is Xu Mei playing? She should be in an idol drama.

Looking again, on the poster of "Longtang Renjia", Xu Mei is not in the center... Hey, isn't Xu Mei the heroine?

After watching the promotional video of "Longtang Renjia", Cao Bo felt unhappy.

I spent so much effort to switch jobs to Jiaxin, but I didn’t get the lead role. If I had known this, I might as well not have switched jobs.

Of course, Cao Bo could only discuss a few words in his heart. After all, Xu Mei blocked him directly after returning to the magic city. No matter whether Xu Mei's life was good or bad, she obviously didn't want to have anything to do with Cao Bo anymore.

Mr. Guan laughed half to death and used this incident to educate the company's contracted artists.

Begging for nothing, breaking the contract and changing jobs, that's what it is now.

It’s been so long since we’ve seen any big action, and finally there’s a drama that’s about to be aired, and it’s just a supporting role. An artist like Xu Mei who has no representative works in the first place, it’s so easy to become obsolete!

The manager's gloating look was very ugly.

The artists contracted by the company superficially agreed with what he said, but in reality they all had their own thoughts.

Is there a bad end to job hopping?

Zhang Yangning became popular after changing jobs.

Originally she was only the third runner-up in the talent show, but now she is a singer-songwriter who has established a firm foothold in the music industry.

With his works by his side, Zhang Yangning is not afraid of becoming obsolete at all. For a singer, if a song becomes popular, he will be able to rest on his laurels for the rest of his life.

As for Xu Mei, it’s true that he is playing a supporting role. He has a drama to be broadcast on Oriental TV in two days and another drama to be broadcast on Hunan Satellite TV in a while. It doesn’t look like he is going out of style.

Mr. Guan said he treats his company’s artists well, but in the new project “Crown of Thorns,” Mr. Guan has not used any of his company’s contracted artists to be the heroines.

Guan had a total investment of 20 million, but the cost was too high, so he did not dare to let the company's artists take the lead. He said that the people signed by the company were all selected from singing competitions and had no acting skills.

This argument is simply untenable.

Li Mengjiao made her debut in a singing competition. She acted in two popular dramas and became extremely popular!

The same goes for Xu Mei, who debuted in the same talent show as Li Mengjiao and has acted in three movies so far.

As long as you are popular, it doesn't matter whether you are a singer or an actor.

Mr. Guan only thinks that everyone is not good at acting, and usually does not spend money to give everyone acting lessons. There is no way for them to improve!

Mr. Guan originally wanted to use Xu Mei's example to educate the company's artists, but he didn't expect it to have the opposite effect. Several artists were ready to move, and they all wanted to change jobs while they were still a little popular...

Mr. Ran doesn’t like Jia Xin’s dramas.

Cao Bo can't understand Jia Xin's drama.

Mr. Guan is looking forward to Jiaxin's drama.

No matter what these people think, they can't stop Xie Qian.

Because "Longtang Renjia" is about to premiere, Xie Qian's conversations with Wen Ying in the past two days have focused on this drama.

Although the producer of this drama is named Gong Sheng, and the producer is Jiang Youjia, in fact, everything from finding Zhang Guangzhen to contract the script, to soliciting investment, and then negotiating with Oriental TV for broadcast matters are all inseparable from Xie Qian's leadership.

Xie Qian once again connected with the big guys in the film and television industry in Beijing. Although he is not as experienced as Yuan Fenghui, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is more than half a professional.

Xie Qian and Wen Ying had no barriers to communication, and they had a common career field, so common topics came easily. Wen Ying did not go to the preview screening of "Alley Family" in Shanghai, but Xie Qian showed her Zhang Guangzhen's final version.

As for the script, Wen Ying already knew the whole story by heart. After comparing it with the trailer, she couldn't help but say it two or three times in front of Xie Qian:

"I think this drama can win awards!"

Wen Ying still doesn't dare to touch "serious drama" because she doesn't have the confidence to write it well.

Zhang Guangzhen used to only write idol dramas, but he has been in the industry for many years and has accumulated a lot of life experience and creative writing. This year he created two dramas in one go, which made Wen Ying jealous.

Xie Qian told Wen Ying not to worry, and asked Wen Ying how much material was recorded in her notebook.

Wen Ying chuckled and took out a notebook from the desk: "This is the third one!"

Because the college entrance examination is approaching, Wen Ying only contributes one short story to "Xinghuo" every month and does not write any novels. She has not yet written the second book in the Jiuding series.

But this does not mean that Wen Ying has stopped creating.

She is accumulating now.

In addition to going to Deng Juan's hometown during the Chinese New Year to chat with the villagers, Wen Ying now also particularly likes chatting with the vendors at the school gate and chatting with taxi drivers... These "little people" she saw every day but were always ignored by her

”, allowing Wen Ying to listen to many stories for free.

When it comes to creation, you don’t have to experience everything personally. Your understanding of the world can be gained from books or heard from other people’s mouths.

Looking at Wen Ying's proud look with her head held high, Xie Qian also smiled: "When you reach the thirtieth note of material, you should have no problem creating a drama."

30 books is just 30 books. Wen Ying likes writing and is very motivated about her writing career. She doesn’t feel tired at all.

Wen Ying is optimistic about "The Alley", and Li Mengjiao and others are also looking forward to it. In their hearts, Xie Qian is like a god, and the TV series produced by Xie Qian's company will definitely have good results.

Some people don't think so.

At the Xie family, Xie Jinghu has been instilling in his family the concept of sacrificing a film and television company to train Xie Qian.

It was luck that Xie Qian encountered demolition when buying land.

Xie Qian's logistics company is developing well, and he just happened to choose the right industry.

Xie Qian, a high school student, still wants to run a film and television company?

Xie Jinghu sneered, "How is that possible?"

Zou Weijun will not argue with this mad dog. The first drama his son has invested in after taking over Jiaxin is about to be broadcast. Zou Weijun must seize the time to finish the work at hand and free up his free time to follow the drama!

This chapter has been completed!
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