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1563: Is the Tai family innocent?

Xie Qian has always been tolerant of Wen Ying.

Even before he fell in love with Wen Ying, he treated Wen Ying better than others.

He changed his principles again and again for Wen Ying.

Now his heart and eyes are full of Wen Ying, and he can't refuse Wen Ying.

Xie Qian can bring everything he owns to Wen Ying, customized jewelry, river-view houses, old houses, investment opportunities in good projects, and even the logistics company he founded, Jiaxin Film and Television, and the shares of 'Kumho'


As long as Wen Ying wants it, as long as Xie Qian has it, I can give it to him!

Only now, Xie Qian firmly held Wen Ying's hand and asked Wen Ying to say what he just said again with a strong posture that went against Wen Ying's own wishes.

At this moment, Xie Qian would never allow Wen Ying to be an ostrich again.

She can't always flirt and run away!

——Those five words have been spoken, don’t you have to take responsibility?

Xie Qian's eyes were burning.

Wen Ying's hand was held tightly by Xie Qian, and a ball of fire burned from her hand to her heart.

Xie Qian seemed to have restricted Wen Ying's freedom, but if she really wanted to struggle, how could she not be able to break free?

Wen Ying couldn't help but struggle.

Xie Qian held her hand, making her feel dizzy.

"What did you say……"

"You know what I'm talking about."

Xie Qian squeezed Wen Ying's palm and said, "I want you to say it again. This time, you look into my eyes and say it."

Oh, say "I like you too" again?

Wen Ying tightly closed her mouth.

Her courage had been exhausted just now, so how could she have the nerve to say it again in such a short time?

Although it is night now, it is not the time for students to go to bed. There are still people going out to look for food one after another, or coming back from outside the school.

Wen Ying and Xie Qian are both celebrities in Aurora, and the news between them has already attracted others' attention.

Wen Ying can feel a lot of sight.

She stuttered and said: "I, I just said that that time, you can't blame me for not hearing you!"

Xie Qian moved Wen Ying forward. If she hadn't used her other hand to support the armrest of the wheelchair, this area would have fallen into Xie Qian's arms.

Wen Ying's eyes widened: "You're crazy, I almost crushed your leg!"

Xie Qian looked at her seriously, "Just press it as hard as you can. It's not like glass won't break easily. Don't change the subject. You don't have the guts to say it a second time, right?"

Xie Qian's tone was full of doubts.

Wen Ying's blood surged and her brain became hot: "Will I lose the courage?!"

Do you have the guts?

Then why don't you dare to say it?

The streetlight shone on Xie Qian's face. The boy's profile was so handsome. The Creator must have been very careful when pinching Xie Qian's face.

She looks so good-looking, yet so hateful!

Wouldn’t it be enough to just say it once?

Why bully people!

Wen Ying looked around fiercely, "What are you looking at? Have you never seen a girl confess her love?"

After she glared at all the passers-by, she was still fierce when she turned around.

When he opened his mouth, his throat seemed to weigh a thousand pounds.

The word "like" is very casual to some people, but to Wen Ying, it carries too much weight.

——I have liked you for a long time, do you know?

Xie Qian and Wen Ying looked at each other.

The girl's eyes were so moving that Xie Qian's heart trembled.

Those feelings that I don’t know where they started and where they will go have been wandering for two whole lives.

At this moment, Wen Ying finally recognized her own heart.

Wen Ying always felt that she only regarded Xie Qian as a "male god" in her previous life. She was willing to be the owner of Xie Qian's post bar, and she was willing to be Xie Qian's little fangirl.

Are you really willing?

In fact, I am not willing to do so.

It’s just that Xie Qian is so beautiful.

It was so beautiful that she felt she didn't deserve to like it.

Wen Ying hid all her likes. She was a fan girl and the bar owner of Xie Qian's post bar.

In her previous life, Wen Ying went to college like other girls.

She learned to lose weight, she slowly transformed, and she became more and more outstanding.

She has many suitors.

She started dating awkwardly like everyone else her age.

She told herself to forget Xie Qian.

The young man who amazed all the girls in the province's key areas has such high aspirations that he will never return to Chengdu.

When the news of Xie Qian's death came, Wen Ying could no longer deceive herself.

In the summer of 2019, Wen Ying had a dark memory that she never wanted to look back on.

When people suffer a major blow, they will selectively forget some things.

Wen Ying never thought about why she was reborn.

At the beginning of her rebirth, she was still worried about the incident between He Zhen and her first love, her senior sister.

She blamed the reborn god for losing her boyfriend.

Is this really the case?


Wen Ying and Xie Qian met each other's eyes. She looked at Xie Qian, whom she had liked for two lifetimes, and all the memories that had been selectively forgotten suddenly came back.

In her previous life, when the news of Xie Qian's death came, Wen Ying felt completely confused.

She had been dating He Zhen for so long, and He Zhen naturally noticed that something was wrong with her state. Under He Zhen's questioning, Wen Ying mentioned "Xie Qian" for the first time.

He Zhen was not surprised.

He Zhen had long felt that there was someone hidden in Wen Ying's heart, and he didn't care because He Zhen himself also had youthful regrets.

He Zhen asked Wen Ying what he planned to do. Wen Ying thought about it for a long time and said sorry.

The man named "Xie Qian" died. Wen Ying could no longer deceive herself and others. She never forgot Xie Qian. She spent more than ten years of hard work and transformation chasing that light——

When the light goes out, where will she go?

Wen Ying broke up with He Zhen.

He Zhen agreed.

The past that two people would not talk about when they are in love can be talked about after they break up.

He Zhen took the initiative to talk about his first girlfriend Rebecca and asked Wen Ying what she liked about Xie Qian.

He Zhen couldn't forget Rebecca because Rebecca was He Zhen's first love. It was not He Zhen's intention to break up. He Zhen was full of regrets about his first love.

Then why can't Wen Ying forget Xie Qian?

As far as He Zhen knows, Wen Ying has never even dated Xie Qian!

Even if there is a crush, it is just a one-sided secret love. What is supporting Wen Ying's pursuit for more than ten years?

In that conversation, Wen Ying did not tell He Zhen about her "past" with Xie Qian.

The secret love that lasted for more than ten years was not just because Xie Qian was good-looking.

In Wen Ying's previous life, she was far less confident.

Failure in the high school entrance examination, aunt's marital misfortune, and high pressure from parents.

Wen Ying couldn't keep up with her study progress when she first entered the provincial key examination.

The more she tries to learn well, the less she learns. This is a vicious cycle.

For a while, Wen Ying was so tired of studying that she couldn't listen to anything the teacher said in class.

She trembled all over when she opened the book, and she couldn't read it.

She is also afraid of exams.

She should be able to do those questions, but her mind was so confused that she couldn't remember how to solve them.

She felt she was sick.

But no one cares about her illness.

Aunt Chen Li's marriage broke up and she had no time to take care of herself. Chen Ru and Wen Dongrong both hated her. Because of her introversion, she naturally didn't have any friends in the province to whom she could tell her true feelings.

One day, Wen Ying was wandering on the rooftop of the school. She had only one thought in her mind: jump down. If you jump down, everything will be over.

One of her feet has already stepped out of the edge of the rooftop. She closes her eyes and is about to experience weightlessness——

A hand grabbed her from behind and pulled her back.

"If you die, there will be nothing."

The cold voice is like a rainbow on the snow-capped mountains.

The height difference between the two allowed the young man to look at Wen Ying with a condescending gaze.

His voice was so cold. He grabbed Wen Ying's arm and tried his best to restrain his anger: "If you die, you will have nothing, you know? You are not even afraid of death, why are you afraid of living!"

In the previous life, that hand held Wen Ying, questioned her, scolded her, saying that she was not even afraid of death, why would she be afraid of living.

Then Wen Ying survived.

In this life, that hand is still holding Wen Ying tightly, and I just want to hear her say "I like" again.

Wen Ying no longer avoided Xie Qian's sight, she shouted at Xie Qian: "Xie Qian, I like you, I have liked you for a long time!"

This chapter has been completed!
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