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1323: Grand signing, smelly appearance

The book signing lasted for several hours. Wen Ying couldn't count how many books she had signed. After finally signing the last reader in line, her arms were no longer surnamed Wen.

"I've been waiting for a long time, won't it be boring?"

Wen Ying managed to cheer up and smile, Xie Qian shook his head: "I was not idle while you were signing the book, I took the opportunity to handle a lot of official matters."

Xie Qian not only took care of the official business, but also asked Aunt Liu to make some food from home and bring it to him, just to wait for the Wen Ying autograph session to end.

Aunt Liu's craftsmanship appealed to Wen Ying as always, and the delicious food soothed Wen Ying's fatigue.

Wen Ying ate like a satiated kitten, so Xie Qian swallowed Luo Hao's story for the time being.

Whether Luo Hao is popular or not has little to do with the man himself. It mainly depends on whether the movie with Ran Keqing as the producer will be successful.

In the final analysis, it is still a competition between "Shendu: Boy's Journey" and the other film.

The first autograph session for "Exploring the Jing" was launched. More than 6,000 copies were sold on site. This autograph sales figure was so gratifying that Wen Ying almost cut off her own arm, but the media didn't pay much attention to her autograph signing.

As for the results of the sales meeting, the news the next day was all about Wen Ying saying, "I won't write a script with a price lower than 5 million."

Wen Ying laughed it off and it didn't affect her mood at all.

What really made Wen Ying unhappy was the news that Luo Hao had signed a contract with Huanyu.

Xie Qian didn't say anything for the time being. Unable to resist Ran Keqing's special attention to newcomer Luo Hao, 'Huanyu' held a signing ceremony for Luo Hao and invited many media to the scene.

I heard that there was a mountain of champagne at the signing ceremony, and a large cake several layers high. How could ordinary newcomers have such big news? Signing the best actor and the king is nothing more than that!

‘Huanyu’ has made such a big noise, and everyone knows that Luo Hao, the newcomer, will be highly praised.

At the signing ceremony, Ran Keqing announced that Luo Hao would play an important role in the new movie.

"Ran Keqing signed Luo Hao?"

Wen Ying was a little confused by the news.

The film and television adaptation rights of more than a dozen of Shui Mingyue's novels have been kept, and they did not fall into the hands of Luo Hao like in the previous life. Nothing happened to Shui Mingyue and Pei Yiyi. Pei Yiyi signed the "Jiaxin" contract, and Shui Mingyue saw Luo Hao's true face.

Wen Ying felt that this matter was completely resolved.

Without Shui Mingyue's novel film and television adaptation rights, Luo Hao would never be able to rise as he did in his previous life - he never expected that without Shui Mingyue, the big fat sheep, Luo Hao could actually catch up with 'Huanyu'!

'Huanyu' is the largest entertainment company in the mainland. Wen Ying can't remember anything else. Luo Hao never signed a contract with 'Huanyu' in his previous life. She can be sure of this. Luo Hao became popular through the adaptation of Shui Mingyue's novel.

Fans are critical of Luo Hao's acting career. They brag online every day about how difficult it is for Luo Hao to become famous. A big reason is that Luo Hao has not signed with any big company.

At first, he did not sign a contract with a big company, but later he established his own company by relying on the film and television adaptation rights of more than a dozen of Shui Mingyue's novels, turning his career from star to capital.

In Luo Hao's previous life experience, there was no "world".

For Wen Ying, this is a new variable.

This made Wen Ying feel particularly unhappy, "Ran Keqing is the eldest lady of 'Huanyu' after all, how can she have such bad taste!"

"Perhaps it's not that she has bad taste, but that she has a similar affinity with Luo Hao."

Xie Qian hit the nail on the head, "Luo Haoneng signed a contract with 'Huanyu', and it should be with your help."

"My facilitation?"

Wen Ying laughed angrily at Xie Qian's inference, "Miss Ran must have something wrong with her brain!"

It's hard to say whether there is something wrong with Ran Keqing's mind, and he is really not big-hearted. Xie Qian is not making random guesses about what kind of newcomer Ran Keqing can't find and would actually sign Luo Hao. The only internal connection is Wen Ying.

Luo Hao was so sad that he lost the big fat sheep Shui Mingyue. Even though he didn't realize it at first, he later realized that Wen Ying had helped Shui Mingyue. Wen Ying not only helped Shui Mingyue sell the film and television adaptation rights of the novel,

He also rescued Shui Mingyue at the most critical moment and ruined Luo Hao's plans twice.

The investor who drugged Shui Mingyue and Pei Yiyi has been sentenced. The other party did not drag Luo Hao into the water. Luo Hao is still safe and sound.

Pei Yiyi signed "Jiaxin", but Luo Hao had no whereabouts.

A young newcomer doesn't even have the strength to retaliate against Wen Ying.

The only thing Luo Hao can count on is Wen Ying's "rival".

The media is reporting every day that the new project of "Huanyu" and "Shendu: Youth Journey" are on the way. The chance for Luo Hao to make a comeback is Ran Keqing!

It has to be said that Luo Hao, who has been in society for several years, does have a wealth of experience and knows what to do to his advantage. From secretly hugging investors' thighs to putting emotional traps on Silly Bai Tianshui Mingyue, after the investor was sentenced, Luo Hao

Hao You quickly found a new supporter, Ran Keqing... This step by step is really fast and steady!ъìQυGΕtV.℃ǒΜ

For Ran Keqing, Luo Hao's resentment towards Wen Ying is the greatest value of signing Luo Hao.

Signing someone is not a sign. Signing a new male who has a grudge against Wen Ying, and then inserting the new male into the latest movie project. When the new male becomes popular, Wen Ying will be hit by a double blow - Xie Qian only needs to force his IQ to

Descending and putting yourself into Ran Keqing's position, it is naturally easy to analyze Ran Keqing's thoughts.

Wen Ying was disgusted by Ran Keqing's sexy tricks.

The promotion of the two movies has been paved so far and they are waiting to be released at the same time to compete for the box office. Wen Ying doesn't care that Miss Ran finds someone to scold her for writing sky-high scripts every day, but Ran Keqing signed Luo Hao just to disgust Wen Ying. Wen Ying is really angry


If someone like Luo Hao became popular and gained resources in the entertainment industry, many people would be deceived by Luo Hao!

Luo Hao should not be red.

Just post-editing to downplay Luo Hao's role in the TV series is not enough, the new movie that Ran Keqing is responsible for must be a box office hit!

For this reason, Wen Ying is particularly concerned about the filming progress of "Shendu: Youth Journey".

She has no way to determine the quality of the movies produced by Miss Ran, she can only ensure the quality of "Shendu: Youth Journey".

Mr. Zhang from Liansheng is very happy.

Screenwriter Wen Da is so focused on filming, Mr. Zhang is a little more confident about the box office of "Shendu: Youth Journey".

The competitiveness of young people is sometimes the key to winning or losing.

Ran Keqing completely angered Wen Ying, right?

Shui Mingyue saw from the news that Luo Hao was signed by Huanyu, and felt that she was causing trouble for Wen Ying, so she called Wen Ying several times to ask for help.

"Although Mu Fan and I are not as capable as you in screenwriting, as the saying goes, three cobblers can equal one Zhuge Liang. Maybe we can provide you with some inspiration!"

Wen Ying was surprised: "Isn't Mu Fan busy holding a book signing event? Can he be free to join the group?"

Mu Fan's new book was released a month earlier than "Exploration of Jing", and it was well received by readers as soon as it was released. Both sales volume and reputation were on par with Mu Fan's previous peak. The publisher immediately took advantage of the victory and arranged many promotional activities for Mu Fan.

Mu Fan was very cooperative and was busy doing autograph signings and recording shows.

Hearing Wen Ying's question, Shui Mingyue smiled: "There are endless autograph sessions. The publishing house wishes Mu Fan could hold a autograph session in every city. He cooperated at first, but now he really wants to find an excuse to get out.


Of course, Mu Fan couldn't tell the truth to the publisher, so he justly said that he wanted to help his friend!

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapter content, please download the Xingxing Reading app, and read the latest chapter content for free without ads. The website no longer updates the latest chapter content, and the Xingxing Reading novel APP has updated the latest chapter content.


He took a deep breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously looked around and became even more confused.

A single dorm?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my body...how could I not have any injuries at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him! Download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapters for free without ads.

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

My body and appearance have all changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:???

The names of the first two books are pretty normal, but what happened to the last one?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern pet breeder. The website will be closed soon. Download the Star Reading app to provide you with the rebirth of a great god’s treasure makeup: Live up to your time.

Beast Master?

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