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1372: Impure motives? Discuss the deeds but not the heart!

In terms of literary achievements and qualifications, Mr. Fu is much better than Wen Ying.

But when it comes to royalty income, Mr. Fu is far behind Wen Ying.

Mr. Fu is not as rich as Wen Ying. Mr. Fu gave 1 million to the literary fund, but he is still unwilling to be named after himself. Wen Ying admires this state of affairs!

When the "Dream Building Fund" was established, a press conference was indispensable.

The media were invited to the scene and looked at each other in astonishment as Wen Ying introduced the composition of the "Dream Building Fund".

"Xiaoyu, is it true that you offered 5 million?"

"The fund is purely public welfare -"

"No more, no less, exactly 5 million. Is it because of the public opinion that 'a script was quoted at 5 million' some time ago?"

What a coincidence.

Wen Ying was quoted a lot of scolding for writing a movie script for 5 million. Now she gave the 5 million she earned from scolding to the "Dream Building Fund".

This literary fund has a total initial capital of 20 million. One of the purposes of its establishment is to support poor writers to maintain their creations. The pen of a literati is the knife. Poor writers supported by the "Dream Building Fund" will not have the nerve to speak poorly of Wen Ying in the future.


What the reporter means is that Wen Ying started this foundation to bribe the critics and to build her own reputation.

Although other people think so too, they are not stupid enough to say it out loud.

Several unkind glances were directed at the reporter. The reporter frowned and refused to give in, insisting that Wen Ying answer the question.

Wen Ying raised her hand and refused Yuan Fenghui to answer on her behalf as an agent. She calmly responded to the camera that was about to hit her face: "I want to clarify that the 'Dream Building Fund' was actually established by LaCrosse Culture.

I am just a follower, not a initiator. As for whether I invested 5 million in the fund to reverse the trend of public opinion some time ago - I do not deny that there is such a reason."


She actually admitted it?

I thought Wen Ying would quibble and deny, but I didn't expect to admit it so readily.

The reporter who asked the question was stunned, and immediately came to his senses and looked at his own cameraman.

The camera carried by the cameraman flashed a red light, indicating that Wen Ying's answer to the question had been captured!

The reporter instantly became more excited.

"You admit that your motives for investing money in the Dream Fund were impure?!"

Wen Ying nodded, "Admit it."

"and you--"

Wen Ying interrupted the excited reporter, "You have asked me several questions, can you answer me one question? Putting aside the professional instinct of journalists to chase hot news, do you like me as a person?"

What is the problem?

The reporter suspected that Wen Ying was digging a hole for him and was very cautious when answering: "You are so talented, no one will hate you."

There's nothing wrong with this answer. It's both forward and backward. He is indeed a cunning media person.

Wen Ying was embarrassed to attack honest people. She was never afraid of dealing with cunning people. Her smile suddenly became brighter and she said, "If you don't hate me, you just like me. You obviously don't hate me, but you always ask me some sharp questions. Are you not being honest?"

1. On the one hand, it is personal preference, and on the other hand, it is professional requirement. I know you are also in a dilemma. But don’t worry, I will not be disgusted by your “impure motives”. I know that reporters have to chase news hot spots. I

I understand your difficulties, so I will never avoid your questions."

The reporter was confused by what Wen Ying said.

Yuan Fenghui took the microphone, "What Xiaoyu means is that we are all ordinary people, and we are more or less selfish when we do something. As long as this selfishness does not hurt others, why bother to dig into it? No matter what Xiaoyu is doing,

For what motive, she really gave 5 million to the 'Dream Building Fund', and this fund will indeed help many people, so even if she is not praised for doing this, at least she shouldn't be criticized, right?"

The reporter choked.

This is the truth, and it’s not that reporters don’t understand it. But as Wen Ying said, if reporters’ questions are not sharp, how can the news effect be even-keeled?

The public just wants to see conflicts and explosive moments!

The reporter was well-informed and extremely thick-skinned: "Xiaoyu donated 5 million to the 'Dream Building Fund', and her own reputation has been improved. This is a cost-effective public relations deal."

This is quite excessive.

Wen Ying admitted that she had selfish motives for doing this, but the reporter wanted to attribute her donation of 5 million to selfish motives.

Yuan Fenghui suspected that this reporter was sent by Ran Keqing to cause trouble. She was angry in her heart, but she smiled kindly on her face: "Xiaoyu is so busy, how can I have time to do public relations by myself? You can ask such sharp questions today after the press conference."

If you will be scolded by netizens, why not donate some money to the Dream Building Fund now and buy yourself a good reputation?"

"I report the news truthfully, and I don't need to buy a good reputation."

"Oh, don't be so stingy. Donating money to the 'Dream Building Fund' is a good deed. Are you really not willing?"

Yuan Fenghui pressed forward step by step, and the reporter who asked the question turned red in the face.

——This is forcing donations in public!

Journalists often make people unable to leave the stage, and it is very rare for them to be forced to donate in turn!

Yuan Fenghui didn't wait for the other party to answer, but changed the subject with regret: "I don't think you don't want to buy a good reputation, but you are reluctant to spend money. Don't say that your income is not as good as Xiaoyu. When doing good deeds, you always do what you can.

Xiaoyu donated 5 million yuan, you can donate 50,000 yuan or 5,000 yuan... Okay, okay, I was just joking, how can I really ask you to donate money? Our "Dream Building Fund" does not accept outsiders for the time being.


Even if Wen Ying donated 5 million to the "Dream Building Fund", her motives would be questioned. If she accepts donations from outside, readers will definitely follow suit.

It will be even more unclear at that time.

Even if the expenditure is announced to the public, some people will still suspect that Wen Ying uses the "Dream Building Fund" to make money from readers.

Not necessary.

If you manage and operate these 20 million well, you can make the "Dream Building Fund" play a big role without accepting donations from readers!

The reporter was so fucked by Yuan Fenghui that he couldn't get up or down and felt uncomfortable.

Wanting to find another starting point to talk about Yingying, a thin figure appeared at the door of the venue.

Wen Ying had sharp eyes and immediately pushed away the reporter and ran over.

"Why are you here..."

The thin figure is Mr. Fu.

Mr. Fu donated 1 million to the "Dream Building Fund". Not only did he refuse to name it after him, he was not prepared to appear at the press conference at the beginning.

It's not that Mr. Fu doesn't want to come, it's because Wen Ying heard that Mr. Fu has been feeling unwell recently and doesn't want Mr. Fu to run around.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Fu rushed to the scene!

The old man was helped up to the stage by Wen Ying. A reporter recognized him, and the interview team was a little commotion.

It’s no secret that Mr. Fu is partial to Wen Ying, but he didn’t expect to come to support Wen Ying again today!

It's also strange that the reporter who asked the question was impatient. The host chased Wen Ying to ask questions before he finished introducing the investors of the "Dream Building Fund", so the reporters didn't know that Mr. Fu was also one of the investors!

"Xiaoyu donated money to the 'Dream Building Fund' for public relations. As an old man, I gave some money, is it also for public relations? You guys, if you have a pure mind, you will be able to produce high-quality news interviews!"

This chapter has been completed!
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