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Chapter 184 Counterfeit goods

"Master, I have something to tell you!" On this day, the maid Marlene suddenly came over and said to Tangning.

"What's going on? Tell me!" Tang Ning asked casually while busy with her own business.

Marlene hesitated for a moment, then seemed to muster up the courage to speak: "Master, I don't think the person I saw that day was Mr. Hager!"

Hearing this, Tangning stopped the pen in her hand, frowned and asked, "Are you talking about the time when Mr. Hager came to look for me at home before he died?"

Marlene nodded and replied: "Yes, that was the time!"

"Why do you feel this way?" Tangning asked curiously.

Maid Marlene explained: "It's very simple, because I saw Mr. Warner's photo yesterday, and then I realized that he was not the same person I saw that day!"

"Where did you see Mr. Warner's photo?" Tangning asked.

"When I went to the clothing store yesterday to pick up clothes for my wife, I saw a photo of the boss, Mr. Cohen, and Mr. Warner. Only then did I realize that I might have misled Mr. Sheriff and you, the owner, so"

Before Marlene could finish her words, Tangning interrupted: "Mr. Cohen's clothing store, right? I'm going to have a look right now!"

The reason why Tangning wanted to go to the clothing store again was to verify whether Marlene's words were true. But after seeing the group photo, he was sure that Marlene was not wrong, so he returned home and picked up the drawing board and asked Marlene: "

Can you describe what the Mr. Hager you saw that day looked like?"

Although it was a long time and only a few glances, so Marlene's memory is not very clear, but based on her description, it seems that they are definitely two people. But for some reason, Tangning always felt that this person looked familiar.

But I couldn't remember it for a while.

Tangning then asked Marlene, "Why did you think this person was Mr. Hager?"

"Because he calls himself Mr. Hager!" Marlene replied simply.

Although Tang Ning was not satisfied with this answer, she could not refute it, because for a maid like Marlene, it was whoever the person claimed to be, unless she knew him personally.

At this time, Marlene added: "And his dress and temperament clearly indicate that he is the master. Also, Uncle Robert, the housekeeper, also called him Mr. Hager, so I thought he was really Mr. Hager."

Got it!"

Hearing this, Tangning ordered her out of habit: "Go and ask Rob to come over." But before he finished speaking, he realized that Rob had already retired and returned to his hometown. Hey, why did this happen so easily?

So I had to change my words: "Go and ask Adrian to come over!"

After instructing Adrian to go to Rob's hometown to find him, Tangning asked Heidi while recalling, "Dear, has Mr. Hager been to our house before?"

Heidi recalled it for a moment, and then replied with some uncertainty: "It seems not! Why do you ask?"

So Tangning recounted to Heidi the incident of Marlene admitting the wrong person. After hearing this, Heidi couldn't help but exclaimed: "Tony, do you mean that someone pretended to be Mr. Hager and came to our house?"

Tangning nodded and replied, "Yes, that's what I mean. I just recalled that only Mrs. Hager had come to our home before, and I had only taken Adrian to Mr. Hager's house. It happened to be the day of the accident.

Adrian is away on vacation, and none of the other servants in the house know Mr. Hager, so it is very possible that this impostor took advantage of him."

"But what's the point of doing this?" Heidi asked puzzledly.

Tangning thought for a moment and then replied: "Maybe it was to confuse the time of Mr. Hager's death. Because the police were unable to determine the exact time of death when they found Mr. Hager's body, so they used the evidence provided by our family to infer the time of death."

Yes, if it is really an impostor, then the time of Mr. Hager’s death needs to be re-determined, and the impostor may even be the murderer himself!”

"But how can this impostor be sure that no one else in the family knows Mr. Hager except you when he comes, and how can he accurately leave in time before you see him? Doesn't he think this is too risky?" Heidi

asked again.

"I don't know about this. It may be that the murderer thinks that even if he fails, there will be no harm in trying this. If he succeeds, it will greatly interfere with the direction of the police investigation." At this point, Tangning paused and then whispered:

"Another reason is that maybe someone in the family is cooperating with him!"

"You mean there is an accomplice of his in our house?" Heidi couldn't help but exclaimed.

Tangning nodded and replied, "That's right!"

"But how is this possible? The murderer wanted to kill Mr. Hager. Why would he arrange an accomplice in our house? And I believe that the servants at home would not do such a thing!" Heidi questioned.

"Don't be too confident, after all, this kind of thing has happened before, like Underwood." Because Underwood has become a taboo in the family, Tangning stopped talking.

Then he changed the subject and said: "I have to tell Chief Klein about this quickly. In fact, I think the police did one thing wrong here, that is, they did not carefully check Mr. Hager's identity with Rob and Marlene."

appearance, otherwise this loophole would not have appeared!"

After Tangning came to the police station and repeated these words to Chief Klein, she immediately blamed herself: "Oh, I did neglect this point. I just asked a few questions and then left. I really should have found someone."

Mr. Zhang Hage’s portrait or photo for confirmation.”

Then he drew inferences: "There may be such omissions in other links. Tony, please wait for me. I will ask them if there are any similar omissions."

After arranging for his subordinates to check for deficiencies, Chief Klein returned to the office and whispered to Tangning: "Tony, do me a favor. Don't tell anyone else about this, because I'm about to be promoted recently.

If there are rumors of negligence, then"

Before Chief Klein could finish speaking, Tangning said in agreement: "Don't worry, I understand. I will ask Heidi and Marlene to keep this matter secret when I get back. I will definitely not ruin your promotion. Moreover,

Maybe if this case is solved, your promotion will be accelerated!"

PS: Today I watched Catfish’s joke, and then I realized that Lao Guo usually only ties the first button when wearing a coat, and the rest are tied by his apprentices, and only those who can sell tickets can start from the first button.

To qualify, everyone else can only tie the buttons in the middle of the coat first, then work from the middle down, and finally tie the top buttons. There are so many rules behind the scenes.

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