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Chapter 209 'Praying Hands'

"Jason, mom, let me tell you the story behind this painting "Praying Hands". Hundreds of years ago in Germany, Europe, there was a famous painter Dürer. When he was a child, his family was very poor, but he and his brother were very poor.

He was extremely smart and talented in painting, but the family could only support one child to learn painting, so his father asked the two children to toss coins to make a decision. Finally, Dürer got the opportunity to study painting at the Nuremberg Art Academy.

His elder brother had no choice but to work part time in the mines to support the family and his younger brother, who was studying painting.

When Dürer became a great painter and came back to visit his brother, he found that his once slender and delicate hands, which were best suited for holding paintbrushes, had become rough and the joints were protruding due to mining. He was so moved by his brother's efforts that he painted

The famous painting "Praying Hands"

While listening to Heidi tell this kind of "chicken soup story" to her children, Tangning suppressed her desire to complain. After they were alone together, she said to Heidi: "My dear, never tell your children this kind of story again."

You must do a little research before telling celebrity stories, and when Jason grows up, you must remember to tell him the truth about the painting "Praying Hands" to prevent him from being laughed at!"

"The truth? Wasn't what I just told the story behind "Praying Hands"?" Heidi asked in confusion.

"Of course not. Dürer's family is actually very rich. His father is a famous goldsmith in Nuremberg. Do you think the goldsmith's family can't afford to send their children to school? And Albrecht-Dürer is not the only one.

One brother, they are three brothers. He and Hans-Dürer are both painters, and the other Engel-Dürer inherited his father's business and is also a goldsmith, so the family situation is very good.

In addition, the Nuremberg Academy of Art was founded in 1662, and Dürer died in 1528, so how could he go there to study painting?" Tangning explained angrily.

In fact, there are many such fake celebrity inspirational chicken soup stories, such as Leonardo da Vinci's eggs and Einstein's test score. It's just that something like "Praying Hands" can be included in Baidu Encyclopedia, which really makes Tangning


Heidi knew that her knowledge in art was definitely not as good as that of her husband, and the date of the founding of the Nuremberg Academy of Arts and the date of Dürer's death should be easy to check and conclusive, so there was no need for her husband to lie to herself about this, so some

He said awkwardly: "This is all my fault. I'll explain it to Jason when I get the chance!"

Then he accused Tangning and said, "You know so much, why don't you usually tell Jason stories?"

"Is that because I don't want to speak? Aren't you not letting me speak?" Tang Ning retorted.

Heidi also retorted: "That's because what you said is not suitable for children!"

"But I really don't know how to tell stories suitable for children!" Tang Ning shrugged.

Heidi thought it was true, so she rolled her eyes at him, got up and left.

Tangning was about to catch up and explain when suddenly Marlene came over and reported that Brian was here.

In fact, Tangning and Brian usually don't see each other at all, but recently because of Lauren's incident, he has been a little afraid to appear in front of Brian, but since everyone is here, he has to see her.

After greeting each other for a few words, Brian looked to see if there was no one around, then leaned over and asked in a low voice: "Tony, how is the investigation going?"

Tangning hesitated for a moment, then replied, "Well, I haven't found anything yet!"

Unexpectedly, Brian was still looking for reasons for him: "It's not your fault, because Lauren has been staying at home honestly these days and hasn't gone out at all! But I believe she will take action soon.

Got it!"

"Oh? Why?" Tangning asked curiously.

"Because I'm going on a long trip to London for a month, so how can she bear it for such a long time?" Brian explained.

"You went to London specifically just for this matter?" Tangning asked in surprise.

Brian shook his head and replied: "Of course that's impossible. I have important things to do in London, but isn't this convenient for your investigation, so I came over to tell you."

"Oh, that's it. Don't worry, I'll be careful during this period!" Tang Ning nodded in agreement.

"Then I'll leave it to you. Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. I have to go back and prepare for going out!" After saying that, Brian said goodbye and left.

Two days later, as soon as Brian left, Lauren asked Tangning to meet. After some lingering, Lauren asked, "Tony, do you know why Brian went to London this time?"

Tangning shook her head and replied, "I don't know. He told me that he was going to do something very important. What is it?"

"I don't know either, otherwise why would I ask you?" Lauren replied angrily.

"It seems that he really doesn't trust you now, and he won't even tell you such an important thing!" Tangning sighed.

"So I want to divorce him!" Lauren said smoothly.

"You said that one of you doesn't trust the other and the other wants a divorce, why don't you just wait until Brian comes back and I'll persuade him to divorce you!" Tang Ning suggested.

"Let's wait until he comes back!" Then Lauren changed the topic and asked: "By the way, how did it go when I asked you to send someone to Memphis to investigate Margaret?"

"Actually, I was just about to tell you about this. Yesterday, old Rob came back from Memphis. He took the portrait of Miss Alexander I painted and asked many people in the ballroom. They all said that it looked very much like Miss Margaret, but

Because the temperament and clothing were so different, they didn’t dare to confirm.”

Before Tangning could finish her words, Lauren interrupted: "Why don't you just go to Margaret? Why are you asking those people in the ballroom?"

"Because Margaret has been missing for a long time and she can't be found at all!" Tangning explained.

"Margaret is missing? How long has she been missing?" Lauren asked.

Tangning recalled it for a moment and then replied, "Rob said it would take at least a year!"

Then he sighed with emotion: "It's a pity that I didn't find any photos or portraits of Miss Margaret, otherwise it would be of some use." (In those days, neither photos nor portraits were available to ordinary people.)

PS: I watched an early Nie Yuan movie "Dark Labyrinth" yesterday. To be honest, this is really one of the rare high-quality suspense movies in China, especially the tunnel section in the first hour. If you dig deeper and enrich it, it can definitely be done.

Of course, it would be difficult to pass the censorship if it were to be an independent film. (In addition, I think the tunnel part is a good doomsday theme, especially suitable for death fishermen. I have more than enough ambition but not enough energy, so I won’t waste the good stuff)

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