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Chapter 24 Dragon King

"Exactly the same? Are you kidding me?" Tangning asked in disbelief.

Nicole replied disapprovingly: "Why am I joking with you like this? If you don't believe me, just ask anyone in Richmond's upper class to ask the tallest girl, they must all know her!"

"Is it such a coincidence?" Tangning murmured to herself.

"I guess it's not a coincidence. It's just that Catherine didn't tell you the truth when she was in New York. After all, girls as tall as her are so rare, let alone looking exactly the same!" Nicole analyzed.

Normally, Nicole's analysis is absolutely reasonable, but the problem is that Tangning's claim that he met Nicole Kidman in New York is a lie. In fact, he started to know Nicole Kidman from "The Island"...

"Why don't you go to Atlanta?" Nicole teased.

"Those are two different things!" Tangning replied displeased.

"But no matter where you go, you have to come back quickly, because it's almost our busiest time of the year!" Nicole reminded.

Tangning knew that the busiest time of the year that Nicole mentioned was cotton picking. The reason why she said busy was because the climate in New Orleans was extremely unstable and it often rained during the picking season. Just from the climate alone,

From one point of view, this is actually not a good place to grow cotton.

Once it rains heavily, if the cotton is soaked by the rain for more than a day, it will rot, which means that a year of hard work has been wasted. The principle lies in the water absorption of cotton. Cotton itself is in a fluffy state, even if it is compressed

Together, they will still return to their fluffy state after being relaxed. However, when cotton encounters water, it will absorb a large amount of water, causing the cotton fibers to expand, then squeeze each other and become tightly entangled. This is not a problem. The problem is that after absorbing water, no matter how dehydrated it is,

Or dry, because the cotton fibers are tightly entangled with each other, they will form a tight compacted state similar to felt. No matter how you beat it, it cannot be restored to its fluffy state, unless the cotton is reprocessed, but reprocessing will cause the cotton fibers to break, which will occur in a short time.

After returning to the fluffy state, it will harden, clump, and ball up after a little time. Therefore, those British textile merchants will not buy any cotton that has been soaked in water.

Therefore, every year at this time, no matter how careless the manor owner is, he has to go to the cotton field with a whip to supervise the work. Not to mention the black slaves, they hardly have much rest time, and even

Even children had to go to the fields to pick cotton. If it rained heavily, even the white supervisors who usually stood high in front of the black slaves had to go to the fields to work. Almost every year during this period, black slaves would die of exhaustion.

At this time, Nicole said again: "It is said that the rain will be heavy this year, so the picking will not be easy this year!"

To be honest, as a time traveler, Tang Ning wanted to take advantage of his ability to predict the future for more than a hundred years to increase work efficiency or improve machinery and equipment. But don't say that Tang Ning couldn't make a cotton picker. Even if he could, he couldn't even do it right now.

If we don’t even have cars, how can we make cotton picking machines?

Seeing Tangning thinking hard, Nicole asked, "Tony, what are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about how to pick all the cotton before it rains!" Tang Ning replied casually.

At this point, an idea suddenly flashed in Tangning's mind. Yes, since we are going to finish picking before it rains, we don't have to worry if it doesn't rain. So how can we prevent it from raining? I do know about artificial intelligence.

It rains, but it seems that it can’t be stopped artificially!

What should we do? At this time, Tangning casually touched the cross hanging on her chest and complained, these foreign gods just don't care about things, unlike our Chinese gods who perform their duties. Those who can't give birth to children worship Guanyin, thinking

Those who get rich worship the God of Wealth, and those who pray for rain worship the Dragon King! Hey, praying for rain is worshiping the Dragon King, so conversely, praying for rain should also be praying to the Dragon King, right?

Thinking of this, an extremely ridiculous idea came to Tangning's mind, so she stood up and said, "I thought of a good way to prevent it from raining during picking!"

"What's a good idea?" Nicole asked quickly because her personal interests were at stake.

"You may not believe it even if I tell you, wait until I test it!" After saying that, Tang Ning hurried home.

First, he drew a structural diagram of a common small temple, and then asked the housekeeper to immediately arrange for someone to build a temple near the plantation. Then he began to draw the statue of the Dragon King, but just halfway through the drawing, he suddenly thought of an extremely terrifying problem, so

Asked the steward: "David, what will happen if someone prays to the gods of other countries while believing in God?"

The steward David replied without hesitation: "Isn't that a pagan?"

Although the butler's answer was not fair, Tang Ning also realized that this was a more conservative place in the south. If she still wanted to hang out in the upper class, she must not be suspected of being a pagan, so she told the butler not to build the Dragon King Temple.

But I still have to make a statue of the Dragon King. Make a smaller one and put it in my room so no one cares about it!

Although it was Tang Ning's first time to participate in this kind of activity, she knew the importance of this work, so she ignored the "kind" appearance she had maintained in front of the black slaves, and started lecturing the supervisors with a whip on the day of picking.

: "Everyone, please work hard during this period. You must squeeze out all the strength of the black slaves. No matter what happens, you must not delay the picking of cotton. Otherwise, you will have to work in the fields for me. Do you understand?


The overseers were all veterans, so they naturally understood the importance of picking, and they promised repeatedly: "Don't worry, sir, we will definitely let these damn black slaves work hard to suck milk!"

Tangning stood at the edge of the field, looking at the sharp contrast between the white cotton and the black skin below, and couldn't help but sigh to herself, how ironic this scene was!

But soon he no longer had the intention to hurt Chun Beiqiu, because a black cloud visible to the naked eye slowly floated over from the distance, and Tang Ning cursed: "The more you are afraid of, the more things you are getting worse! I don't know at this time.

Has Murphy’s Law been discovered?”

PS: First of all, thank you to book friends "Xue Kekafu" and "Why Mao's name is so long" for their support!

Secondly, let me explain, I actually finished writing this chapter last night, but it is not the current version, but Tang Ning built the Dragon King Temple to pray that it would not rain, and then other plantation owners questioned it, and finally reversed and slapped them in the face, but at the end of the writing, suddenly

I thought that in the United States, especially in the conservative South, the protagonist would feel a little isolated from the upper class, so I deleted it...

This chapter has been completed!
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