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Chapter 73: The Curse of the White House of the Civil War

There has always been a curse about the White House that has been circulating among the staff of the White House, the official residence of the President of the United States, that is, the president's family staying in the White House will all get sick inexplicably, and the probability of the president himself getting sick is particularly high.

This statement is not empty talk, but has solid basis, because in recent decades, at least three U.S. presidents have died of illness during their term of office.

First, President Harrison, who had only been in office for just one month in 1841, contracted typhoid fever after "speaking for two hours in the cold wind" and died after being treated with opium, castor oil, and leeches. (Maybe he could have survived if he had not been treated in this way.


Then in 1849, James Knox Polk, who had just stepped down as president, breathed his last breath in his apartment at the age of 53. You must know that this man was famous before he became president.

Known for his tough body, he was known as "Young Hickory."

Then in 1850, in his second year in office, President Taylor, the successor of "Young Hickory" and a military veteran, began to suffer from severe diarrhea after "eating several green apples, a large amount of milk, and a large bowl of cherries."

Although he received bloodletting and was treated with mercury and opium as soon as possible, he died soon after.

And in addition to the president, their family members also have similar symptoms. For example, President Taylor's successor, Vice President Fillmore's wife, and daughter also died early.

And now President Mr. Seward suddenly suffered from severe gastroenteritis, developed diarrhea and dehydration. He was unconscious and could no longer continue working. This made the rumor of the "White House Curse" even more serious. Some people said

This curse originated from President Harrison's previous murder of an Indian leader. As a result, the leader's brother led a group of wizards to place a vicious curse on the President of the United States and the White House, the presidential residence. Therefore, starting from President Harrison, the president and the president who settled in the White House

Family members died one after another during the term of office

Secretary of State Yahuad looked anxiously and asked the president's personal physician, Professor Lister: "Professor, how is Mr. President's current situation?"

Professor Lister sighed and said: "We have immediately used bloodletting therapy, large-dose coffee anal enema therapy and large-dose mercury shock therapy, but Mr. President still has not woken up!"

"Professor, you must think of a way, because now is the critical moment of the war, Mr. President cannot just fall!" Yahuad said with a frown.

Then he took a step closer and whispered: "And it is said that Johnson of the Democratic Party is already ready to succeed, so the president must wake up no matter what!"

As the president's personal physician, Professor Lister knows very well that according to the law, when the president dies or becomes incapacitated, the vice president will have the right to take over the duties of the president until the next election, so if President Seward does not wake up again

, that would be really troublesome!

So Professor Liszt nodded and replied: "I understand, I will definitely try my best!"

But then he added: "Recently I met Dr. Singh from India. Although his treatment method is rare, it is indeed very effective. So if conventional treatments don't work, can we give it a try?"

"Indian doctor, is this possible?" Yahuad frowned and muttered, but then sighed and said, "Let's give it a try, after all, it's better than nothing!"

Contrary to the gloom and gloom in the White House, Confederate President Davis said happily to the middle-aged man in front of him: "Albert, you did a great job this time!"

Then he turned to the secretary next to him and ordered: "Send a telegram to General Lee immediately and tell him that the plan to unite the Indian tribes has been successful! And I hope that if General Lee has such a good idea in the future, he must tell me as soon as possible!"

The reason why Davis sent this telegram to Robert Lee was because he proposed the proposal to unite the Indian tribes. But in fact, this proposal still came from the letter Downing wrote to Robert Lee, but Robert Lee was afraid to tell it.

The suggestion was made by an outsider like Tang Ning, but President Davis didn't take it seriously, so he said it was his own suggestion.

In fact, Downing's suggestion is well-founded, because during the Civil War, the Confederacy recruited 17 regiments and eight battalions in the Indian Territory. In contrast, the Union only recruited four Indian Territory militia regiments, and their combat strength

Speaking from a technical point of view, the Southern Army's Indian Legion was also more powerful. For example, in the Battle of Pea Ridge, the cavalry led by Stander-White captured the Northern Army's artillery position and successfully covered the retreat of the large army. Of course, this is also different from the Union.

Indians are not allowed to serve as regiment leaders, so the combat effectiveness of the militia regiment cannot be exerted!

The person responsible for contacting the Indian tribes was newspaper editor and lawyer Albert Pike. In the contract with the Indians, the Confederacy not only offered a more favorable price than the federal government, such as removing restrictions on trade between the two sides, but also promised not to be like

The northerners abandoned them like that. (This is indeed because the federation did not pay attention to it before.)

In addition, another important reason why Indian tribes support the Confederacy is that they actually keep black slaves (didn’t you expect that?), especially the leaders of the Choctaw and Chickasaw tribes are big slave owners, so they naturally have to protect themselves.


Furthermore, the Union's recent victories in the Battle of Bull Run and Wilson's Creek gave these Indian tribes confidence.

As a result, the Confederate Army not only received additional troops, but the large amounts of grain and beef produced in the Indian Territory could well make up for the lack of materials caused by the federal trade blockade. After all, most of the land in the South was planted with cotton, and food was previously used.

You rely on buying from the north, but you can’t buy it now.

"Mr. President, I have also been in contact with the Caddo, Comanche and Wichita tribes. Although they cannot send troops to directly support like the Choctaw, they have promised that as long as we provide them with arms, then they will

They will only plunder the territory of the Federation and not invade the settlements of our Alliance! Do you think this is okay?" Pike asked for instructions.

Davis nodded and agreed without hesitation: "Of course! As long as there is a force that is beneficial to us, we must fight for it!"

PS: I was recently reviewing Lao Qi's "The Road to the Master of a Cultivation Sect", and I was surprised to find that more than 300 chapters were available for free. You must know that this book has a total of more than 600 chapters.

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