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Chapter 1801 Are you really willing to tell me?

Lai Qinghua’s friend was named Fei Jianzhong.

Fei Jianzhong smuggled himself to the United States at the age of 18 to make a living. By the time he retired at the age of 80, he had created a business empire worth at least 400 billion U.S. dollars. He was a legendary presence in the entire Chinese community in North America.

However, this person has not left any trace on the Forbes list.

He is the super hidden rich that is often talked about by Western upper class society.

Most of the funds that can be counted in the Forbes rankings are the founders and major shareholders of some listed companies. Only the assets of such people are difficult to hide.

For example, Bill Gates, who has been the world's richest man for a long time, since his Microsoft has chosen to go public, most of Microsoft's financial information must be disclosed to the outside world, and its corporate market value can be checked by the securities market at any time.

Looking at the data, the stock market has publicly disclosed the number of shares Bill Gates holds in Microsoft, so you only need to do a simple multiplication and division to know how much the Microsoft shares he holds are worth.

In addition, the number of listed companies under his name is basically public information. Find these companies, count them one by one, and finally add up the total to get his approximate net worth.

This kind of problem can be solved by anyone who knows middle school mathematics without using Forbes.

However, there are still a large number of invisible rich people in this world. Although they have countless industries, none of their companies will choose to go public.

The reason why they are not listed is because they do not want the outside world to know their identity and wealth.

Because once a company does not choose to go public, it has no obligation to disclose its revenue to the outside world, so the outside world has no way of knowing how much the company is worth.

What's more, most of them disperse their companies in multiple offshore locations around the world. The protection of corporate information in these places is as strong as that of Swiss banks, so no one knows how much wealth they actually have.

Fei Jianzhong met Lai Qinghua when he was young, and this friendship has lasted for more than sixty years.

The reason why Fei Jianzhong was able to have smooth sailing in the business field was not only due to his own efforts and abilities, but also had something to do with Lai Qinghua's guidance.

In the past few decades, the world has undergone many major changes, each of which represents huge opportunities, and Fei Jianzhong has reaped the dividends almost without exception.

This also made his relationship with Lai Qinghua even more irreconcilable.

Fei Jianzhong worked hard until he was eighty years old before retiring. After he turned eighty, he searched all over the world in search of immortality.

His desire for immortality was not superstitious, but the achievements he had made in this life were too brilliant, so he was reluctant to leave, and he did not have the courage to face death.

In fact, many successful entrepreneurs like him are trying every means to pursue longevity.

However, their way of pursuing immortality is very different from the ancient emperors who sought immortality and medicine.

Most of these entrepreneurs pursue longevity based on science.

For example, a certain Chen, the richest man in China, invested billions of dollars in studying the human brain.

Many people say that he invested so much money in brain research in the hope of realizing the immortality of the human brain.

Compared with the richest man named Chen, Fei Jianzhong is definitely better in this aspect.

Over the years, he has successively invested at least two billion US dollars in research funds in one of the world's most cutting-edge organ transplant research laboratories, in order to explore whether humans can achieve the goal of doubling their life span through large-scale organ transplantation.

In his life, he also received many organ transplant surgeries due to various diseases.

For an ordinary person, after so many major surgeries, he might not be able to live to the age of seventy.

However, Fei Jianzhong was able to survive so many organ transplant surgeries and still live to be over 90 years old. This laboratory was indispensable.

At the same time, he also invested in a brain research project similar to that of the richest man named Chen, hoping to preserve the human brain and human consciousness when the body is irretrievable, so that they can achieve conscious immortality;

In addition, he has invested no less than one billion US dollars in the scientific research technology of human cryopreservation.

The purpose is to freeze one's body on the eve of death and when other roads are unavailable. When the immortality technology matures in the future, the body can be thawed and resurrected.

All in all, he has planned multiple directions for himself and hopes that one of them will succeed.

It's a pity that although the research he invested in has certain scientific research results, it is still far away from the longevity he wants.

This is also the reason why he is extremely eager for Lai Qinghua's "opportunity".

Precisely because of Lai Qinghua's tight-lipped nature, he has not had any communication with Lai Qinghua for several months.

Suddenly receiving a call from Lai Qinghua, the elderly man was a little stunned for a moment.

He originally didn't plan to answer the call, but after thinking for a moment, he pressed the answer button and said in a lukewarm tone: "Hey, what's going on?"

Lai Qinghua was not surprised at all by his attitude. He chuckled and said, "Lao Fei, how are you doing recently?"

"It's not good." Fei Jianzhong snorted twice and said dissatisfiedly: "I'm about to die. The doctor said that my body functions are almost over. Even if I don't have any symptoms, I may die naturally at some time.

Unlike you, you have found a way to look twenty years younger all of a sudden, but you are unwilling to share it with your sixty-year-old friend!"

Lai Qinghua said awkwardly: "Lao Fei, I know you resent me. The reason I didn't tell you about this is because I have to keep my promise!"

"Your promise?" Fei Jianzhong asked angrily: "Is your promise more important than your old friend of sixty years? If I were you, I would rather let myself bear the infamy of breaking my promise than you would pull me.

An old friend!"

Lai Qinghua said helplessly: "Old Fei, you have to understand that even if I tell you about this opportunity, it will be of no use. If you don't get it, it will be useless no matter how hard you try."

Fei Jianzhong snorted coldly: "Don't think that I don't know the situation. Didn't you just go back to China and stay for four years? That opportunity you mentioned must be in China! If you still regard me as a friend, just tell me directly

A name! If you tell me who made you twenty years younger, I will go find him immediately! I don’t believe that I can’t make him let go!”

The reason why Fei Jianzhong is so confident is because he is indeed too rich.

The richest Chinese on the Forbes list does not have more than half of his assets.

Even the Ye family and the Su family, the strongest in China, cannot compare with his assets.

Therefore, he takes it for granted that as long as he knows who the opportunity lies with, he will definitely let the other person give him the same opportunity.

Lai Qinghua sighed: "Old Fei, there are people whose destiny is far above yours. In front of such people, your self-confidence is no longer self-confidence, but arrogance..."

At this point, he sighed softly and said helplessly: "That's all, let's not talk about this, lest you scold me again, don't you want to know how my opportunity came about? Then I will tell you the whole story.


Fei Jianzhong, who was on the other end of the phone, was just about to curse. Hearing this, he immediately took a deep breath and asked with excitement, "You... are you really willing to tell me?!"

Lai Qinghua hummed and said seriously: "I'm calling just to tell you that the opportunity I got was a magical medicine called Rejuvenation Pill. Just one pill increased my life span by at least ten years.

If you are destined to it, you may be able to encounter it."

This chapter has been completed!
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