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Chapter 1,132 Giving birth is not easy

"Death early and late, both are destined to die."

Xilu looked at Xie Nandu and uttered these words.

This is also true.

Regardless of whether it is Xilu or the Demon Emperor, they will kill Xie Nandu in the end.

Even from now on, Xilu will not let Xie Nandu leave here.

"I even have some suspicions that Chen Chao is in the dark and will appear at the most critical moment."

Xilu looked at Xie Nandu, and she remembered the seal on Chen Chao's waist. If Chen Chao was hiding in the dark, she would definitely not be able to find him.

Xie Nandu looked at Xilu, was silent for a long time, and then said slowly: "You are very smart, but you don't seem to care about the major events between the two clans, so you don't think much about it, but it doesn't matter, you are very lucky, there will be someone to help you Consider this matter."

Xilu naturally knew who the person Xie Nandu was talking about was, but she didn't think clearly about how this matter should develop.

Xie Nandu smiled and did not speak in a hurry.

Xilu looked down at Xie Nandu, "I heard that you regard it as your dream to regain 30,000 miles of Mobei? But now it seems that he is more important in your heart?"

Xie Nandu did not answer this question, but said to himself: "He would rather die for my dream, but there seem to be many people in the world who are willing to die for him."

"Even if it were a woman, there would still be a lot of them."

Xie Nandu looked at Xilu, "In the past days, he did a lot of things for me, but I didn't do anything for him. Now, I want to exchange my life for his."

Having said this, she paused and looked at the snow hills at the foot of Xilu. Then she raised her head and said seriously: "You know, I like him no less than any other woman in the world."

After hearing this, Xilu's expression became a little strange.

It was as if she had heard the most unheard words in the world, and also as if she had heard the most true words in the world.

This feeling is very strange.

But she could feel that what Xie Nandu said before was true, and not a single word was false.

This is even more strange. In her whole life, since her mother died, she has never found another person who can make her so sure that the other person has not deceived her.

But such a person is actually a person, a woman, and his love rival.

Xilu shook his head and said, "It would be fine if there was no such war."

Xie Nandu shook his head and said with a smile: "It's actually not very good."

Why is it not good? Because the human race needs this war, sooner or later, it is needed.

Xilu said: "You really want to eliminate us?"

"We have a very interesting saying here, which is that once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of the well rope for ten years. Such a small thing will be remembered for ten years, so... it's like the shame you put on us, The matter is so big that we will not be able to forget it not only for more than two hundred years, but also no matter how long ago it is."

"But in fact the solution is very simple. If you are bitten by a snake, just kill all the snakes in the world. That will be fine. And it is also very simple to erase the shame on our heads."

Xie Nandu stopped here because the next half of the sentence was difficult to say.

Not only is it difficult to say, it is also difficult to do.

After listening to what Xie Nandu said, Xilu recalled what Chen Chao had said before in the royal city and on the Onan River. She said with some emotion: "You guys are really a match made in heaven."

When she said this, she was a little sad, but most of all, she was probably relieved.

Along the line of the Great Wall in the north, fighting continues and beacons are everywhere, but everyone can feel that the monster offensive these days is going downhill.

According to this process, it seems that it won't be long before the momentum of the entire demon clan will reach its bottom.

The soldiers on the top of the city are still dying, and more soldiers from the southern state who came to the north have already boarded the top of the city. They appear in various places, ready to sacrifice their lives at any time.

When the dead have reached this point, probably no one will have the extravagant hope that they can still walk down the city alive. They are not afraid of death, they just think that if they die, it will be good if the city can be defended.

On the city top of the General's Mansion, those powerful monks took a short rest.

But they know very well that after a short rest, there will be the next attack like a tide, and when the next attack comes, the situation will probably be more difficult.

Yunjian Yuepan sat on the top of the city, seemingly calm, but in fact he was very nervous, because not only Chen Chao but also Xie Nandu had asked him to guard the northern border before leaving. The two people's requests were actually like

It is a mountain that presses on people's hearts, making it difficult to breathe.

But he is Yun Jianyue after all.

There was a sound of footsteps, and a young general with green stubble on his face came to Yun Jianyue's side.

It's hanging high.

After Xie Nandu left the General's Mansion, Gao Xuan returned to the General's Mansion.

The letter made it very clear that after Xie Nandu was no longer in the General's Mansion, Gao Xuan would become the chief general of the Northern Territory and preside over all major military and political affairs in the Northern Territory.

This is actually against the rules, but during wartime, it can only be done like this.

Hearing the footsteps, Yun Jianyue opened her eyes and looked at General Gao.

"Zhenren Yun."

High hanging and slight opening.

Yun Jianyue stood up and took the initiative to ask: "Now that the demon clan's offensive has reached the bottom, does it mean that they have almost rested?"

Gao Xuan looked at Yun Jianyue, nodded, and then shook his head, "It's not so much that they are resting, but rather that they are waiting."

"What are you waiting for?"

Yun Jianyue frowned.

"Or it's the timing, or it's the people."

Gao Xuan said worriedly: "But in fact, people are opportunities."

Yun Jianyue thought for a while and roughly understood the meaning of these words, so she said: "That's what I said, no matter what, I will be at the top of the city."

Gao Xuan smiled bitterly, "It's not that I'm worried about Master Yun, I just want Master Yun to be prepared."

Yun Jianyue smiled and said, "Before coming, everything is ready."

Gao Xuan thought for a while and said: "I hope it will be later. What Zhenren Yun wants is not to fail."

Yun Jianyue was startled, but soon figured out what Gao Xuan meant, "It's just hope, but if it really fails, it will be God's will."

Gao Xuan was silent for a moment, and then said: "Zhenzhen Yun, if the guardian envoy is here, I'm afraid he will say, God damn it."

Hearing this, Yun Jianyue subconsciously laughed.

That friend of mine is really an interesting person.

In a side room of the General's Mansion, people were coming in and out all the time.

Some women gathered around the door, very nervous.

Someone came from a distance carrying hot water. After reaching the door, someone took the basin of hot water and turned around and carried it in.

"The scissors and everything else are ready."

As the woman spoke, she looked at the oldest woman in the middle.

"Sister Wang, I'm afraid you'll need to come anyway for this matter."

The oldest woman hesitated and said: "I have already lost count of the number of times I have delivered babies in my life, but how have I ever delivered a baby to an immortal master?"

These women at the door are all stable women. They were all urgently found from the north by the General's Office. They are a group of stable women gathered here because a woman among them is about to give birth.

Of course, ordinary women would not be so nervous about giving birth to a child, but the problem is that the woman here who is going to give birth to a child is not an ordinary woman.

She is not only a monk, but also a Taoist master.

"I heard before that the Immortal Master was less than eight months pregnant and was about to give birth. It's really too early."

Wenpo, who was called Sister Wang, said melancholy: "Premature birth for ordinary women is extremely dangerous. The children born by such an immortal teacher must be extraordinary. Will it be more troublesome?"

Her scalp was numb, and it was indeed because she had no experience delivering babies to the immortal master. Could her past experience really be put to use?

"Sister Wang, don't hesitate. If you think about it again, things will go wrong. I heard that this Immortal Master's man is very important in the General's Mansion. There will still be problems here, and we will all be guilty!"

The Wen Pos didn't know much, let alone that the immortal master inside was Ye Zhihua, and they didn't know that the child's father was Yun Jianyue, but they still knew something, so they were very nervous at the moment.

Sister Wang looked around and saw everyone looking at her expectantly. She knew that only she could do this, so she rolled up her sleeves and gritted her teeth: "Then give it a try!"

Several stable women said: "Sister Wang, don't worry, we will help you from the side!"

Sister Wang nodded. The experienced and stable woman took a deep breath, put her hands on the door, and was about to open the door to do the most difficult delivery in her life, but she soon froze.

Because she found that she couldn't open the door right now!

The door was unlocked, but it didn't move.

Inside the door, Ye Zhihua, who was wearing a plain Taoist robe, was lying on the bed. There were gauze curtains hanging around the bed, so it was not possible to see Ye Zhihua's expression clearly. It was only possible to vaguely see that her lower abdomen was somewhat bulging.

She lay on the bed and took a deep breath. She wanted to give birth to her child without anyone's help.

Although according to ordinary people, this month was a bit early, Ye Zhihua felt that it was no big deal. She couldn't wait any longer because she was a little scared, afraid that the war was about to start, and that her husband would die on the city walls.

He was afraid that he would not be able to see his daughter before he died.

As time went by, Ye Zhihua's face showed a lot of pain. Giving birth would be painful, even if she was Ye Zhihua, it would be the same.

That kind of pain cannot be erased, it can only be felt, because the child in your belly is really connected to your own blood.

Time passed little by little, and Ye Zhihua became more and more painful, but she kept trying.

She was in pain, but she didn't scream like an ordinary woman. After all, she was Ye Zhihua, and she was different from ordinary people.

But it had been too long now, so long that her forehead was covered with beads of sweat, her physical strength began to become insufficient, and her face became paler and paler.

If she had just an ordinary child in her belly, she would probably have been born a long time ago, but the parents of this child are both great geniuses in the Taoist sect, especially her father, who is the leader of the Taoist sect.

Perhaps he is the strongest genius in the history of Taoism, except for the true Taoist ancestor.

With the blessing of such a bloodline, this child will not be too bad when born, and will be the darling of heaven and earth. Because of this, this child will not be born well.

This is the root of Ye Zhihua's pain, and it is also the test that this child must undergo before coming into the world.

But the test now still falls on Ye Zhihua.

Many years ago, she was actually the most dazzling woman in the human world. It was not until later that another woman appeared and everyone's attention was distracted. Later, people's attention was not limited to the human world, so people

I saw the woman from the north.

People have begun to have these three women in their sights, but they will definitely rank them quietly in their hearts. In the hearts of many people, there is no doubt that this Taoist genius, one of the Taoist double walls, has been ranked at the bottom.


However, even though he is ranked last among the three, it does not affect the fact that Ye Zhihua himself is extremely outstanding.

Since she is such an outstanding woman, giving birth to a child is probably not a problem for her.

She slowly raised her legs, gritted her teeth, and continued to exert strength.

But a long time passed, and she still didn't wait for the baby's cry recorded in those books.

She was a little irritable, but not much.

She was silent for a long time, and finally whispered as if talking to herself: "Your father wants to see you, so stop being naughty."

The tone of these words was very gentle, which was completely different from Ye Zhihua's temperament. In the past few days, she had rarely been so gentle.

That's why the tenderness at this moment seems a little unreal.

But she really felt the changes in her lower abdomen. There was a little guy who began to work hard to crawl out.

Ye Zhihua regained his energy and started working hard.

I don't know how long it took, but to Ye Zhihua, it seemed to be an extremely long time. Her robe was completely wet at this moment, and her whole body looked like it had just been fished out of the water.

It looked very difficult for her, but she was relieved at the moment.

Because she felt like something was falling out of her body.

Ordinary people often say, you are a piece of flesh that fell out of me, which is probably what they say.

But at this moment, Ye Zhihua still didn't hear the cry of the child written in the book.

She frowned and looked hard at her child. She began to be a little scared, afraid that the little guy would leave because he didn't like it just after he came into this world.

She soon saw a cute baby. She opened her eyes and looked at her. It was very beautiful.

Ye Zhihua just wanted to laugh. Although she didn't know why, she always felt that she should laugh, but she quickly remembered the things written in the book, so she stretched out her palm and slapped the little guy's butt hard.

Logically speaking, she should be crying now.

But she didn't, she just giggled.

This chapter has been completed!
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