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Chapter 251 The view of the world

Chen Chao followed the white mist and walked forward. He didn't know how long he walked before he saw some greenery in front of his eyes.

The white fog dispersed a little.

Chen Chao looked at the mountains and forests in front of him, at the greenery that could be seen at a glance, and was convinced that the white fog here was much less than the white fog outside, so he nodded with satisfaction, feeling a little happy.

Yun Jianyue has never been here and can only make some guesses, but Chen Chao has been here and knows very well that where the girl is, the white mist is not so thick, so this must be the core place.

It's just that the core area in this ruins is probably quite large, and it might not be easy for Chen Chao to find that place.

The white mist dissipated and was no longer visible.

Chen Chao knew that its mission had already ended here, and it was useless no matter how hard it tried to do anything with the white mist. The next thing would actually depend on luck.

But after he took a deep breath, he laughed.

Before, Yun Jianyue found that her state of mind had recovered somewhat when she found herself here. Now that Chen Chao was here, he naturally found that his state of mind had also recovered to some extent.

Maybe it's because there's less white fog here, or maybe it's for other reasons, but no matter what, as long as the realm can be restored to some extent, that's a good thing.

Now that he has reached some realms, Chen Chao has some confidence, but he is also a little worried.

Although he had already said that he would be better than Yun Jianyue, this Taoist genius is after all a real genius in the world. Among this generation of young people, he is enough to rank among the top three. Chen Chao is a few years younger than him and is less.

I have been practicing for many years, but I am just a martial artist. There is a big gap between the two. If both of them have the realm, it will be difficult to win.

What Chen Chao was interested in at that time was that he could not use cultivation in the ruins. Under such circumstances, he believed that he could win no matter what methods the opponent had.

But now, with the realm of cultivation, there are two things to say.

Yun Jian Yue's realm had reached the peak of the Sea of ​​Suffering a few years ago, and she was only one step away from the realm of the other shore.

In his current state, he could actually sit in a very high position in some small sects. If he took a step further, he would even be the leader of those sects.

Chen Chao was not afraid, but rather excited. He just felt that it didn't matter if he had a fight, even if the outcome was hard to say.

Thinking about those things, he walked through the forest, looked at the towering trees, and looked at the plants and trees that are now very rare, and he also had some feelings.

Time is often easy to feel in some specific things, such as the wrinkles that gradually appear on some people's faces, or some trees that have grown for many years without being cut down.

and ever-increasing realms.

In the depths of this ancient ruins, I am afraid that few people have been there for many years. The Chen Dynasty many years ago should be the first one?

Chen Chao was too lazy to think about this. He only knew that in the past countless years, few people would appear here.

In the endless years, this area has existed quietly, allowing the years to pass by slowly here, for hundreds of years and thousands of years.

Regardless of whether it is a human race or a demon race, the history recorded in all written texts only lasts for more than a thousand years.

But everyone knows that they have existed for more than a thousand years. The Buddhist scriptures that came from the Buddha's land can be used as proof. However, how those scriptures were transmitted and who brought them in the specific year remain unclear.

No one can tell clearly.

After all, they all know that there is history at the end of the history they know.

These ancient ruins are also one of the proofs.

No sect has recorded such an ancient ruins, and there is no corresponding content in the history books of secular dynasties. These ancient ruins were all discovered by chance.

Then the ancient ruins are just the things left behind after the destruction of certain ancient sects.

So why were they destroyed?

This is the answer that all the monks... no, at least the big shots want to know.

They have always been interested in history.

The Liang Dynasty nominally ruled the entire south of the world and was in confrontation with the demon clan, but in fact, there were many places within the country that the Liang Dynasty could not set foot in, and in those places, major sects were all located.

The Fangwai monks, the Fangwai sect, and the Fangwai practice world have always been the true masters of the human race.

And in a world composed of monks, some places must be special.

To the south of the Liang Dynasty, there was a small town called Guxi Town. This town was very small and further away from the county town. Many people had almost never left this place and just felt that this place was a paradise.

Many people even came here because of the reputation and wanted to stay here, but they couldn't.

Outside of the sacred capital of the Liang Dynasty, people in most places had a difficult time because there were many monsters in the world. Those monsters ate people. They were just ordinary people and could not fight against them. They could only rely on the guardian envoys of the Liang Dynasty.

Above, but not every garrison envoy is like the Chen Dynasty. There are many examples in Yuyu County.

Of course, there are other possibilities. If there happens to be a practicing sect located near a certain county or county, and the monks in that sect do not want monsters to appear around them, then the people will naturally not have to worry about the monsters appearing.

But after you no longer have to worry about monsters, you have to worry about other things.

That's the monks.

From a certain perspective, there is no difference between monks and monsters. Monsters want to eat people, but monks can't stand it and will kill people at will.

After all, human life is like grass and grass, and all living beings are no more than pigs and dogs.

In their eyes, ordinary people can kill at will and kill whenever they want.

The Daliang law that Chen Chao has been mentioning is actually just a blank piece of paper in many cases and has no effect.

But here is an exception. A group of Taoist priests live here.

A group of Taoist priests who don't like monsters or the mortal world very much.

Because they didn't like monsters very much, they killed all the monsters within a radius of thousands of miles. Although it was a bit troublesome to do this at first, fortunately, the Taoist priests in that Taoist temple were really strong, although there were not many.

, but it would be better if the powerful Taoist priests did more things.

So many years ago, those Taoist priests killed all the monsters within a radius of thousands of miles. Over the past many years, not many new monsters have appeared within these thousands of miles.

It is even more impossible to come to eat people in Guxi Town, which is under the nose of the Taoist temple.

Therefore, the people here have never been harassed by monsters.

As for those Taoist priests, when they first went up and down the mountain every day, they were thinking about the spiritual path and countless classics in the temple. How could they be in the mood to care about ordinary people, so there were no common people killed by them for no reason.

They are not good people, but what they do is a good thing for these ordinary people.

So in the early days, the Taoist priests just did what they wanted to do, and they became the people who were grateful to the people. Later, every family began to be grateful to those Taoist priests. If things go on like this, even if the Taoist priests on the mountains no longer feel any gratitude,

But if you think about killing people randomly, you can't do it.

So in the following days, this Guxi Town became a really good place. With the Taoist Temple watching, they lived very comfortably.

The Taoist temple is at the origin of the creek in Guxi Town.

The origin of Guxi Town is the stream flowing out of the mountain.

The creek has no name, and the mountain has no name either. The creek rises from the mountain and then flows slowly down.

The existence of that creek and the existence of the Taoist temple in the mountain are much earlier than Guxi Town, and much earlier than the existence of the Liang Dynasty.

That is the true foundation.

Yes, there is absolutely no Taoist priest in the world today who dares to talk about the truth in front of this Taoist temple.

The name of this Taoist temple is very strange.

Infatuated and infatuated.

This should originally exist in those story novels, where women are infatuated with men.

As for Taoist monks, the most important thing is to stay away from the world of mortals. Although love between men and women does not have to be completely cut off, it is still kept secret and few people will get involved.

But this Taoist temple is called the Chixin Temple.

The Taoist who founded this Taoist temple named it Chixin for some unknown reason.

At that time, the Taoist temple was ordinary and nothing would happen. Later, this Taoist temple became the most amazing Taoist temple in the world, and no one dared to say anything anymore.

In the Taoist sect, no one dares to look down upon him.

Because this Taoist temple has not only existed for the longest time, but also has the most powerful Taoist priests in the Taoist sect.

This chapter has been completed!
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