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Chapter 1 The Power of Thunder

"Next person"

A cold, emotionless voice came from behind a large table.

A thin young man walked forward slowly with a heavy pace.

From the appearance, this young man is only thirteen or fourteen years old. His body is as thin as if he is riddled with all kinds of diseases. On his fair face, his sharp eyebrows are straight into his temples, and his eyes are as clear as black gems in clear water.

It is clean and transparent. Although it has a male body, it looks a bit delicate.

"It's Zuo Feng, this guy is here again."

"This person is really thick-skinned. Even a useless person came to collect his monthly payment."

"This guy's cultivation has plummeted, but his cheeky skills are improving day by day."

The laughter and harsh taunts all around could no longer make the young man in front of him as angry as before. The envy and jealousy of the past seemed to make these people even meaner.

The young man known as Zuo Feng sighed slightly in his heart. This day of giving out the monthly calendar was the happiest day for all the young people in the village, but it was a kind of torture for him.

He practiced physical training at the age of six and broke through the barrier that year. At the age of eight, he entered the first level of physical strength. At the age of nine, he entered the second level of physical strength. At the age of ten, he broke through to the third level of physical strength. At the age of twelve, he broke through again to the fourth level of physical strength. This is incredible.

He achieved abnormal breakthrough speeds one after another. Until that incident a year ago, the halo above his head was completely shattered.

"You loser has the nerve to receive the monthly salary. You have made no contribution to the village and you are just a freeloader."

Behind the large wooden table, a young man slowly raised his head and his words were more harsh than the others. The young man had a fair face and a tall figure, and he looked handsome. But his slightly upward slender eyes gave him a strange look.

People feel cunning.

"The village stipulates that anyone over ten years old can receive a monthly allowance. If you refuse to give it to me, I will have to go to the village chief to get it."

Hearing what Zuo Feng said, the face of the young man behind the table changed slightly, and then he said with a sneer.

"Huh, the day after tomorrow is the village's three-year coming-of-age ceremony. Once the coming-of-age ceremony is over, not only will there be no monthly routine, but a loser like you will definitely have to work as a coolie. Don't worry, I will find someone to take good care of you when you fall asleep."

When he mentioned the word "take care of", he deliberately emphasized it a little bit. At the same time, he grabbed a small bag on the table and threw it out. Seemingly unintentionally, the thrown bag flew out in a circle, spilling the coins inside.

Most of it.

Among the young people queuing up, I don’t know who took the lead in throwing a coin on the ground, and then others continued to throw coins on the ground.

The anger that had been suppressed for a long time was burning in Zuo Feng's heart. He tightened his fists and turned back to look angrily at the young man behind the table.

"Fujikata, don't go too far."

Zuo Feng's voice was cold and slightly trembling. Although he had no cultivation, he was not blind. He clearly saw that after the other party threw the money bag, he winked at the crowd with a sinister smile on his face.

"Hey, our 'God of War' is going to get angry. Why, you thought you were a genius in cultivation? Now I'm afraid of hurting you even if I sneeze."

Zuo Feng's face was as cold as dripping water. He wanted to rush over and punch the opponent's hateful face, but in the end he just squeezed out a breath between his teeth. He has no cultivation now, even if

Even if the opponent doesn't move and allows himself to be beaten, he will still be injured. The difference between a level 3 warrior and an ordinary person is like an adult and a child.

He silently bent down, picked up his own coins from the ground and put them into his bag, his ears filled with the ridicule and ridicule of the people around him.

"The coming-of-age ceremony the day after tomorrow will be attended by village chiefs from other villages. I don't want you, a loser, to come out and embarrass us all."

When Zuo Feng turned to leave, Fujikata's slightly commanding voice came from behind. Zuo Feng's body paused and left quickly. Staying here for a moment longer would be the biggest test of his endurance.

The mountain wind roared in, blowing the young man's long hair back and dancing wildly. The thin figure swayed slightly in the strong wind, but his eyes like the dark night sky stared unswervingly into the distance. He was already standing here.

The boy who lasted for more than an hour was none other than Zuo Feng, who had been humiliated during the day.

After receiving the monthly prescription every month, Zuo Feng would come here alone and stand for a while. He would go home only after his mood calmed down. He did not want his emotions to affect his family.


Electric arcs rolled in the dense clouds, and then dull thunder rolled in and enveloped the surrounding areas, as if to show the mighty power of heaven.

The sound of thunder is like throwing a big stone into the calm lake water, lifting up the long-standing memories like sand.

That day, Zuo Feng was practicing in the waterfall under the high cliff until late at night as usual. When he was dragging his tired body and preparing to leave, he saw two ghostly figures passing by the pool. He intuitively felt that

Let him immediately shrink back into the waterfall behind him.

The two figures stopped by the pool, seemingly talking about something. Zuo Feng could hear nothing else except the huge roar of the waterfall. It wasn't until the two of them dispersed and walked away in different directions that Zuo Feng

Then he slowly walked out of the waterfall to the pool.

Two warriors with such profound cultivation met in secret just a few miles away from the village. There must be something shady in this. He decided to inform the master about it first, but before he could move even half a step, he

I felt a slight chill on my back and chest, and when I looked down, there was an extra sword point on my chest.

He tried hard to turn around, but was kicked hard in the back. Then his whole body flew into the air and landed heavily in the puddle.

This kick not only kicked Zuo Feng away, but the violent spiritual energy also penetrated into his body at the same time. He endured the tearing pain in his body, managed to turn his head in the water and looked around, only to vaguely see a black figure disappearing into the water.

In the dark jungle.

From the figure of the other party, Zuo Feng could tell that he was one of the two people who had just left. At this moment, it was useless to blame himself. His body was gradually sinking in the pool, and his consciousness began to blur with the passage of life.


A thunder exploded above the water pool, and almost at the same time, a thick silver lightning slipped from the sky and landed squarely in the water pool. Electricity flowed through Zuo Feng's body, temporarily restoring his consciousness.

He vaguely saw a group of light blue light flashing not far in front of him. Although he didn't know what it was, his intuition told him that it was the only life-saving straw.

Using all his strength, Zuo Feng struggled to swim to the top of the light ball. From a closer distance, Zuo Feng could see that it was a ball of light that was close to the shape of a water drop. While reaching out to hold the light ball, he finally closed his eyes and closed his eyes.

Open your eyes.

When he woke up again, the injuries on his body were strangely healed as before. Whether it was the sword wound that stabbed him across or the damage caused by the aura that invaded his body with the kick, they were miraculously completely healed without leaving any traces.

No wounds, except for a weird drop-shaped bulge on the chest.

He let out a long sigh and gradually recovered his thoughts. Zuo Feng slowly looked at the pool under the cliff and said to himself.

"It's been a year, and I remember it was like this that night. Although I escaped from death, my cultivation was exhausted and I can no longer practice. Is this the price of surviving?"

Practicing body training is to absorb the spiritual energy around you, refine it and store it in the sea of ​​​​qi, and then transform the body according to the exercises. But after that special experience, Zuo Feng found that his cultivation level was not there at all. His own tendons

The pulse is also like a heavy shackles, and can no longer absorb a trace of spiritual energy.

Cold rain fell on Zuo Feng's face, as if he didn't notice it at all. After the coming-of-age ceremony the day after tomorrow, he will lose the qualification to receive the monthly salary. Without cultivation, he can only be assigned some of the most superficial jobs.

"God, are you allowing me to survive just to make me endure these boundless humiliations?"

Zuo Feng's roar spread far away, and apart from the biting wind, there was only the mournful sound of rain. Over the past year, he had suffered a lot of glares and ridicules, but these were far from what made him become even an ordinary person.

His poor body caused him even more pain and suffering.

The rain gradually became heavier, and the sky and the ground seemed to merge into one as the rain fell. Thick electric arcs traveled through the clouds, and occasionally a bolt of lightning would streak across the sky and strike down.

Zuo Feng raised his hands high as if venting his anger, and stood on the top of the cliff in the face of the violent storm.

"If you let me live just to taste this endless pain, then take this life back."

His slightly hoarse shout was wiped out by the roaring thunder.

Suddenly, an extremely huge bolt of lightning fell, coming in the direction of Zuofeng. He subconsciously widened his eyes. But then the corners of his mouth curved, and the curve slowly expanded until it turned into a bright smile.

This smile carries a kind of liberating joy.


A huge electric arc penetrated his body, and Zuo Feng on the top of the mountain seemed to turn into a luminous body from a distance. The figures of his parents and sister appeared in his mind one by one. These were the three people he missed most in the world.


Time passed slowly, and Zuo Feng was surprised to find that not only did he not die immediately, but the pain in his body continued, but his consciousness became clearer. The pain caused by the electric current passing through the body made Zuo Feng's delicate figure

His face became more ferocious.

Just when he was tortured by the heart-wrenching pain, the drop-shaped bulge on his chest began to fluctuate as if it were alive. The fluctuations were very weak at first and almost imperceptible, but became more powerful every time.

Each time it spreads farther and farther. Wherever this magical wave passes, the pain in the body will weaken a little, until the wave spreads throughout the entire body.

Zuo Feng was now in a state of shock and sluggishness. He couldn't tell whether the power came from the bulge in his body or from the huge thunder falling from the sky. It was as if the two were one and only through his own

The body becomes one.

What surprised him was that his body gradually changed at this moment. Waves of pure spiritual energy seemed to be squeezed out from all parts of the body, emerging one after another and converging towards the sea of ​​​​qi.

As the light around him gradually faded, Zuo Feng still stood upright with his eyes closed, and his momentum began to rise continuously. The barrier in the strong body stage was at the initial stage, first level, second level, and it continued to climb until it reached the strong body level and stopped at the third level.

The fluctuations in the body slowly retracted to the chest like a sponge absorbing water.

Zuo Feng opened his eyes suddenly. At this moment, lightning burst out in his eyes, like two sharp flashes, but he was not aware of it at all.

"Back, back, my body has finally recovered."

A wave of excitement and joy from the bottom of his heart appeared on his face. Although he had not returned to the fourth level of physical strength a year ago, he clearly felt that the shackles in his body had been broken.

This chapter has been completed!
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