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Chapter 1073: New and old grudges

Ni Tianju's handsome face was covered with frost, and the anger in his eyes was about to burst out, but his figure still stopped and did not kill the warriors around him.

How could these people not know how powerful they were, so they hurriedly ran away with their companions in despair. When these people first arrived, they were extremely powerful. They never paid attention to Zuo Feng and Yao Qiu'er.

They thought that as soon as people like them arrived, any troubles would be solved. However, less than a quarter of an hour after arriving here, they were running away in panic with their tails between their legs. Faces had already been forgotten, and everyone understood in their hearts.

Face is nothing compared to life.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Zuo Feng also retreated quietly. All the strong men in the Qi-receiving stage had already escaped. As a young martial artist in the tendon-tempering stage, staying here was no different than seeking death.

Elder Wu and the three remaining warriors under his command, although extremely unwilling, followed Hu San and left. The most interesting ones were the one-eyed man and the leather-robed man, and the twenty-man beast cavalry team. Now

Only the two older brothers were left.

Although there was no order, the two of them immediately ran away with their tails between their legs as soon as they saw the fireball falling from the sky killing a strong man who had reached the Qi-receiving stage.

The two of them were still cursing secretly in their hearts as they ran. If the girl had told her earlier that she had such a helper, she would have lent them the courage to cause trouble here. Now the two of them just hated the ghost wolf under them for running too slowly, and at the same time they were secretly grateful.

Still able to survive till now.

They were originally full of suspicion about Zuo Feng, but when the commander of the Yao family appeared in the sky, they immediately put all their speculations on Ni Tianju. With the rich heritage of the Yao family and the strength of Commander Ni

With such strength, no matter how bizarre things happen, they won't be surprised.

When the two warriors riding ghost wolves fled, Yao Qiu'er had already started to look for Zuo Feng. Although she had escaped without her life and didn't even have time to look back, she was really worried about her in her heart.

With the left wind.

But Zuo Feng had repeatedly emphasized that no matter what happened, he would just run away. When he said this, Zuo Feng's expression was extremely serious and left no room for doubt. In addition, Yao Qiu'er understood that the thing that could help Zuo Feng the most was to leave as soon as possible.

Facing these powerful enemies, Zuo Feng could only really let go of her hands and feet after she left, and she would feel much more relaxed when she wanted to fight or run away. But now that Ni Tianju had arrived, her confidence immediately doubled, and under her care

I also hurried back to see how Zuofeng was doing.

She didn't have the eyes of those people, and she couldn't see clearly who was so far away. What she thought was that even if Zuo Feng died, she would have to take his body back and bury it properly.

Ni Tianju was surrounded by spiritual energy at this moment and slowly rose into the air. Although he was furious, he would take action casually. If he took action immediately here, I'm afraid Zuo Feng would also be affected.

The rough man known as Hu Jiao glanced coldly at Zuo Feng, but did not take any action. He followed suit and also rose into the air.

Zuo Feng's nerves were very tight, fearing that the other party would take action against him at all costs, just like Ni Tianju did just now. After all, Hu Jiao only used Yao Qiu'er to threaten the place before, but he did not mention his own life.

This kind of super strong person who has reached the last stage of Qi refining is like a mountain. He can kill himself in the blink of an eye, so Zuo Feng always remains vigilant and escapes as soon as possible. Although he saw Hu Jiao doing something to him,

He had a murderous intention, but left without taking any action, and his heart was slightly relieved.

What he didn't know was that the auras of Ni Tianju and Hu Jiao were locked with each other at this moment, and any special move would cause the other party to take full action. Hu Jiao just weighed it, and since he couldn't take action against Yao Qiu'er, he would take the risk of killing Zuo Qiu'er.

Feng was also very unwise, so he gave up his plan to kill Zuo Feng.

Originally, Hu Jiao didn't take Zuo Feng too seriously, but his resourceful younger brother once told him that the potential of the red-haired young man in front of him was too terrifying. If there was a chance, he must be removed first and he could not be left behind.

future trouble.

He was still very convinced of his younger brother, but the situation at hand was so special that he gave up after hesitation.

What they don't know is that today's seemingly inconspicuous decision has laid a huge hidden danger for the Bloodthirsty Hall, or the entire Qianhuan Sect.

The two super strong men who had reached the final stage of Qi refining slowly rose into the sky. This kind of battle rarely happened, but every battle would inevitably spread throughout the continent.

At this time, Ni Tianju had an indifferent expression on his face, and his gaze fell on the world where he was, which seemed to be distorted. It seemed to have affected that space, but Zuo Feng, who had some experience, looked carefully and was sure that

That is not a distortion of space, but a consequence of the scorching heat.

Hu Jiao, who was also rising into the sky, was surrounded by strange winds. If you look closely, it seemed that there were countless strange winds with a light gray color blowing across each other. Among so many winds, there was no trace of each other.

Collision, but there is a certain order within the chaos.

Although he had just escaped death, Zuo Feng's attention was suddenly attracted by the two people in the air. Although Zuo Feng was still retreating, he raised his head to look into the sky from time to time.

Not only for Zuo Feng, but for any warrior to be able to witness such a battle is a great blessing. Often after warriors reach a very high level, they rarely fight with strong men of the same level. After all, such strong men often

Everyone will try their best to hit that higher level.

Once a strong person at this level is injured, it will be difficult to recover. If the delay at this stage is too long, it will affect the final impact of the Qi refining period.

There are already very few warriors who can reach this step, but those who can break through this level and reach a higher level are even rarer.

Therefore, people like Ni Tianju and Hu Jiao will be extremely careful not to engage in life-and-death battles with people of the same level, and even if they compete, they will be very cautious.

But the hatred between the two sides is not small at the moment, especially Ni Tianju who has not been so angry in many years, and has never wanted to kill someone so much in many years.

But his brother Ni Ling was killed, which completely aroused his anger. Even if Yao Qiu'er was put aside, he would never let him go.

Ni Tianju and Ni Ling were born into a prosperous family, but their family suffered great changes when they were young, and they were destroyed by their enemies. Ni Tianju, who was only nine years old at the time, took his younger brother, who was two years younger, to hide in Tibet.

The enemy's pursuit.

In the end, he was rescued by Yaozhuang, who was the young head of the Yao family at the time, and was later trained by the Yao family to become a warrior of the Yao family. Ni Tianju's talent in cultivation has been amazing since he was a child, and he has continued to improve along the way, but his younger brother has average talent in cultivation.

In the end, I could only barely reach the stage of feeling Qi.

After Ni Tianju broke through to the Qi-receiving stage, he reported to Ming Yaozhuang and refused any help, so he went alone to the place where his enemies were and started killing. The family that had wiped out the Ni family was also developing well at that time, and had almost reached the level of a town.

The strength that can be possessed.

But Ni Tianju started killing without mercy, killing all the members of the family who had wiped out the Ni family. Hundreds of people were killed by him in one night. He once liked wearing white clothes.

However, his clothes were soaked in the blood of his enemies, and he continued to wear the same clothes soaked in the blood of his enemies.

After the blood dried up, it turned into dark red. Later, Ni Tianju only wore dark red clothes. What Ni Tianju did at that time also caused a sensation in the entire Xuanwu Empire, and the dark red clothes became his representative.

It's just that the family that was destroyed by Ni Tianju actually secretly took refuge in the Qianhuan Sect and became a minion of the Qianhuan Sect. So after Ni Tianju destroyed that family alone, the Bloodthirsty Hall was performing a mission nearby.

Hu Jiao was also ordered to intercept and kill him.

Both of them were in the Qi period at the time, so the battle was naturally extremely fierce. However, they were both injured after the battle, and neither could do anything to the other.

At that time, the Qianhuan Sect had gone into darkness. Hu Jiao completely disappeared after the battle with Ni Tianju. However, after Ni Tianju recovered from his injuries, he made many attacks for the Yao family and gradually gained a very high level of influence.


But he didn't expect that when they met again many years later, both of them had broken through the Naqi and entered the Qi-nurturing stage, and both of them had moved towards a higher level.

At first, both of them believed that they were definitely better than the other, but in the end, the outcome was not determined by life and death. This time, both in public and private matters, both sides were eager to fight the other.

"I haven't seen you for many years. I'm glad that Commander Ni has reached such a level. I, Hu Jiao, don't have any gifts, so let me show you my skills and finish the unfinished battle between you and me."

A cold smile flashed across Hu Jiao's rough face and he said loudly.

Ni Tianju also smiled the same way, but it was as if the spring breeze was blowing on his face, and he could not see the slightest nervousness about the upcoming battle. If you know Ni Tianju, you will know that when he destroyed the enemy's family, he had a smile on his face.

With this kind of warm smile.

The more friendly he smiled, the most ruthless he struck. On the contrary, Zuo Feng felt a little weird when he saw it.

After all, there are some things that Zuo Feng doesn't understand. Although the Zuojia Village where he lives has undergone great changes, he has preserved more than half of his family. It is different from what Ni Tianju experienced at the beginning, who lost his family at a young age and watched his parents

Zuo Feng cannot understand how much the stimulation of being killed can change a nine-year-old child.

"I really want to know what you are planning to do now that you have been hiding in the rat hole for so many years."

After hearing what Ni Tianju said, Hu Jiao laughed instead, pointed at Ni Tianju and said: "What we are planning will be known to the world soon, but you, Ni Tianju, are not qualified to see it."

Still with a warm smile on his face, Ni Tianju said calmly: "Then let me see if your strength is as strong as your tone."

This chapter has been completed!
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