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Chapter 1313 Shattered to pieces

The screams echoed throughout the square, and the scene in front of them deeply shocked everyone. I believe no one will forget the scene in front of them.

Huaqi was afraid. This fear had no reason or logic, and he didn't even know what would happen in the next moment. It was his instinctive reaction from the heart as a living person of flesh and blood.

He watched helplessly as his hand holding the dagger was tightly held by the opponent, approaching the rotating formation above the medicine furnace. Logically speaking, there should be no danger.

If there is any danger in this formation, then if the opponent pulls him into the formation, wouldn't he himself be in the same danger? This is an instant logical judgment in his mind, but his body seems to be sieving chaff.

I was shivering, and the chill ran from the soles of my feet to the top of my head.

Hua Qi's eyes were gradually narrowing, and those tiny pupils were staring at his hand, or Zuo Feng's hand. Every moment was so long in Hua Qi's eyes. He wanted to know

What will happen next, and fear of what will happen next.

Finally, Zuo Feng's hand touched the formation, touching it lightly from the edge of the tiger's mouth at the beginning, and then the entire hand was completely integrated into the formation, including the dagger that pierced Zuo Feng's palm.

There was no change. The gray-white formation showed no change at all, as if the formation was not as dangerous as he had expected.

Until the edge of Hua Qi's palm fell into the formation, there was only a weak suction force, but it exploded in an instant, and the huge pulling force acted crazily on Hua Qi's body.

The gray-white formation began to move. The previous two formations looked gray-white after they were fused together. Now that it is running, you can vaguely see a gray halo turning from right to left inside the gray-white formation.

It moves, and another golden formation rotates from left to right.

These two formations are like two millstones. They rotate rapidly, carrying huge crushing and destructive power. However, this power seems to be only aimed at one person. This person is Hua Qi, the one who was absorbed by the formation before.

The blood-soaked Huaqi is the only "prey" in front of this formation.

Hua Qi's pupils suddenly dilated, and severe pain came from his hands. He felt as if countless beasts were gnawing at his fingers, like the palm of his hand, but his hand was held in Zuo Feng's palm.

He couldn't clearly see the condition of his palms.

On the other hand, there was no change in Zuo Feng's palm. It seemed that Zuo Feng's hand had just passed through a grey-white light curtain. Not only was Zuo Feng's hand fine, but Zuo Feng's sleeves and the dagger inserted in his palm were also...

Even his clothes did not change after touching the formation.

But the pain came clearly. There must have been changes in my hand, unimaginable changes.

This thought lingered in Hua Qi's mind, and soon he realized what the formation in front of him had done to him. He saw that as he moved his wrist, he also entered the formation, and the wrist was right in front of him.

Start* coming.

It was as if countless sharp knives were rapidly cutting into his wrists. The skin, flesh, blood, meridians, bones on his wrists, and even the hairs on his wrists were quickly broken into pieces if you look closely.

And * is just the beginning. The formation is constantly operating. In this non-stop operation, the formation will smash Hua Qi*'s body into smaller pieces again, or smaller particles. Then continue

Crush and eventually decompose into tiny dust-like substances that are difficult to see with the naked eye.

During this process, there will be a small amount of "dust" that will be eliminated by the formation. With the power of subtle observation, Zuo Feng immediately understood that these were the impurities in Hua Qi's body. If he removed all the impurities in his body

If you eliminate it completely, you can at least achieve an empty and pure body.

The funny thing is that he saw these impurities in his body being eliminated, but it was at the moment when he was about to die.

"Hey, what kind of formation is this? Why have I never seen it before? Even the ancient empire has no record of the arrangement and combination of those runes."

At the top of Mount Dishan, the man wearing black clothes and tightly wrapped around his body was staring at the square below with a pair of cold eyes. This man could clearly see everything below from such a long distance, and his eyesight was so strong.

Far more than the average strong person, his cultivation level is at least not lower than that of people like Yao Xun and Chu Zhao.

The man in black was attracted by the formation changes on the left wind medicine furnace below, and his work had completely stopped.

It wasn't that he encountered difficulties in unblocking the formation eyes, but as he continued to unblock the formation eyes, he faintly felt that there seemed to be some changes in the formation, which were not inherent in the original city defense formation.

As a result, the man in black also became cautious, because what he was thinking about at this time was this formation, not whether someone had done anything before, what the purpose of the other party's actions was, whether the other party's long-planned plan was against the Qianhuan Sect, or whether

There are other purposes.

Just when he was hesitating, Zuofeng's medicine refining furnace below also changed, which aroused strong interest in the man who had been hiding on the top of Mount Di.

Being able to reach the top of Emperor Mountain cannot be achieved by relying on super high cultivation. In addition, two conditions must be met. The first one is that you must be able to successfully enter Emperor Mountain and pass through the passage in Emperor Mountain.

The second condition for the mountain-protecting formation that crosses Emperor Mountain is that one must have high attainments in formation techniques.

Because the current location of the man in black is in the gap between the imperial mountain protective formation and the imperial capital inner city protective formation.

From his current position, he can have an overview of the changes in the entire Imperial Mountain Formation. At the same time, he can also get in touch with the center of the Mountain Protecting Formation here, especially the situation in the forbidden area.

The country's leader Xuan Hong relied on his father's words and judged that there should be a counter-attack formation in the forbidden area. The key to the man in black not taking further action was that he felt the formation's restriction through the changes in the formation.

existence, but he was unable to investigate the situation in detail and could only rely on experience to judge.

At this time, the Dishan Formation has returned to normal operation, and those frozen formation eyes have begun to follow the formation again.

No one noticed the man in black on the Emperor Mountain, and no one could imagine that there was a person between the Tiger Mountain Formation and the Inner City Formation. Everyone's attention fell on Zuofeng, who was caught by this moment.

Hua Qi's experience deeply attracted him.

Gan Luo and He Huan both looked extremely ugly. Even if they didn't understand it at first, they now knew what was going on. Not only did Hua Qi fail to achieve the original goal, but he actually helped the other party improve the quality of the pills. It was completely

He shot himself in the foot.

The painter's Hua Yuan is even more depressed and wants to vomit blood. Although Hua Qi is not the most elite among the younger generation of painters, today when the family has suffered huge losses, people like Hua Qi are already the future of the family.

One of the hopes for revival.

He didn't want to cooperate with Qianhuan Sect, nor did he want to agree to Qianhuan Sect's request, but now he had no choice but to grit his teeth and let Hua Qi take the risk. Now it turns out that he hooked up with Hua Qi, and instead became the man named Shen The windy youth.

Although Hua Qi is not a direct relative of Hua Yuan, he is the painter's seventh son after all. Now looking at Hua Qi's experience, Hua Yuan is going crazy with anger, but also feels helpless and sad. It's like Hua Qi. The fate of Qi is revealing the future of the painter.

Watching his wrists, arms, shoulders, and body being massaged bit by bit and shattered into dust-like existence, Hua Qi suddenly woke up from the severe pain and fear, and shouted loudly and desperately.

"Let me go, Shen Feng, let me go. I'm willing to pay no matter what the price. Please, I'm willing to be your dog. I just ask you to let my life go. I'm no longer a threat to you. Let me live, let me..."

Hua Qi shouted at the top of his lungs. The sound coming from his throat was as high-pitched as a woman's scream, with a strong cry. Even his crotch was soaked in a large area, and the boy was frightened to the point of peeing. .

However, his shouts and begging for mercy gradually became smaller and smaller, because he saw Zuo Feng controlling the beast fire in the medicine furnace with a face as calm as water, as if he could not see or hear what he was experiencing now. .

If Hua Qi knew the changes in the "Eight Treasures Furnace", he might not even have to beg for mercy or cry out, because the powder that Hua Qi's body was strangled into contained huge energy. Flesh, bones, tendons and The power of life is all contained in it, and even part of the spiritual power is strangled and swallowed by the formation, and then sent into the medicine furnace.

If the refining process continues according to the original method, the quality of the crazy pills refined in this medicine furnace will definitely not be as good as Wang Yizhen. But now with the "help" of Hua Qi, Zuo Feng is very confident to defeat the others.

They used their own potential, Su Yunlong sacrificed flesh and blood, and Wang Yizhen ignored the loss of her own life. But even if they were so willing to spend money, they could not compare to Zuo Feng's direct use of formations to convert a living feeling Those who are strong in the Qi stage are given complete sacrifices and sent to the medicine furnace.

Yao Xun, who didn't speak for a long time, his eyes flashed with excitement, and finally couldn't help but said: "This kid, haha, this kid is really a weirdo, I didn't expect that he could really bring surprises."

Chu Zhao, Duan Yunshu and Yao Tuozi stood behind Yao Xun, all looking closely at Zuo Feng. They couldn't help but nodded after listening to Yao Xun's words.

At this time, Yaoxun had already made up his mind. After Zuofeng stimulated the formation fusion of the Eight Treasure Furnace and devoured the sacrificial warriors, Yaoxun decided not to retrieve the mysterious Eight Treasure Furnace again. Just give it to the young man in front of you.

In the medicine furnace in front of Zuo Feng, a large amount of pure energy was continuously being absorbed into it, which made Zuo Feng feel excited. If this energy could be absorbed by himself, it would not only be of great benefit to the body, but could even help him improve his level again. Level cultivation.

However, as soon as this idea emerged, he was forcibly suppressed.

This chapter has been completed!
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