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Chapter 1614 Unexpected visitor

Watching Amber's leaving figure, Zuo Feng fell into a brief silence. He seemed to have something to say when Amber left, but in the end he didn't say a word.

Tang Bin saw something and said, "Are you worried that Amber won't leave obediently?"

"It's not that I'm worried, but I simply know that this guy will never leave so obediently. I guess this guy will never leave until we are sure that we have evacuated safely."

"Then why did you...?" Ikari asked doubtfully.

Waving his hand, Zuo Feng said: "If he is willing to listen to my instructions, there is no need to worry me so much. But this guy is very measured and will never ruin our plan. But when we evacuate, I'm afraid we still need to

Please take care of me a little bit."

Tang Bin and Ikari didn't say anything, let alone complain about Amber. After spending so long together, they also knew that although the city lord and Amber were not brothers, their relationship was definitely better than that of real brothers.

After exploring the memory of the painter and warrior, Zuo Feng did not need to identify the direction at all. He had already chosen a route and led Yi Tang and the two of them straight towards the brightest location to lurk.

This time, the three of them were obviously much more careful than before. Sometimes they even had to lurk in one place for several breaths, waiting for the right opportunity before suddenly rushing to the next foothold.

After leaving the warehouse, Zuo Feng and the other three began to gradually lurk towards the center of the front hall. This is the most important place for the painter, and important guests will be entertained tonight, so of course the security will be tighter.

Fortunately, among the three of them, Tang Bin and Ikari have reached the qi cultivation stage, and ordinary sentries will not notice the slightest trace. Although Zuo Feng's cultivation is only in the qi sensing stage, he has abilities far beyond qi refining.

No one will notice the mental power of a warrior in the early stage when it is completely dispersed.

However, the three of them did not dare to rush in brazenly, so it took a lot of effort to sneak in from the outside to the center of the front hall. When Zuo Feng and others arrived at the front hall, they found that the banquet here had not started yet.

Many people who looked like servants were still busy coming in and out.

Looking at this posture, he knew that the guests had not arrived yet, and Zuo Feng felt a little relieved. With the cultivation and abilities of the three of them, even if they arrived in the middle of the banquet, it was not completely impossible to get close, but there was a danger of being exposed in that way.

It will also increase accordingly.

Today's timing is naturally better. Neither the host nor the guest attending the banquet were present, creating excellent conditions for Zuo Feng and the other three to successfully infiltrate.

The three people flew to the roof of the main hall. Most of the people inside and outside the main hall were busy serving food and setting up the banquet. The few warriors who were on guard did not pay attention to the tops of their heads.

The security in this main hall was originally the tightest in the entire painting residence, but because of this, all the vigilant warriors were paralyzed and careless. No one thought that anyone would dare to lurk into the current painter's residence.

The three of them landed on the back of the roof tiles as gently as feathers, tapping their toes as if dust fell to the ground without making a sound. Although Zuo Feng's cultivation was not as good as Tang Yi and the other two, he had the wind attribute himself, plus

He performed martial arts against the wind, and when he fell he was actually a little lighter than the other two.

Along the way, Tang Yi and the two had already seen Zuo Feng's special movement skills, and they still couldn't help but nod in admiration.

After Zuo Feng sensed it with his spirit, he leaned down and went down first, not forgetting to signal to Ikari and Tang Bin to follow. After realizing it, the two of them did not stop and followed closely.

Behind Zuo Feng, he quickly descended along the sloping ridge on the side, shielding his figure.

When they reached the edge of the eaves, Zuo Feng stopped and looked around. They were at the side of the main hall. Although there were warriors on guard outside, there was not a single figure under the eaves.

After confirming that there were no sentries around, Zuo Feng slowly lay down, stretched out his head and half of his body and looked into the main hall. The room was brightly lit, but it was already early winter, and the windows were closed tightly, so his vision was completely

blocked by window paper.

When she was at a loss, Ikari's figure suddenly appeared. Ikari was seen hooking the edge of the eaves with the instep of her feet, and her whole body was hanging under the eaves, like a salted fish hanging upside down. But then she gently raised her body

, so that even if someone looks here, it will be difficult to notice Ikari hiding in the shadow under the eaves.

Zuo Feng and Tang Bin followed suit and hung their bodies upside down. In this posture, they fell out of the window and their upper bodies could get close to the window.

Ikari stretched out her hand and gently opened a gap in the window, so that everything in the room came into view. At the same time, the sounds in the room were also transmitted to the three of them more clearly.

in the ears.

Zuo Feng and the three of them were currently located at the window on the west side of the main hall. The furnishings here looked a bit like a study. Although this room was connected to the main hall, there was a screen to isolate them from each other.

At this moment, everyone was busy in the main hall. There was no one in the study room in front of them. The three of them exchanged a look, and Ikari gently opened the window, and then the three of them got in lightly.

After entering, I discovered that the study was actually very large. In addition to the desk and bookshelf on the side where the three of them came in, there were also two rows of Taishi chairs on the other side, which seemed to be the place where the owner would meet guests in the study.

After the three people entered, they spread out consciously. Although they were not too far away from each other, they each found a position where they could hide their bodies.

Not long after hiding, I heard a voice outside saying loudly: "Hurry up, the guests invited by your Excellency will be here soon. If the arrangements are not completed, please don't come crying to me, Su.

You also know the elder’s temper.”

'Elder Su? There must be the word Su in his name, but Su in this painting should be one of the Five Tigers, and his identity belongs to the painter's marshal. Why did he suddenly become an elder again?'

With a thought in his heart, Zuo Feng couldn't help but wonder whether Elder Su and Hua Su were the same person, and whether the painter had undergone any drastic changes in recent times. There was no answer in the little warrior's memory.

"Hey, you stupid guy, didn't I tell you that there are six distinguished guests tonight? Look, there are only four chairs in the guest seats. Are you deliberately trying to get into trouble with me?"

The voice sounded again.

"Yes, yes, yes, it's the villain's fault. I'm going to prepare now." A submissive voice then sounded.

"Hmph, why don't you make me more flexible? Everyone else's work has been finished. If you don't get out of here quickly, you will die if you stay here."

The voice urged again, and then many footsteps were heard leaving in a hurry, and the entire main hall suddenly became quiet.

Zuo Feng quietly moved his body. From his hidden angle, he could slightly see part of the main hall. Although the banquet table was blocked by a screen, Zuo Feng could catch anyone entering from the main entrance for a moment.

At this moment, a middle-aged man appears in sight. He looks like he is in the early stage of Qi sensing. He is wearing a silk and satin shirt. He looks like a butler. The voice that just ordered others is probably made by him. Obtained from

I knew from my memory that the middle-aged man in front of me was Xing Yuan, one of the housekeepers in the inner palace of the Painting Mansion.

This man's cultivation talent is not outstanding, but looking at him looking at the layout of the entire main hall in a serious and careful manner, he is really a good hand at handling housework.

The middle-aged man walked around the main hall, then suddenly glanced at Zuo Feng's study, and then walked towards it.

The moment Zuo Feng and the other three noticed it, they immediately became nervous. The cultivation level of the person in front of them was not even taken seriously by Zuo Feng, but if they kill this person, they will definitely attract the attention of others, and then the warning will be sent.

If word spreads, all plans will be ruined.

But seeing the middle-aged man getting closer and closer, he had already arrived in front of the screen. Once he bypassed the screen, he would be exposed immediately. After all, it is such a big room, and several high-grade spiritual light stones are used to illuminate the room.

Unable to completely hide whereabouts.

Just when Zuo Feng and the others looked nervous and were ready to take action at any time, they suddenly heard someone outside say: "Butler Xing, the guests have already passed the archway, and Elder Su has already arrived at the gate to greet them."

The middle-aged man who was about to walk around the screen suddenly stopped when he heard the voice, and then replied: "Hurry up and put the two missing chairs. I will go to the kitchen and order the hot dishes."

Put it up."

As soon as he finished speaking, the middle-aged man turned around and hurriedly walked out along the main hall door. It wasn't until his footsteps gradually faded away that Zuo Feng and the other two people relaxed a little. In this way, the entire main hall, including the study area here,

, there are only three of them, Zuo Feng.

At this moment, a subtle sound suddenly came from the roof. The sound was extremely subtle. If the three of them hadn't almost barged in because of the punishment butler, they maintained a state of breathless calmness, coupled with their cultivation and perception abilities.

It's remarkable that it's difficult to detect the subtle sound, which shows that the cultivation level of the person on the roof must be quite high.

Ikari and Tang Bin both took out their weapons, and the first reaction was to prepare for action. In their eyes, they might have exposed their hiding place, and the other party was ambushing a strong man and preparing to deal with them.

But Zuo Feng was calmer. He waved his hand gently to signal the two of them not to act rashly, and then pointed at the top, and then at the three of them.

Tang Bin reacted the fastest and understood it immediately. Then he turned to look at Ikari with some laughter and tears, and used his spiritual energy to condense his voice to convey it.

"Master Feng City's guess must be correct. The purpose of those above coming here is roughly the same as ours. I'm afraid they are all trying to destroy the Guihua and Guihua families' joint efforts. They are probably either Su family or Wang family warriors."

Tang Bin and Ikari are hiding closer together, and their cultivation levels have also reached the cultivation stage, so they don't have to worry about being noticed by people on the roof by transmitting their voices in this way.

Facing the sudden arrival of another group of warriors, Zuo Feng and others immediately felt that the situation was in danger of getting out of control. If possible, he would choose to retreat immediately.

But Elder Hua Su would be back at any time when he went to greet the guests, and the people on the roof didn't know the identities of Zuo Feng and the other three. If they were alerted if they left rashly, the two groups might start to attack due to misunderstanding.

This chapter has been completed!
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