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Chapter 1626 swaggering through the market

The situation in Kuocheng was already tense. After last night's incident, the entire city seemed to be emitting a strong smell of poison. A tiny spark was enough to turn into a raging flame.

At the gate of Kuocheng, the defense at this moment is obviously nearly twice as strong as yesterday. If you look closely, you will find a hint of hostility and alertness among the city guards.

Only those who know the inside story will not be surprised by this phenomenon. After all, the city guard is composed of warriors from four major families, and just last night, a battle that shocked the whole city just took place between them.


Today, the family warriors who are mainly responsible for guarding the city are the Wang family, so the warriors of the Su family are naturally very cooperative in helping to maintain order. The warriors of the Guihua family are not large in number, and most of them are secretly observing from the side.

The defensive formations outside Kuocheng are fully activated, and everyone within one mile of Kuocheng is within the defense circle.

If people outside the city want to enter the city, they must line up obediently according to the rules, because once the attack effect of the formation is triggered, even a strong person in the cultivation stage will find it difficult to withstand the next blow. It is relying on this defensive formation that the city can

It has been firmly established until now.

Starting today, the inspection at the city gate will be significantly stricter than in the past. Not only will everyone entering the city be investigated for their identity, background and personal belongings, but even their cultivation will be directly visited by a dedicated person.

At this moment, in a tea shed not far from the city gate, there are scattered guests drinking tea. Sometimes familiar people will whisper about the incident that happened in the painting house last night.

In a relatively remote corner, a young man wearing a bamboo hat was sipping tea from a cup alone. Occasionally, he would be attracted by the comments around him, and would turn his head slightly to listen, and a trace of helplessness would appear at the corner of his mouth unconsciously.


This young man looks to be about 24 or 25 years old. His complexion is a little sallow, and you can see a touch of white hair on his temples. He still has young white hair, so he seems to be a little older.

However, in his slightly narrow eyes, there will occasionally be a sharp flash of color, which is in sharp contrast with the ordinary appearance. I am afraid that even people who are very close to him cannot tell that the young man in front of him,

It will be Master Yaozi, the Lord of Fengcheng, Zuo Feng.

Quietly listening to the sounds that kept coming from around me, those strange stories seemed as if I had never experienced them personally yesterday. It was hard to imagine that what happened last night could be linked to the entry of ferocious beasts into the city and the Thousand Fantasy Sect.

The spy caused trouble and caused the Guihua family to kill each other.

Zuo Feng originally thought that his imagination was very rich, but now it seems that compared to those troubled people, his imagination is really lacking.

At this moment, Zuo Feng's gaze inadvertently passed by the city gate, and he was immediately attracted by a familiar figure. It was a man dressed as a hunter in the mountains, wearing only a simple animal skin on his muscular body.

Waistcoat, with a recently killed monster draped over his shoulders.

This man's face was still stained with blood, and his appearance could not be completely distinguished, but his clean and shiny head was very eye-catching.

The moment he saw this man, Zuo Feng couldn't help but froze for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

'This guy really didn't hesitate to destroy his image. He even shaved off all his hair. Even if Shiroi, the painter yesterday, saw him again, he would never think he had seen him before.'

If he wasn't very familiar with the other party, even Zuo Feng would hardly believe that the person in front of him was his good brother Amber.

At this moment, Amber was slowly following the team entering the city and was being inspected at the city gate. Amber looked calm and allowed the warriors around him to search for various items on his body.

Immediately, a small leader of the city guards walked forward slowly and began to interrogate him. Facing the questioning, Amber looked neither humble nor overbearing, and spoke in a loud voice, like a hunter in the mountains who did not understand the rules.

"Xiamu Xiu is from the mountains nearby. What kind of background does he have? What is background?!"

The city guard didn't know what he said, and Amber immediately replied loudly: "What's the purpose? Can't you see the guy on my shoulder? Of course such a fresh item needs to be sold quickly."

Then the city guard raised his hand to say hello, and three or four city guard warriors gathered around him. Without any explanation, they captured Amber and tied him up.

The whole process seems to be no different from capturing other suspicious people, but because Amber made a loud voice and resisted slightly, the attention of everyone around him was directed towards him.

Then another leader of the Wang family's city guard came over to inquire. Someone immediately came over and told Amber's situation, and he specifically told her under the pseudonym "Mu Xiu".

Zuo Feng, who was sitting in the tea shed, couldn't help but frown slightly and thought to himself, 'I've passed it. If you continue this show, you'll really pass it.'

Fortunately, those people seemed to hear Zuo Feng's thoughts. After binding Amber, they directly stuffed it into the group of people who had captured it before. Then things seemed to calm down and the city gate returned to its previous state.

After a rigorous investigation, it seems that they did not pay much attention to the previous incident of Amber.

Zuo Feng knew that the bait was ready, and the next step was to wait slowly. According to Zuo Feng's estimation, he believed that the word "Muxiu" was enough to attract the attention of the strong men in Dunmu Village.

The current situation in Kuocheng is so complicated, and Kuocheng only has this important gate for entry and exit. I believe that the people in Dunmu Village will definitely arrange spies to observe all movements at the gate of the city.

However, Zuo Feng observed it for a long time, but found nothing. Because this vast city is located in a key location in the south of Xuanwu, its prosperity is even more prosperous than Jucheng and Zecheng in the Hollow Land.

There are dozens of shops near the city gate alone, and even in such a chaotic situation, there are still many people walking around on the street. Trying to find suspicious people among them is like looking for a needle in a haystack.


Sighing lightly, Zuo Feng shook his head helplessly and muttered: "It seems that it is impossible to determine the opponent's situation in advance. Now we can only proceed according to the original plan."

As he said that, Zuo Feng raised his head slightly and looked at a medicinal shop not far across the way. The clerk in the medicinal shop seemed to be waiting at the door to greet the customers. However, if you look closely, you will find that his eyes were always on where Zuo Feng was.


The two shook their heads and looked at each other. Zuo Feng shook his head incomprehensibly, and then nodded slightly. The other party understood instantly and immediately turned around and returned to the medicine shop.

This kind of communication is so subtle that unless you pay attention to two people at the same time, you will never know that there is any message between Zuo Feng and the clerk.

After a short time, the city guards at the city gate began to collect those who were captured. Just like Zuo Feng and others were arrested yesterday when they entered the city, everyone was tied up with ropes. Afterwards, the city guards sent out several

He was personally responsible for guarding and driving the group of people slowly towards the direction of the Wang family's residence.

In fact, during this period of time, it seemed that Kuocheng was strictly investigating Qianhuan Cult spies, but that was only done on the surface. Secretly, the four families secretly sent the warriors sent by the family in this way.

Quietly brought back to the family.

Looking at the team that was getting further away, Zuo Feng took out five copper coins, put them gently on the table, stood up and followed them.

Although there were not many warriors captured by the Wang family, there were still more than twenty people. These people followed the team into the city with their heads lowered and silently. Only Amber turned his head and looked around from time to time. At this moment, his heart was not as good as it seemed on the surface.

He was so calm, or in other words, he was more nervous than the Wang family warriors around him who were in charge of guarding him.

Seeing that they were getting farther and farther away from the city gate, and the Wang family's team gradually detoured from the lively main street to the side streets with sparse traffic. Although everything seemed calm, Amber's heart was extremely uneasy.

The whole plan seems to be well laid out, but there are still some areas that are not perfect. But after all, this was Zuo Feng's last-minute idea, and the time was tight. There was no time for them to plan slowly, so if the whole plan can be implemented smoothly, I'm afraid

It also depends on luck.

Before at the city gate, Amber really hoped that Dunmu Cun, or the warriors of the Lin family, would reveal their flaws. But now he was worried that the other party would take action rashly, because then the plan might be messed up.

Just when Amber was worried, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a vague figure from the corner of his eye, flashing on the roof of the house next to him. Although it was only for a moment, Amber's heart was about to rise to his throat, because the figure could not be seen no matter how he looked.

Like left wind.

If the other party is here to save you, then the plan can barely go on, but if the other party intends to kill you and silence you, then as long as he resists, the plan will be completely ruined immediately.

Amber felt uneasy in her heart, and suddenly a low muffled sound suddenly sounded not far from her side. Then a figure flew out directly and hit the crowd behind Amber.

Because many people were strung together by ropes, several people behind him fell down together, and Amber was pulled to the side. Just when he almost fell, a thin figure appeared not far behind him.

He needed to observe carefully. He had already recognized the identity of the other party, Zuo Feng, just by relying on his figure.

The person who came was wearing a bamboo hat, stretched out his hands quickly, and kicked the warrior at the end of the team to the ground. Then he drew his long sword and rushed towards the other Wang family warriors who were rushing towards him.

These Wang family warriors with the highest cultivation level were only in the middle and late stage of Sensing Qi, and they were completely powerless against Zuo Feng. Zuo Feng was eager to save people and did not entangle with the opponent. Some had their bones broken directly, and some were splashed with blood.

He fell to the ground bleeding and didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

"Qiang Qiang"

With two consecutive sword blows, Zuo Feng directly cut off the rope that bound Amber and another rope that tied everyone together. He pulled up Amber and fled quickly.

At this moment, the warriors of the Wang family who had reacted had already issued a warning, and warriors patrolling from all over the city gathered here.

But Zuo Feng and Amber jumped onto the roof in a domineering manner and walked away across the city in a swaggering manner.

This chapter has been completed!
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