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Chapter 1646: Mind power out of control

Zuo Feng returned to the room. Although he lay down on the bed, he tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

Since launching the plan to infiltrate the Lin family, Zuo Feng felt that every nerve in his body was tense, but it was still not enough. Especially in the face of the Lin family's repeated temptations and various tests, Zuo Feng even felt a little powerless. If he continued

If this continues, I really can't say that I will reveal my flaws in any detail.

However, Zuo Feng looks at it from another perspective, and this is not necessarily all bad. At least it proves that the Lin family has not found any faults so far. And the more the other party repeatedly tries to find out, the more it proves that the other party values ​​him. For Zuo Feng, it is the opposite.

It was a good sign, and that was all he could do to comfort himself at the moment.

In addition to his personal situation, the Lin family's mansion and the Lin family's own strength also gave Zuo Feng some headaches. Just in the courtyard where he lived, there was such a strange and huge array.

More than a thousand people can easily be hidden in this courtyard. In addition, coupled with the effects of the powerful phantom array and the maze array, I am afraid that even the protective array of this vast city cannot compare with it.

Coupled with the strength of the warriors that Kuocheng currently possesses, the "big shopkeeper" and guest minister Yanzhi alone are already very troublesome, and it is said that there are also two "accountants". The "accountant" of the Lin family is by no means responsible for managing the family.

The property is so simple, I am afraid that such a person, even if he is not a commander-in-chief, should still be a leader-level figure.

Thinking about the current strength of the Suwang family and the situation he was facing, Zuo Feng felt his head hurt even more. However, for Zuo Feng, there was no point in thinking about these problems too much. He could only avoid them.

Face it, and now that you are in the middle of it, there is no other way to think of except facing it.

Quite unexpectedly, when Zuo Feng was trying to relax himself, the pain in his forehead actually worsened, and the pain seemed to be spreading.

At first, Zuo Feng didn't pay much attention to this change. After all, anyone facing this situation might have his own reaction. But after a while, Zuo Feng knew that he had thought wrong. In the process of transmitting pain,

, a small part of my mental power began to show signs of losing control.

The sea of ​​thoughts itself is a very special existence. Under normal circumstances, it does not have a fixed shape or even a fixed size. As the thoughts and emotions in the mind of the warrior change, the sea of ​​thoughts will also change. Therefore,

Zuo Feng didn't pay much attention to the change in Nianhai at first.

But when the power of his thoughts began to be released continuously and wandered beyond the scope of the sea of ​​thoughts, Zuo Feng realized that something was wrong with the situation.

When he felt that the situation had changed like this, Zuo Feng did not lose his calmness, but immediately understood that due to the accumulation of external pressure and negative emotions, he had a tendency to become obsessed.

For most people, in this situation, the spiritual energy will wander randomly in the meridians at most, and in more severe cases, it will run rampant and go retrograde. Although it is dangerous, most of them are not in danger of life, and the worst cases will decline in cultivation.

But Zuo Feng is different. He now has the sea of ​​mind and the power of mind. Once the inner demons get into trouble, the most serious consequence may be the collapse of the sea of ​​mind. If he doesn't die, he will become an idiot.

Faced with the random collision of thoughts in the sea of ​​thoughts, Zuo Feng's first thought was to calm down his mind, stabilize his emotions, and try to be in a clear state of practice. This is also the most convenient way to channel spiritual energy and thoughts.

Under Zuo Feng's deliberate control, Zuo Feng's mind soon calmed down, and the spiritual energy gradually returned to its normal track in this near-empty cultivation state.

However, although the spiritual energy was under control, the mind power still did not improve much. The sea of ​​thoughts that originally enveloped and controlled the mind power had gradually lost its ability to restrain the mind power. Seeing these threads of thoughts emerging from the formation, they immediately appeared in the formation.

The mind and body are wandering.

Zuo Feng was anxious in his heart, but he had to deliberately suppress his emotions, because the more confused he was at this moment, the closer his mind power would be to completely losing control.

In the dark room, Zuo Feng's figure sitting cross-legged can be vaguely seen. His body has been put into a practicing posture. On the surface, it looks no different from his usual practice.

But if you look closely, you will find that the veins on Zuo Feng's forehead are as thin as a little finger, and they are slightly bulging and slowly moving. Only Zuo Feng knows that those veins are filled with thought power at this moment. If

I tried my best to suppress it, but I'm afraid it's about to come out.

Although there should be no strong people in the God Refining Stage in this courtyard group, people with good spiritual power can also feel such a strong release of mind power.

In the dark room, Zuo Feng's eyes were wide open with blood red eyes. Countless fine blood filaments appeared outside his pupils, and the number of these blood filaments was still increasing. At first glance, it looked like they were a pair of blood red eyes.

After experiencing what happened in Jucheng, Zuo Feng's telekinesis has further increased, and now it has reached one thousand and eighty.

Originally, this huge number of thought threads was Zuo Feng's biggest asset in using his telekinesis power, but now that his telekinesis power is running rampant, so many thought threads have become a burden to him.

Gritting his teeth, Zuo Feng knew that he could no longer be stingy with his thoughts at this time. Although each of these thoughts was hard-earned, he only had one life after all.

Zuo Feng made up his mind and immediately began to release the three acupoints on his head. These three acupoints were located below the forehead and the earlobes of both ears.

The reason why these three acupoints were chosen is that the meridians connected to them are relatively slender and there will be no crazy venting of thoughts. Secondly, these three acupoints are all connected to the meridians that run spiritual energy. Once something happens, they will

You can also temporarily send part of your mind power into the spiritual energy meridians.

Zuo Feng made up his mind and started to act without hesitation. He withdrew almost all the spiritual energy, dispersed it into his body, or collected it into the sea, so that he could fully cope with the loss of control of his telekinesis.

If Zuo Feng is compared to a kettle, then the out-of-control thoughts in his mind at this moment are like boiling water in the kettle. The pressure of the boiling water is constantly impacting the kettle. Faced with such a situation, Zuo Feng knew that if he didn't want to vent some of it,

If you come out, you are likely to suffer backlash.

What Zuo Feng does is like pouring out part of the boiling water, which will reduce the pressure inside the kettle, making it easier to control it.

However, this kind of catharsis also has risks. It is like a dam full of water. Once a small gap is opened, the huge pressure may destroy the entire dam. Zuo Feng knows this truth well, so he carefully

These three scattered acupoints were selected.

All his attention was focused on the acupoints, and after they were only slightly separated, Zuo Feng felt the ferocious impact of three huge "torrents". Zuo Feng was already prepared for this situation and tried his best to suppress it, but even if

Zuo Feng still felt some signs of losing control.

Especially when the thought power in the sea of ​​thoughts found an outlet, it suddenly launched a crazy attack on the three acupoints. Especially those thought threads carried huge thought power. Once it was vented crazily, it would not only attack Zuo Feng.

It will cause a devastating blow to itself, and the thought power condensed in the thought thread is too strong, and it will be easily detected by others once it is dispersed in the air.

Even though it was very painful, Zuo Feng still worked hard to separate the thought power from the thought threads, let it turn into pure thought power, and then release it from the acupoints bit by bit.

But this was like a drop in the bucket. Seeing that the sea of ​​thoughts was getting more and more out of control, Zuo Feng was unable to stop it.

Moreover, the acupoint only opened a small gap at first, but under the constant impact of thought power, it gradually became larger and larger uncontrollably.

After just a few breaths, Zuo Feng felt that the acupuncture point had gradually lost control. Even if he wanted to close it again, he couldn't do it, and the situation began to become more and more dangerous.

Fortunately, Zuo Feng has experienced too many storms and waves. Even at this critical moment, he still has not lost his calm and is still looking for solutions.

Although the Nianhai has not completely fallen into chaos, the rampage of Niansi is like a chain reaction. More and more Niansi have joined the camp that is running wild. Forcible control now will only be counterproductive.

While continuing to work hard to strip away the power of thoughts in Niansi, Zuo Feng was also constantly observing the changes in the sea of ​​thoughts. Suddenly his eyes were attracted to a location in the sea of ​​thoughts. There, Niansi was there.

The established formation is not affected by the outside world at this moment, and is still running slowly according to its own trajectory, like a stubborn stone in the rapids.

That formation was built by Zuo Feng on a whim when he was first in the Imperial Capital. He used pure thought threads as the material to build the formation. In the end, he condensed the two formations of Solid Foundation and Gathering Spirits. Although it was not Yongtu.

The complete formation created only has its original prototype.

When he saw this telepathy formation, Zuo Feng seemed to be awakened instantly, and then a hint of joy gradually flashed in his blood-red eyes.

'At this point, I have to give it a try no matter what, but the hope should be great.' Zuo Feng thought in his heart, and all his attention began to turn to Niansi, which was still within his control.

A small part of the mind continues to peel off the thought power in the thread of thought and release it outwards, relieving the pressure inside and outside the thought sea. At the same time, more willpower is placed in the thought sea.

Under his control, a thought thread quickly condensed into a special rune. It seemed that Zuo Feng had never used this rune before, so it was a little unfamiliar when it was condensed. However, it soon became the first small formation.

After the magic was condensed, Zuo Feng began to become more proficient in his movements.

Some of the runes in it were not familiar to Zuo Feng, and he had never even used them before. It was obvious that the formation that Zuo Feng had carved out now was one that he had never built before.

This chapter has been completed!
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