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The first thousand seven hundred and ninety-two chapters of life and death

The large area behind the city lord's palace is a restricted area for ordinary people. This area has a wall about one and a half feet high, which ordinary people cannot climb over.

What's even more special about this area is that it is surrounded by walls but no doors. If you walk around it, you will find that this large area is completely isolated by walls.

Of course, even ordinary warriors would not approach this place. After all, this is where the city defense formation is located. If you approach rashly without understanding the formation, you will easily lose your life.

But just inside this wall, there are two figures, an old man and a young man. They are sitting cross-legged opposite each other at the moment, but the expressions on their faces are completely opposite.

The old man looked very haggard, and even his cultivation was somewhat unstable. However, the old man's face was filled with a bright smile, which formed a very sharp contrast with the old man's tattered clothes and scarred body.

Looking back at the young man opposite, he was wearing clean clothes. A gap could be seen on his chest that had been cut by a sharp blade. However, the gap was being held down by the old man's hands. It could only be detected from the gap between the fingers.

There was a faint trace of blood.

The young man's face was ashen at this time. On his twisted face, the muscles would twitch and tremble from time to time. The original anger could no longer be seen in his eyes. There were only despair, panic, anger and resentment, but there was more.

It's helpless and confused.

The old man was naturally Yin Yue. At this time, he could already feel that almost all the "poison" in the flesh and blood of his hands had been sent into the body of the young man in front of him. In the process of pushing outward, he was still

There were some difficulties, and Yin Yue was even worried about whether he could successfully eliminate all "poisons" in his current state.

But as he sent part of the animal blood essence into the opponent's body, especially after Yin Zhong used his last bit of strength to mobilize his spiritual energy to block it, the process of expelling the "poison" suddenly became easier and easier.


Regarding this change, Yin Yue finally attributed it to the fact that the other party's cultivation level was weaker than his own, and the "poison" had a far greater impact on him than his own. After the "poison" took effect, the other party completely lost its resistance.


It's just that what Yin Zhong felt was completely different from what Yin Yue guessed. Because what Yin Zhong felt was that after those "poisons" came into contact with his own spiritual energy, they seemed to have some kind of affinity effect with each other. In this way,

Reiki is supposed to be a resistance against "poisons", but instead it becomes a help to help the "poisons" integrate into the body.

At this moment, Yin Zhong was on the verge of tears, cursing in his heart that "God has no eyes", but he was helpless under such a situation.

Soon, the last trace of animal blood essence, under the full force of the old man Yin Yue, was poured into Yin Zhong's body. Feeling the special taste that had disappeared from his palms, an unconcealable expression appeared on Yin Yue's face.

Joyful, although he was still injured and his spiritual energy and telekinesis were almost exhausted, the old man still smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Just when Yin Yue turned around and was about to leave, his trousers were suddenly pulled by someone. When he turned around, he saw Yin Zhong looking at him with some despair.

"Master Yue Shi, please save me. You said you would protect me, and you said you would not take my life. Now that I have helped you eliminate the "poison", you can't leave me alone!"

At this moment, Yin Zhong had lost his original appearance. His legs were crossed together, but his body was lying on the ground, begging bitterly to the old man in front of him.

At this moment, Yin Yue was in a good mood and said slowly: "You asked me just now why I abandoned Yin Jie before. He was in the way of his hind legs and that was the main reason why I decided to abandon him. But at that time

If I wanted to, I could pull it out of the space collapse, but do you know why I didn't do that?"

A bad premonition had already arisen in his heart, but it was best for Yin Zhong to speak slowly and ask: "Why?"

The corners of his mouth slowly raised, and he said with a bit of mockery: "That's because he has no value and has lost the value of existence. Why should I spend more effort and time."

His pupils shrank slightly, and Yin Zhong was like a crazy beast. He grabbed Yin Yue's calf and said angrily: "That's not what you told me. That's not what you told me before. You promised me that you would save me.

You promised that you would find a way to detoxify me, and you said that you would not watch me die!"

Looking at Yin Zhong with a hint of mockery, Yin Yue laughed "haha" and said: "If I hadn't restrained you before, would you have taken the initiative to detoxify me? This was not something you were willing to do in the first place, but now you

Don't shamelessly say any conditions here.

I will not watch you die, I will leave such a good place to you alone, you can die how you want, no one will disturb you, this is my kindness to you."

As the voice fell, Yin Yue's face sank slightly, and at the same time he raised his foot and shook it hard. With a "sneak" sound, a piece of the trousers on his calf was torn off directly. Looking at the torn trousers, Yin Yue was very surprised.

He glared in disgust, then jumped up and jumped out of the wall.

Looking at the back of Yin Yue who left without a trace of hesitation, Yin Zhong's last bit of strength seemed to be drained away at this moment. I don't know if the toxicity happened at this moment, or because Yin Yue left without hesitation, making Yin Zhong give up.

overcame all resistance.

In short, at this moment, the essence of animal blood in Yin Zhong's body suddenly and violently exploded. Severe pain that even Yin Yue had never experienced before suddenly enveloped Yin Zhong's whole body at this moment.

After Yin Yue was injured before, he had been using spiritual energy and telekinesis to suppress it, even draining one-third of his blood, so that the animal blood essence had no chance to fully explode.

Another difference is that when Yin Yue transfers the essence of animal blood, he does it through the wound on the chest and directly into the most concentrated position of the warrior's meridians.

There are several main meridians here that lead to all parts of the body. Almost all the meridians required for martial arts are around this area. In addition, the Tanzhong acupoint, which is extremely important for warriors, is also located at this location.

Of course, this is an important reason why Yin Yue chose to attack in this position, because he wanted to deliver the essence of animal blood into the opponent's body as quickly as possible.

Of course, Yin Yue has never experienced the outbreak of animal blood essence, let alone what kind of "poison" it is. Maybe when the animal blood essence actually breaks out, Yin Yue will explore some of its characteristics, and even guess what kind of "poison" it is.

The origin of animal blood essence.

After all, Yin Yue itself belongs to a force in the ancient wasteland. Unlike warriors in other places on the continent, almost no one has come into contact with existences like ferocious beasts.

If, although this possibility no longer exists, if Yin Yue has the opportunity to experience the explosion of beast blood essence, Yin Yue will infer from the beast blood essence to the vicious beast Nether Clan, and may even find that someone has extracted the important essence of the Nether Clan, and even

He may also see great value in it.

But all this can only exist in what-ifs, because he had already excreted the beast blood essence from his body before it erupted. And now Yin Zhong, who is receiving the beast blood essence, does not have the experience to speculate on the poison.

From what.

Now Yin Zhong is no longer thinking about how to detoxify, but whether he should end his life, or even how to end his life.

Under the severe pain, Yin Zhong understood that he was not going to die soon, so he had the idea of ​​​​ending his life. However, the idea was in his mind, but he had to do it himself. In fact, Yin Zhong could only have a vague idea now.

Just an idea.

The severe pain is like countless knives cutting back and forth in the body, like hundreds of ants devouring and biting it. The flesh, meridians, and even internal organs are constantly being destroyed in this severe pain, but

And it continues to grow in that kind of numb itch that makes people go crazy.

Perhaps this kind of pain can only be slightly better than the phosphorus poison that Zuo Feng endured back then. But for Yin Zhong, who had never experienced such pain, it was enough to make his spirit linger on the verge of collapse.

the edge of.

Not only was it quiet inside the wall, but even outside the wall. People with certain identities and cultivation levels gathered near the battlefield of Gui Hua Su Wang's family to watch the excitement. People without cultivation levels, in tonight's continuous

Due to the unexpected incident, everyone hid at home and did not dare to go out.

He let Yin Zhong scream and roll on the ground, scratching and scratching his fingers, which dyed the surrounding snow red, and no one noticed.

Under this constant struggle, Yin Zhong felt that his vision was blurring, his thinking was blurring, and finally his consciousness was gradually blurring. He estimated that he did not need to think about death or immortality anymore, because he was about to die right now.

This area is unusually quiet with not a single soul in sight, but not far from here, on the square southeast of the City Lord's Mansion, is the busiest place in the city right now.

The warriors from the Suwang family gathered together, helping each other take medicine, apply medicine, and use luck to heal the wounds. On the other side of the city lord's palace, the warriors were also healing, but there was a sense of vigilance in their eyes.

Looking at his father's body, Guo Xiao was stunned on the spot. The two old men Kang and Zhao wanted to say something, but facing Su Jian and Wang Xiao, they knew that nothing was appropriate at this time.


"Commander Wang Xiao, I hope you will hand over Wang Zheng's body to me." After hesitating for a long time, Guo Xiao couldn't help but say.

Wang Xiao, who was waiting for the other party to speak, suddenly turned gloomy and said in a cold voice: "Hmph, why should I give my second brother's body to you, and why should you ask for it from me? Because of you as the city lord, or because of the people behind you?


Faced with Wang Xiao's questioning, Guo Xiao did not show any timidity. Instead, he looked back with firm eyes and said calmly: "It's not based on my identity, let alone the warriors behind me.

There is the word 'reason'."


Wang Xiao and Su Jian both spoke at the same time, obviously deeply surprised by Guo Xiao's words.

This chapter has been completed!
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