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Chapter 1859: Psychic Seeds

The structure built by warriors like the Fortune Merchant Guild using various materials cannot be considered a complete formation.

It's like a house. You have the drawings and materials to build it, but you can't use it immediately.

The house needs to be decorated, the interior needs to be laid out, and all kinds of furniture and utensils need to be added. If the building is a gambling house, various gambling equipment must be placed in it. If it is used as a medicine shop, a separate refining room must be separated. If conditions permit, it can even be

Ground fire is introduced into the room.

Building a formation is the same as building a house. There is often a purpose and plan before building, and it is all in one person's mind, and that person is the creator of the entire formation.

Even though he was very anxious, Zuo Feng did not rush here. The reason was that the process and steps could not be simplified at all in order to complete the formation. Even if he arrived, he would have to wait aside.

But when he came at this time, he could use the time those people spent building it to the end to activate all the small formations that had not been activated before.

Moreover, the formation needs to be debugged after it is built, and minor adjustments and processing are inevitable. None of these steps are necessary, but Zuo Feng has a way to simplify them as much as possible.

After he condensed the runes in various ideas and put them into the formation, he took out the Crystal of the Imperial Formation to deduce it. The Crystal of the Imperial Formation was not only an "encyclopedia" of the formation, but also a tool for controlling the formation.

With the sharp weapon of the formation, the formation in front of me was constructed by my own ideas. There is no difficulty in connecting it with the crystal of the formation.

Through the means used by the Royal Formation Crystal, Zuo Feng has begun to complete the test of the formation. The formation consists of eight ring-shaped formations from the inside to the outside and more than forty small formations. After Zuo Feng took out the Imperial Formation Crystal, he

Start testing from the outermost one.

The test process is not complicated to say the least. A simple circular formation cannot produce the effect of the entire formation. However, Zuo Feng was able to use the ability within the Imperial Formation Crystal to simulate the other seven formations operating together with it.


In this way, although there is only a simple circular formation in operation, we can still see if there are any problems in its operation.

In addition, there is another benefit, that is, when testing in this way, except for a ring formation that is in operation, other formations will not suffer any loss. Because the operation of other formations

The process is completely completed in the Royal Formation Crystal.

The whole process seems simple and fast, and it seems to be much better than the normal operation of array debugging. However, under normal circumstances, Zuo Feng is still unwilling to use this method. The main reason is that this method of debugging

Formation consumes too much mental power.

If an ordinary warrior were to use ordinary mental power to drive the formation crystal, I am afraid that the whole person's spirit would be ruined before a circular formation has been debugged.

At the moment, Zuo Feng has no choice but to do this. After all, time is very precious to him, and the debugging work must be completed when the formation is completely completed. This is equivalent to compressing an ordinary person's day's work into a quarter of an hour. The difficulty is

The level of consumption can be imagined.

While maintaining the huge consumption of the formation crystals, we also have to discover various problems in the operation of the formation through constant deduction and calculation in our minds.

Some problems will be directly exposed through the simulated operation of the Imperial Formation Crystal. Some problems are very subtle and need to be discovered with the help of telekinesis. Some problems do not exist at this moment, but after the formation has been run dozens or hundreds of times.

, which requires deduction and calculation to predict the occurrence of problems in advance, deal with the problem before it occurs, and eliminate hidden dangers.

In the circular formation, more than a dozen small formations are in constant operation. There are many runes in each small formation, and in Zuo Feng's mind, with the help of the Royal Formation Crystal,

Observe and calculate whether there are any abnormalities in the changes of each rune in the formation.

Zuo Feng soon discovered the problem, and his eyes immediately focused on the details of a formation. On the surface, that location looked flat, but only when Zuo Feng carefully touched it with his hand, he could vaguely feel two places.

The interface between materials is slightly rough.

It is difficult for most people to feel it, let alone observing it with their eyes or touching it with their hands. Unless they carefully sense the changes during this debugging process and have the keen sense of touch on Zuo Feng's fingers, they will not be able to detect it at all.

Pressing the material on one side lightly and hard, you can vaguely feel subtle changes in the material, but you can't find anything with your eyes.

The formation was running again, and Zuo Feng continued to make deductions and calculations, carefully sensing every detail. Soon after, Zuo Feng opened his eyes again, but this time he did not take action directly, because the problem appeared in his deductions.


It is not a problem with the materials, but there are some problems with the runes he selected when he started to build the formation. The problem does not appear in front of him, but during the operation of the formation, the relationship between these runes and the formation is

During this time, subtle conflicts will form.

The reason why these runes do not have a big impact is because this kind of conflict is very subtle and there will be no problems initially. But as time goes by, this kind of problem will become more and more obvious, and conflicts and contradictions will make

The energy consumption of the formation becomes huge, and the energy output of the formation becomes smaller and smaller.

Although it was not very urgent, Zuo Feng did not hesitate at all and immediately used his telekinesis to erase the problematic runes and re-engraved a few more runes into them.

He tried to run again, deduced calculations and observed perceptions. Zuo Feng stopped again and only erased one of the runes. After the runes were erased, Zuo Feng thought for a while and then re-engraved a rune.


After that, when he started operating again, a satisfied smile finally appeared on his face. Then Zuo Feng began to activate the first and second formations at the same time and started operating them together.

The same things kept happening, including problems with the combination and splicing of materials, problems with the operation of formations, and problems with the fit of runes. All kinds of problems kept appearing, and Zuo Feng was also solving them one by one without losing patience.

Looking at Zuo Feng who was busy at this time, Ikari, who originally wanted to continue asking what kind of formation it was, did not ask again. Zuo Feng was so focused at this time that she could feel that it was not

It's just a show, but the whole person is really immersed in the formation.

In this atmosphere, Ikari gradually forgot her curiosity about formations, but she didn't know much about runes and formations after all. Since she couldn't understand clearly, his eyes and her thoughts were unclear.

I drifted to the north in my sleep.

Ikari was certain that the expected battle did not happen because she could not feel any spiritual energy fluctuations. With his current cultivation level in the Qi-nurturing stage, she could not judge even if it was a battle between five or six Qi-nurturing mid-stage warriors.

Direction, you can at least be able to sense the changes in the aura of heaven and earth.

But today's Kuocheng is like a pool of stagnant water. You can't feel the slightest fluctuation, and you can't judge the depth. The entire Kuocheng can be regarded as the quietest day in several days, and it is also the most depressing one in several days.

one day.

But there are no clouds tonight, the bright moon is shining in the sky, and the stars are densely covered in the night sky. It is an excellent moment to watch the winter night sky. Only the howling cold wind is quickly passing through the streets, passing through some

Narrow buildings, alleys, and treetops will make a cry-like sound.

This environment and atmosphere made Ikari feel as if she was under tremendous pressure, and at the same time, she seemed to be slowly withdrawing.

This feeling was very subtle. Ikari had never experienced it before. Facing the pressure that enveloped her heart, she seemed a little breathless, but her whole soul seemed to be pulled away, which made her feel very comfortable.

The taste of pain and relief kept coming alternately. She didn't know whether to be happy or worried, but she was at a loss.

Suddenly, a palm gently pressed on the back of her head. It was almost an instinctive reaction, and she wanted to burst out with spiritual energy to resist.

A familiar voice came slowly at this moment, saying: "Keep your mind tight, don't stop thinking, let your energy sink to the bottom of the valley, send your thoughts out of your thoughts, don't move and don't think, and you can't even think about it."

This series of words seemed to ring in her ears, but they also seemed to echo in her mind. Without thinking, she subconsciously followed the instructions of the voice, because she knew clearly that the voice was the city lord Zuo Feng.

What followed was a special energy, slowly coming along the palm that touched the back of her head. The energy was illusory and unpredictable, but the feeling was so clear. If Ikari knew, this was just Zuo Fengfen at this time.

The ray of thought power that comes out is not even one percent of a thought thread. I don't know how I will feel.

"Feel it seriously, gather the energy in your mind together, and then run it in your mind in the way I taught you." Zuo Feng's voice sounded here, and Ikari was even sure that that voice

It's either ringing in my ears or in my head.

Immediately, Ikari felt that her feeling of detachment gradually became solid, and there seemed to be a hand in her mind, gently gathering her consciousness together.

When they gather to a certain extent, the invisible hand will push them away again, and the hand seems to turn into a breeze in an instant, slowly blowing and wandering in the mind.

The strange thing is that now Ikari can clearly see the appearance and shape of the wind, and can even feel the energy in the wind.

'Psychic power? This is...'

"Yes, this is spiritual power. Keep this trace and use it in the future according to the way I teach you. It will slowly grow and grow. One day you will rely on it to break through the barrier of the God Refining Stage."

Zuo Feng's voice sounded slowly, and Ikari just had an idea, and Zuo Feng responded as if he heard it. What surprised Ikari even more was that the next moment, the breeze suddenly started to tremble violently,

Then it slowly melted into my mind.

This chapter has been completed!
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