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Chapter 1954: Evacuate the core

Nitang has the status of guest minister in the Lin family, so in addition to the Shu surname, he also knows something about the Mu surname.

He and Yan Zhi had known Captain Lin before him for a long time, and his cultivation level was far below his own. A few days ago, Yan Zhi went to see Shopkeeper Lin and found that his cultivation level was already on par with his own, which surprised him deeply.

However, only ten days have passed, and the other party has actually passed the threshold of the Qi-receiving stage, and has completely entered the Qi-nurturing stage, and even seems to have stabilized his cultivation. Such changes really surprised Nitang.

, on the contrary, seeing the other party appearing here at this moment did not make him feel too surprised.

Seeing Captain Lin and his men speeding along without noticing his presence at all, Ni Tang did not dare to provoke him, so he hid in the dark and secretly watched Captain Lin and more than 20 warriors pass by.

Judging from the direction from which these people came, they should be the group that launched an attack from the north, which means that Captain Lin and others have cooperated with the ghost painter and betrayed the rules set by the Lin family. If this is used well,

Although it allows the Mu family to gain a temporary advantage, it will completely crush the Mu family in the future.'

Hiding behind a big tree, Ni Tang secretly observed, quietly thinking to himself that he would always pay attention to the movement behind him, and it made him feel relieved that Rouge was not chasing him.

At this moment, Yanzhi was even more irritable than before. She led the martial arts warriors to the formation located in the core area. The entire formation was completely closed. The previous methods could not open the formation at all. If you wanted to enter,

The only way is to break it by force.

Seeing the completely closed formation, Yanzhi already had the worst guess in his heart. Originally he didn't believe what Nitang said, but now that the facts are in front of him, she can't help but not believe it.

Just when Rouge and the other artists were staying in front of the formation, the ghost painter warriors from behind were already rushing towards them.

"Your Excellency, we, let's run away quickly!" A young man looked at the large number of warriors coming from a distance and asked anxiously, having long lost the will to fight.

Just when the young man asked, the army of warriors in the distance had already moved. In addition to the Ghost Painter warriors who charged head-on, there were warriors from three major gangs on the two wings who followed closely and surrounded the place from the left and right.

When he saw the opponent spreading out his team, a look of pain flashed across Yanzhi's face and he gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go."

After the order was passed, no one stayed for a moment, and immediately prepared to leave, but at this moment, the formation behind them suddenly moved.

The changes in the formation did not produce surprising results. Instead, after a tremor, it suddenly began to expand outwards. There were four circular formations in the core. What changed at this time was the outermost layer.

This is not considered an overall expansion, but rather the top of the formation is compressed downwards and then extended toward the surroundings. In fact, the size of the formation does not change.

However, this extension of the formation suddenly increased the range of the formation. Yanzhi and a group of warriors with the surname of Shu were the first to bear the brunt. Those forced by the formation could only move forward.

"Damn you bastard, who is cheating us, who is controlling the formation! Ignore them, run away, run away!" Yanzhi shouted loudly, her eyes were like spitting fire, and now she still doesn't understand what happened.


Almost subconsciously, he led everyone towards the west. Rouge was regretting that he had not left with Nitang before. Therefore, when he thought that he should escape, he subconsciously chose to escape to the west of Nitang.


Ghost Painter's warriors had already received orders to rush into the core area with all their strength, and they would clear out any obstacles they encountered.

Just like when Su Jian, Kang Yi and others approached the core area, all the warriors of Ghost Painter were extremely excited at this time, thinking that they could carve up all the materials of the surname lineage in the future, and even the lowest warriors became

Extremely excited.

They had long seen a large group of warriors headed by Rouge in front of the formation, "blocking" in front of everyone, obviously trying to defend the formation to prevent the Ghost Painter warrior from breaking through. Seeing this scene, the Ghost Painter warrior became more motivated to fight.

The ghost painter warriors who were ignited with fighting spirit were like hungry wolves after seeing blood. They didn't even care that those people started to move to escape, and rushed towards them directly.

Originally, the Ghost Painter warriors were approaching quickly, and Zuo Feng deliberately controlled the formation to expand outwards. Yanzhi and other martial artists quickly came into close combat with the Ghost Painter warriors.

At the same time, a large group of people who were inside the formation felt the changes in the outermost formation. Several leaders were the first to feel the changes in the formation. Not only did the outermost formation expand outwards,

What's even more obvious is that the formation barrier above is pressed downwards, leaving much less space for everyone to fly.

The moment they felt the changes in the formation, everyone already understood that there were changes in the outside world. This was also a signal sent by Zuo Feng to everyone, reminding everyone to retreat.

"Attention, everyone, collect the belongings around you as soon as possible, and then quickly gather the team and gather at the south position of the formation." Su Jian used his spiritual energy to force the voice out, and Su Qiang and Su Ming, who were not far away, could clearly understand it.


The two of them spread the same order without hesitation. The Su family warriors were all well-trained and collected the items they could see before leaving the room without hesitation. They gathered together and headed south.


Wang Xiao, who also went deep into the core area, loudly called for the warriors of the Wang family to assemble almost before Su Jian shouted the order. Although there were still many houses that had not been searched, everyone still chose to give up the gathering.

On the contrary, the warriors from the city lord's palace were even more greedy for the property. After Kang Yi asked to assemble, the warriors quickly searched several houses before gathering.

In this core area, only Ikari is not as nervous as the others, and there is a bright smile on her pretty face. She originally had fair skin, but at this time she was so excited that she covered it up

A layer of blush.

While walking, Ikari subconsciously touched the crystal storage rings on her fingers. One was his own crystal storage ring, and the other was the crystal storage ring Zuo Feng had given to her before.

When Zuo Feng gave him the crystal storage ring before, he mentioned that if he saw some rare materials and medicinal materials, collect them for him. If Ikari needs the elixirs and books, just keep them. In addition, all the gold coins he saw can be

Keep it yourself.

But when Ikari followed the directions on the jade map Zuo Feng gave her and came to three secret locations, what she saw made her feel as if she had fallen into a dream.

The first secret place stores various rare materials. The materials here can be described as "rare". Each of the materials that can be recognized by Ikari is difficult to find in ordinary stores.

If you pick up two or three items randomly, it will be enough to hold a grand auction in a major city.

The preciousness of those materials that she could not recognize was even more difficult to estimate, and their value would be astronomical.

Ikari didn't hide any of these things, she threw them all into the middle-grade crystal storage that Zuo Feng gave to her.

After that, she came to a very special remote warehouse. It would be easy for outsiders to ignore it. This place was naturally marked by Zuo Feng on the map. When Ikari entered it, she was blinded by the light in front of her.


There were only a few low-grade spiritual light stones embedded in the walls in the room, but under the influence of those items in the room, the entire space immediately became sparkling.

Among the rooms with two entrances, there are four huge shelves in the outer one. There are no other objects on the shelves. They are all gold cakes. Without rushing to collect them, Ikari entered the inner room again.

Ten boxes were placed in a conspicuous position, and each box contained gold coins piled up like a hill.

Just a rough total, the amount of gold coins in the two rooms inside and outside has exceeded one million. Such wealth can even directly purchase a small town.

Seeing so many gold coins and gold cakes, Ikari was so surprised that she could not open her mouth from ear to ear, but then she discovered that in the corner of the room, there was a metal box made of special materials.

There was a mechanism on the metal box, and Ikari didn't dare to open it rashly, so she put it directly into the crystal storage. In addition, she left two boxes of gold coins, and the others were also thrown into the middle-grade

Within the storage crystal.

The last place pointed to in the jade map was a dry well. Ikari knew that the place marked by Zuo Feng was definitely not simple. Even though it seemed to be an abandoned well, she still carefully explored it.

Near the bottom of the well, Ikari found a very hidden passage, and the passage continued to extend downward. If Zuofeng hadn't been reminded by Zuo Feng's formation jade, even if someone dug three feet into the ground, they wouldn't have been able to find such a passage.

An underground chamber.

The thick stone door of the secret room was tightly locked, but the stone door was nothing to Ikari, who had transformed her body and had a mid-level Qi cultivation level, so she directly blasted the stone door open with brute force.

It wasn't until she entered this underground secret room that Ikari realized that what she had seen before was just childish.

What you see are hundreds of high-grade artifacts, and a dozen weapons that reach the low-grade spiritual weapon level. In addition, there is a long sword that reaches the middle-grade spiritual weapon level.

When she saw the long sword, Ikari was still a little moved, but she finally put it into the middle-grade crystal storage ring. In addition, there were nearly a hundred middle-grade and low-grade pills and liquid medicine in the room.

It has even reached the point of being packed in barrels.

There are dozens of various martial arts classics, with the quality of the exercises and martial arts at the king-level and upper-level, and there are two each of the emperor-level exercises and martial arts. Not to mention the emperor-level exercises and martial arts, they are king-level

The level of tomes are enough for the average medium-sized strength to break their heads and snatch them.

Only going to three places, Ikari had already left the core area when Zuofeng moved the formation. Before people from other families arrived, Ikari had already left the core area.

This chapter has been completed!
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