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Chapter 2020 Wake up from the split sky

When Zuo Feng's voice fell, everyone except Amber froze on the spot. No one understood why Zuo Feng made such a suggestion, especially when he left, the person with him was Amber.

Among the people present, Amber's cultivation level could only be better than Duan Yueyao's at best. With such strength, everyone wanted to follow Zuo Feng and they didn't understand what Zuo Feng was thinking.

Ikari frowned and said dissatisfied: "Lord City Lord, what are you thinking about? Now a Nether Beast has entered the city. If you and Amber encounter a Nether Beast on the street, what should you do?

Are you planning to let Amber deal with the Nether Beast?"

Ikari's words were deliberately meant to be ridiculing. Who would have thought that just after she finished speaking, Zuo Feng nodded slightly, which in turn choked Ikari to speechlessness.

On the other hand, Duan Yueyao was as calm as ever, but also said with some confusion: "What are your plans? Putting aside the issue of the Netherworld Beast, you should know that ghost painters, the Mu clan and the Shu clan still have things that have slipped through the net.

Activities in the city.

If you just wander around the city like this, you will be in great danger and trouble whether you encounter a ghost beast or those guys. What are you thinking?"

Zuo Feng, who was even calmer than Duan Yueyao, said: "Of course I know it is safer to take Tang Bin or Ikari with me, but I left this time to persuade other parties to join forces with me. Among the forces in the city now

, I’m afraid there are not many people who don’t know that Tang Bin and Ikari are part of the Suwang family.

If I bring two people like this, I will not persuade them, but directly force them to submit, which will only be counterproductive. As for the relationship between me and Amber, I believe everyone in the Xuanwu Empire knows that the two of us are at the same time

If you show up, I believe no one will question your sincerity."

It has to be said that Zuo Feng's reasons are indeed very good. Duan Yueyao originally prepared many words of persuasion, but now she can't even say a word.

Then Zuo Feng continued: "In addition, all of you have important missions. I need you, Miss Yueyao, to stay here and take command. Apart from myself, I am afraid that only you who stay in the Su family's mansion can make the most sense."

I feel at ease."

Duan Yueyao, who was just about to speak, her cheeks flushed red after hearing this, and she nodded her head obediently without saying anything more.

Not noticing Duan Yueyao's strange behavior, Zuo Feng turned to look at Tang Bin and Yi Kali, and said: "I still have a very important thing to give you, to select some people from Wang Su's family. Su.

The family should select people with good strength and alertness, while the Wang family should select some people with excellent mechanical skills.

The two of you escort this group of people to the southern city gate. Although the city defense formation is equally important, in my opinion this city gate is equally important. Although there are no problems yet, we must not take risks, let alone

Don't be careless."

Waving his hands gently, Zuo Feng said softly: "This is also the most appropriate allocation after I considered it. You don't need to worry about me, and you must not underestimate Amber. He is capable of dealing with the Netherworld Beast."

At the end of the conversation, Ikari and Tang Bin exchanged a look, as if they both thought of something at the same time, then nodded and headed towards the residence of Prince Su's family.

Seeing the two people slowly leaving, Zuo Feng suddenly thought of something, reached into his arms and took out a wooden box, shouted "Wait a minute", and threw the wooden box in his hand.

The two of them turned their heads at the same time, and Ikari stretched out her hand to catch the wooden box flying toward her, with a look of confusion on her face.

Zuo Feng said with a smile: "When I dealt with Yin Yue before, I initially thought that your unstable breath was due to injury. I just discovered that you already have signs of a breakthrough. This is a medium-grade pill, 'Broken Wall Pill'

'.Although there is only a chance of breaking through your cultivation level, you have now encountered an opportunity to improve, and you just need to take this opportunity to break through."

After Zuo Feng finished speaking, he looked at Tang Bin, his eyes seemed to say "take care of her". Tang Bin immediately understood, with gratitude in his eyes, he nodded firmly.

As a pharmacist, Duan Yueyao certainly knew the value of "Broken Wall Pills". Although the quality of this medicine only reached the middle-grade level among pills. However, because there are some rare medicinal materials in the refining of this medicine that are difficult to find,

In addition, the success rate is relatively low, and its value even exceeds that of ordinary high-quality pills.

Duan Yueyao also saw the eye contact between Tang Bin and Zuo Feng, which touched her heart somewhat. She began to wonder why strong men like Tang Bin and Ikari were willing to follow Zuo Feng wholeheartedly.

Now she seems to understand that although Zuo Feng's own strength is not high, he can often create impossible miracles. Moreover, Zuo Feng's treatment of the people around him can no longer be described as "care", it is already giving everything he has.

Looking again at this moment, Duan Yueyao couldn't help but feel her heart flutter after seeing Zuo Feng's handsome and slightly enchanting appearance. Such an obvious change in blushing and heartbeat made Duan Yueyao embarrassed and secretly cursed at herself for being useless.

Biting her lower lip gently, she seemed to have mustered up the courage, and finally blurted out: "Be careful, as long as you come back safely, we will always have a way to escape."

After saying that, regardless of Zuo Feng's reaction, Duan Yueyao turned around and left, returning to the restaurant not far away with an excellent view. Zuo Feng originally wanted to explain a few more words, but he didn't expect that he would leave as if running for his life, so he could only

Able to swallow the words that come to my mouth.

"Shall we leave now?"

At this time, only Zuo Feng and Amber were left, and he asked directly.

He pondered for a moment, and then there was a faint fluctuation in his palms. If Zuo Feng hadn't done anything to cover it up, even Amber wouldn't have felt this change.

At the same time as the ripples spread, a very special body appeared at Zuo Feng's feet. Amber was very unfamiliar with this body, but he did not ask, because Zuo Feng would tell him if necessary.

The original name of this body was Yin Jie, and he was a member of the Yuezong who came to Kuocheng with Yin Yue and Yin Zhong. Now that Yin Yue has died, Yin Zhong Zuofeng still needs to observe for a while, and this Yin Jie is in front of him.

In fact, it was equivalent to death, but his death was very strange.

Under Zuo Feng's investigation, it can be determined that this person has lost the most important thing, that is, his soul is no longer there. Everything else is completely different from ordinary people. Not only can he absorb the power of space, but he can also

Gather the power of space within your mind.

Ordinary people naturally cannot survive in this way, but he is already dead, so no matter how much space power is gathered in his mind, it is impossible for him to die again.

Zuo Feng was very curious about this body, but he couldn't study it for a while, and if he couldn't use it, it would be like holding a treasure in vain, but he couldn't spend a single copper coin. The current situation in Kuocheng was in crisis, and he took it out now because he wanted to

Take a closer look.

But just like in the Lin family's formation group, no matter how Zuo Feng looked horizontally or vertically, he could not see the strangeness in it. He even did not understand how the body was formed.

Just when Zuo Feng had deep doubts in his heart, suddenly there was a slight fluctuation in Zuo Feng's chest.

"Hey, this, this is obviously a human body, but how come there is still a trace of our clan in it? Where did it come from?"

The voice was not loud, but there was a hint of urgency in it. It was obvious that the owner of the voice was very interested in this body.

Amber, who was right next to him, couldn't hear this voice, because it was a message transmitted through mental power by the beast of rules "Split the Sky" lurking in Zuo Feng's chest.

Zuo Feng couldn't help being slightly startled when he suddenly heard the sound transmission from Split Sky. Then Zuo Feng also used his mind power to transmit the sound towards the chest.

"Didn't you say you wanted to go into deep sleep? You didn't want me to disturb you. Why did you come to me again? You guys couldn't have been secretly observing me."

"Huh!" He snorted extremely dissatisfiedly, and the Split Sky immediately sent a message back, saying: "Don't you think so wildly? Do you think you are a beautiful female beast? I am thinking about you, so please put away your big face.

If you want to talk about the reason, it is not because you tried your best to wake me up and asked me to call the Chaoyang Sky Fire to help you, but as a result, I was unable to enter deep cultivation.

But the biggest reason is the body in front of you, tell me, tell me where you got it?"

"Look at your taste, you even have necrophilia, it's disgusting!"

"Fart, I have taken a fancy to this body. You know nothing about farts, you are just a fart!" The cracking sky soon transmitted the voice again, with anger in his voice, but Zuo Feng still got out of it.

There was a trace of excitement that could not be concealed.

Hearing this, Zuo Feng secretly laughed in his heart. He just said that deliberately because he wanted to hear the real thoughts of Split the Sky. Now that the other party had said it in excitement, Zuo Feng immediately took the opportunity to say.

"If that's the case, then the body I promised you has been found, and our agreement has been fulfilled!"

After Zuo Feng finished speaking, he waited for the other party's reply, but after waiting and waiting, he found that the other party had completely fallen silent. However, Zuo Feng could feel that the temptation shown by the split day before was not adulterated at all, so he

There was no rush.

Sure enough, after a while, Huitian spoke again and asked with some excitement: "How did you get this body? It should be of great use to me. Tell me in detail."

Hearing the seriousness of the other party, Zuo Feng didn't hide anything. He told Li Tian almost exactly what Ikari told him. Because Zuo Feng couldn't tell the condition of the body and the cause of its formation, he tried his best.

Explain in detail what you know.

This time after Zuo Feng finished speaking, it didn't take long for Split Sky to speak again: "I didn't expect that we would actually encounter it. I originally thought it was just a legend, but now it seems that it is true."

This chapter has been completed!
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