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Chapter 2354 bellows mouse

There is a formation at the bottom of the magma lake. This is no longer just a large formation, because it is composed of many types of formations, which are combined with each other to form a formation group.

The so-called formation group is composed of many formations, and there are various connections between them. When activated by suitable techniques, the entire formation group can even be fully operational, each performing its own duties.

produce different effects.

At the same time, each of these formations has its own characteristics. When separated from other formations, each formation can exist independently and exert its own unique effectiveness.

This was Zuo Feng's first impression of the underground lava formation. After understanding this, he couldn't help but feel deep admiration for the people who built this formation. According to Zuo Feng

Among the people I know, I am afraid that Yong Tu does not have this ability, and whether Huan Kong has it is probably between 50 and 50.

This formation group is divided into several areas, some are mainly about restraint, some are mainly about confinement, some are mainly about gathering energy, some are mainly about attacking, and some are even about extracting energy.

Among them, Zuo Feng has already seen the confinement-type formations, energy-extracting formations, and attack-type formations. According to Zhentian, this is mainly the formation formation mastered by the Yang Ming Beast.

Apart from these other half of the formations, Yang Ming Beast has not only failed to master it, but has not even scratched the surface. But it is this formation that Yang Ming Beast has been unable to understand for thousands of years, but Zuo Feng seems to suddenly

It seemed like I had an enlightenment, and I gradually figured out some rules from the formation.

This is not because the Yang Ming Beast is lacking in ability, nor is it inferior to Zuo Feng in terms of formation skills. It is just because two special conditions happened to be met by Zuo Feng.

It seems that these two conditions have a trace of fate in them, and they are not all accidental.

This secret place is related to Ning Xiao, and the classics left by Ning Xiao happen to be in Zuo Feng's body. Although Zuo Feng has not really read all those classics, after all, Zuo Feng first came into contact with the talisman.

When I was studying formation techniques, the direction I learned was to follow Ning Xiao's footsteps, intentionally or unintentionally.

Therefore, the formation here may be profound and difficult to understand for others, but it has an innate advantage for Zuo Feng.

In addition to this reason, there was also the flickering formation fluctuation just now. The reason for the fluctuation was caused by Hu San turning on the teleportation formation in the middle of the mountain.

Hu San's current identity is obviously related to Ning Xiao, and in this way, it is also related to Zuo Feng. When he started the formation, it happened to be when Zuo Feng was unable to do anything about the formation.

This formation is not only related to the Gate of Death, but is closely connected with the entire "Eight-Gate Locking Array", especially the important passage of the Gate of Life.

Zuo Feng, who was originally clueless, now grasped the only "straw" and concentrated on studying the mysteries of the formation.

At this time, the Yang Ming Beast was still triumphantly venting the joy brought by victory. It wanted to use various methods such as ridicule, sarcasm, and ridicule to make Zhentian feel pain and unwillingness due to failure. He used this method to

Enjoy the joy that victory brings.

Yang Ming Beast's method is very effective. Every word he speaks can deeply touch the nerves of the sky. They fight with each other in this special closed area, even if Yang Ming Beast has the upper hand, they will not be able to win in the end.

It can completely obliterate Zhentian, but the body has not been completely occupied until now.

After fighting with each other for many years, not only can they understand the temperament of their opponents, but they even have this subtle connection with each other's souls.

The Yang Ming Beast knows how to kill the other party. No matter whether Zhentian responds or not, he seems to be able to guess what the other party will think after hearing every word of his.

One was crazy because of joy, and the other was crazy because of failure. The two of them had almost completely forgotten Zuo Feng. Perhaps in the eyes of Zhentian and Yang Ming Beast, he was just a young human after all. When the last resort failed

By that time, Zuo Feng's inner persistence had been completely destroyed.

The silence shown by Zuo Feng at this moment is the best proof. Whether it is Yangming Beast or Zhentian, neither of them paid any attention to Zuo Feng.

Zuo Feng's attack just now was not completely ineffective. Although the Yang Ming Beast won, its soul on the "island" at this time was still extremely weak, and it needed time to recover.

Now that victory was firmly in his hands, he could torture Zhengtian and enjoy the victory while gradually recovering his soul power.

Such an environment created conditions for Zuo Feng. Without being disturbed, he concentrated all his attention on studying the formation in front of him. Following the faint fluctuations of the formation, he continued to move the formation.

Runes are linked together.

It's just that the time of counting breaths is just a blink of an eye to other people, but to Zuo Feng, it seems like a long time has passed.

In those rapid fluctuations, Zuo Feng was able to clearly capture the trajectory of the formation. More importantly, in such a short period of time, the large formation in front of him had been divided into several parts.

When the Yang Ming Beast studied the formations, it got stuck here, because these formations were combined with each other, and it couldn't separate them at all, leaving the dog biting the hedgehog with nowhere to bite.

Now Zuo Feng has successfully passed the most difficult level. Once the formation group is separated, he can observe and deduce them one by one independently. Soon Zuo Feng has figured out something.

The first thing that surprised Zuo Feng was that there was a small formation less than three feet away from him. When he was able to pour his mind power into it and operate it alone, the entire situation inside the Death Door began to emerge.

in front of his own eyes.

Originally, the Yang Ming Beast was barely able to do this, but the difference was that it used telekinesis to explore. It poured its telekinesis into the formation that Zuo Feng used before, allowing its telekinesis to begin to expand infinitely.


In this way, although it is possible to explore the surrounding situation, it has already reduced the ability of telekinesis to a minimum, and at the same time it consumes a lot of telekinesis. Therefore, Yang Ming Beast will not always explore, but will let go of telekinesis.

After some exploration, concentrate your thoughts and observe individual areas individually.

When Zuo Feng and others, Ni Loach and Ni Feng entered one after another, the Yang Ming Beast finally just concentrated its mind to explore the area where the three groups were.

Now the formation that Zuo Feng is looking for is directly connected with the entire Death Gate formation. Through the effect of the formation, the situation in the Death Gate is reflected into Zuo Feng's mind power, thus making Zuo Feng's mind clear.

Know what's going on inside Death's Gate.

After reaching contact with the formation, Zuo Feng quickly observed the situation inside the Death Gate. No matter what chance he had now, he would not give up. If he could find another way of the Yang Ming Beast in a hidden place in the Death Gate,

Soul, then you will have a chance to reverse the situation immediately.

Unfortunately, judging from the reaction in the formation, although this Death Gate is extremely huge, at least nearly twice as big as my own Wind City, there is no special hiding place in it.

If the Yang Ming Beast still hides a soul in this death door, then this location must be extremely hidden, and the door must be turned around. But after only a cursory exploration, Zuo Feng was already sure that the soul was not in death.

within the door.

Zuo Feng was greatly surprised by this discovery. Logically speaking, the Death Door should be a closed formation, but the other party could release his soul and establish contact with the souls outside the Death Door. This situation was simply very difficult.


In addition, Zuo Feng also noticed a special area in the Death Gate. This area itself was nothing special, but there were three figures in it that caught Zuo Feng's attention.

It was a relatively remote cave passage, and there were three figures inside it, running desperately. Through the images reflected in the formation, Zuo Feng recognized the identities of the three people at a glance.

Two of them can be considered very familiar.

‘Although I don’t know the other two people, Loach and Lao Bu, they seem to be from the Ni family that Lao Shi said. I didn’t expect that these three mice were so lucky that they could survive until now.’

When he saw the three of them, Zuo Feng couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He knew how difficult it was to survive until now in such an environment.

At first they were chased by insect puppets, and then they were surrounded and killed by insect puppets on the shore of the lava lake. Even though they escaped, they were still chased by a large group of insect puppets.

Not long ago, the Yangming beast started to raise the height of the lava, almost completely submerging the cave. Amber and the monsters still relied on the method they discovered to use the core of fire to successfully overcome the difficulty.


'These three guys are like mice in a bellows. They are suffering from all kinds of anger, but they are still able to survive tenaciously. Their fate is worse than that of "cats".'

He couldn't help but admire these three people in his heart. He didn't know whether it was because of his special environment, but now Zuo Feng couldn't bear much hatred towards the three Loachs.

If you think about it more carefully, although you entered the "Eight-Gate Locking Formation" because you fell into the scheme of Loach and others, in this "Eight-Gate Locking Formation", many decisions were made by yourself, especially here.

Being able to meet Ni Feng made his hatred towards Ni Feng and others less intense.

Through the formation, Zuo Feng could clearly see that the three Niangfeng people at this time were extremely lacking in spiritual energy in their bodies. They did not dare to use any spiritual energy while running, and even their bodies were directly exposed, allowing the high temperature to burn out.

Covered in blisters.

All their spiritual energy is used to cover the space between their mouths and noses. Compared with the surface injuries on the body, it is the only thing they can do to prevent the fire poison from entering the body and save their lives.

This chapter has been completed!
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