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Chapter 2430: Violent Crushing


The huge roar echoed melodiously, and the city walls trembled slightly at this astonishing sound, like a frightened little beast, crouching in front of the strong man and trembling continuously.

The strong ones in the God Refining Stage have powerful telekinesis, which means their mental power has reached a new level. Whether it is moving or fighting, with powerful telekinesis as weapons, the strong ones in the God Refining Stage have abilities far beyond those of ordinary warriors.

But today's Boka is "exhaling and speaking" like a strong person in the Qi refining stage. The surging spiritual energy is rolling in his chest, and then it condenses and explodes in a roar. This is how he has such a terrifying power.


Generally strong people in the Qi refining stage will often make such a sharp roar when they suddenly need to use all their strength. This is not just to create momentum for themselves, but because the spiritual energy goes crazy in the sea and meridians in a short period of time.

Excessive pressure can easily lead to damage to the meridians and Nahai.

The method of exhaling and speaking out actually helps the warrior vent the excessive pressure in the body. Otherwise, if he suddenly mobilizes all his cultivation to fight with others, he may be injured before the fight begins.

Of course, since this habit is a method used by strong people in the Qi refining stage, it means that after warriors reach the God refining stage, they no longer need such methods at all. They only need to explode their own telekinesis.

The explosion of thought power does not require the operation of meridians. What is needed is one's own perception and control of the rules of the world. Even if the strength explodes to the extreme in an instant, it will only affect the sea of ​​thoughts at most. At this time, don't talk about exhaling and speaking out.

, even if you cry out, it won't have any effect.

It's just that now Boka has become angry, and he can fly in the air with the explosion of his own telepathy. However, because of his anxiety and anger, at this moment, he not only exploded his telepathy, but also used his spiritual energy with all his strength.

Since Boka's cultivation reached the god refining stage, this was the first time that he used telekinesis and spiritual energy at the same time, just to increase his speed a little bit.

When a strong person in the God Refining Stage flies through the power of his mind, his speed is definitely much faster than that of the average warrior who uses spiritual energy. Therefore, when he uses his spiritual energy to fly in the air, and then uses his spiritual energy to fly in the air, the change in speed is very small.

But now Boka has to fight for even this little bit of time because he doesn't want to suffer too serious a loss.

Coming as fast as meteors and lightning, the battlefield was originally not far from the east city gate. In less than two breaths after Boka stood up, he had already clearly seen the situation in the battle circle.

When he didn't arrive, he just hoped that he heard Muhua's words wrongly, or that Muhua himself didn't see the situation clearly and exaggerated the losses several times.

But when he came to this place in the sky, he immediately understood the seriousness of the problem, because the situation on the battlefield was clear at a glance. The warriors under his command all wore uniform uniforms, although there were slight differences in the costumes, which were used to distinguish their identities.

They are different, but they are basically the same.

Looking down at the battle circle, there were actually less than a hundred warriors left, and some of these hundreds were seriously injured, almost completely disabled. In addition, the opponent had an absolute advantage, and the killing speed was even faster.

In the short period of time he scanned the situation below, five more people had been killed.

On the other hand, looking at the opponent's manpower, it seemed that there was no loss. Such a huge contrast made Boka almost go crazy after seeing it. The situation had actually developed to this point.

After becoming the governor of Donglin County, Boka has always held greater ambitions. Over the years, he has been working hard for his goals and constantly enriching his wings. He has not only spent a lot of money on cultivating his warriors

The price was high, and a lot of energy was invested in them. Not only did they give personal guidance, but they even arranged special training opportunities for them.

However, in this short period of less than half an hour, more than 70% of the manpower dispatched was directly lost. Looking at the corpse wearing Donglin County uniforms lying on the ground in a mess, Boka felt that it was like...

Cutting off his own flesh.

After only a moment of hesitation, Boka rushed forward. He did not deliberately help Mu Hua or the Three Silver Guards. He did not even want to see these leader-level figures now.

What Boka wants to do at this time is to vent his anger. He wants to vent all his anger at this time. He wants to kill all the warriors in front of him, and he will kill them starting from the warriors with the lowest cultivation level, so that the killing speed is the fastest.


However, when Boka rushed over, there were two figures rushing over. The speed of these two people was already very terrifying, but compared to the furious Boka, they were still much slower.

Fortunately, Boka rushed out of the city. Although his speed was amazing, the distance was relatively far away. While the other two warriors who rushed over, although the speed was slightly slower, fortunately the distance was much closer.

Li Shang, who was flying in front, had his beautiful eyes widened when he saw the speeding figure. There is nothing surprising about Mu Hua here, because the commander of the county and city has the obligation to restrain the main cities of all parties.

It may be a coincidence that the mission appears here, but it is also reasonable.

But Li Shang recognized the person in front of him at a glance. He was the real "number one" in the entire Donglin County. His appearance here was so surprising.

Li Shang has never met Boka, but has only heard some rumors about this person from various channels. Luan City was originally a place where various forces and the empire communicated, and all kinds of intelligence would gather here. The news she got from the water tower was natural

It was also more detailed. So after just one glance, she knew that she would never identify the wrong person.

"Be careful. This is the worst situation in our plan. Don't think about anything for the time being. Organize people and evacuate first!"

Li Shang frowned, her face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, she turned her head to send a message to Tang Bin who was following behind.

Li Shang and Tang Bin had not taken action before, just so that they could respond to any unexpected situation as soon as possible. This might make the battle more difficult, but it was also equivalent to a layer of protection, such as after an accident like this happened.

A guarantee for ordinary warriors.

Li Shang was anxious in her heart, and after only hurriedly saying a word, she already increased her speed to the limit. Tang Bin, who was following her, also saw the figure in front of her who was dressed in luxurious clothes and had a strong aura, especially the figure who was above the second level of the Concentration Stage.

With his cultivation level, he roughly guessed the identity of the other party before Li Shang spoke, but now he just confirmed it from Li Shang's mouth.

If it were other powerful people in the God Refining Stage, there might still be a possibility of negotiation with each other, but now that what I and others are killing are the warriors in the county and city, when the county guard comes now, things will not be easy, let alone any negotiation.

Hope, only fight!

Boka's body moved and he rushed downwards quickly. If an ordinary warrior looked up, he wouldn't even be able to see the opponent's figure.

Almost at the same time as he disappeared in the sky, his figure had appeared on the ground and among the group of warriors. The people closest to him had just noticed it when they felt a strong force coming towards them, as if a mountain was heading towards them.

It's like being crushed.


Blood spurted out, but not just from the mouth, nose and ears, but from all parts of the body at the same time. The skin was torn apart, and there was also a crisp sound when the bones were torn apart, like

It sounded like firecrackers continuously.

Although he was killing people, after actually taking action, Boka couldn't help but be stunned, because in his estimation, as long as he used all his telekinesis to attack, he would directly crush the bodies of the people in front of him.

But except for the three women whose bodies exploded to pieces, the other five male warriors only had their bones broken, their skin torn, and blood squeezed out. Although their bodies were a little twisted and deformed, they were still able to survive.

Attack yourself before dying.

Two knives, a sword, a spear and an ax were attacking him from all around him. This was the last blow launched by these five mid-Qi-sensing period warriors before they died.

It's just that although those attacks landed on Boka's body accurately, they failed to hurt the opponent at all. Outside Boka's body, there was only highly condensed spiritual energy, just like armor. The mist fell on it, and even

Burka's clothes were not torn.

Being able to leave a whole corpse under the crushing power of his own mind is already very difficult for warriors in the Qi-sensing stage, but they can actually fight back. A look of surprise flashed across Boka's angry eyes.


However, he was surprised. He started to kill people without any hesitation. With just one step, Boka appeared in the crowd five feet away.

Using the same means and methods as before, his mental power burst out and crushed him with absolute strength. But this time, he paid special attention to the situation around him, especially what kind of behavior the warriors showed under his own mental power.

Death state.

The seven female warriors, without exception, were all crushed by the power of thought, and their bodies were like water sacs being squeezed with great force. Their bodies were directly twisted and shattered. Just like before, the four strong Qi-sensing stage still managed to survive.

He was attacked by telekinesis before he could react. When his body was torn apart and blood surged like a fountain, he still managed to launch the attack.

Boka didn't know why there were differences between the same group of people, but he didn't know that those women were Luan Cheng Li Shang's subordinates, and those male warriors were all Wind City warriors.

In terms of physical fitness and combat power, I am afraid that the female warriors from the three Luan Cities are not as good as one warrior from the Wind City. It is normal to have such a difference.

Boka was shocked and surprised, but he still did not forget the purpose of his coming, and what he wanted to do most, which was to kill someone.

From the time he rushed into the team of warriors to the death of more than twenty people, it was almost three blinks of an eye. Now he has quickly arrived among a group of warriors. The difference this time is that his telekinesis has just been released, regardless of whether he is a man or a woman.

At this moment, everything exploded in an instant, and no one could hold on for a moment.

There was no joy on Boka's face, but he raised his head coldly and looked above him, where a woman in green clothes was looking towards him.

This chapter has been completed!
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