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Chapter 2606 Lin's stubborn illness

Still a long way away, Zuo Feng and others saw two very conspicuous figures. The two figures were not only strong but also very tall. From a distance, they looked like two pillars of an archway.

Everyone moved forward quickly without stopping, and in the blink of an eye they were close. Everyone was already very familiar with Shu Zai, so they naturally focused their attention on another tall and burly figure.

If you get a little closer, you will find that this person's figure is still slightly "slender" compared to Shuzai, and his height is also slightly shorter. However, this is not his original situation. It can be seen that he should be older.

It made the body a little stooped, and the physique was only a little thinner in comparison.

This man was about forty years old, and his appearance was at least 70% similar to that of Shu Zai. Standing together, no one would believe them if they said they were not father and son.

In addition, there is another woman. Compared with Shuzai and his son, she is much petite. In fact, among women, she can definitely be considered a tall type. But standing between these two people

The person next to her made her whole body appear as if she was about to disappear.

Before she got close, Zuo Feng had already noticed a detail. The middle-aged woman was close to Shuzai and his son, but slightly closer to Shuzai's father. And Shuzai's father and Shuzai deliberately maintained a certain distance between each other.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see the distance and the clear feeling.

After observing in secret, Zuo Feng walked a few steps quickly, then respectfully clasped his fists and saluted, saying, "Junior Zuo Feng, I have met senior Shu Jiang!"

The man named Shu Jiang was Shu Zai's father. He turned his head slightly with a cold face and looked at the sky sideways, looking completely arrogant.

Hearing Zuo Feng's greeting, he didn't pay much attention to it at first. He just made a slight "hum" with his nose. Especially after hearing that the voice of the speaker was very young, a flash of emotion flashed across his face.

A look of disdain.

But just after a brief pause, the fine wrinkles at the corners of Shujiang's eyes suddenly started to tremble, and his eyes of surprise and confusion quickly turned around. When they fell on Zuo Feng's face, the two expressions

Changes were also achieved.

When their eyes met, Zuo Feng couldn't help but show a hint of surprise, but soon Zuo Feng understood. It was obvious that the other party was shocked when he noticed his age. Zuo Feng was not in a hurry to see this.

Say something and just look at each other calmly and kindly.

When Shujiang spoke, it was obvious from his voice that there was an uncontrollable anger being released in his heart.

"This is the reason why you, little bastard, judged your family. This is the so-called 'Great Expectations' you have found for yourself. I don't think this is even a 'return', yet you still want to take me and your mother with you."

.What?...Have you finished playing with the whole family?!"

Shu Jiang was not polite when he spoke this time, and even raised his hand to point at Zuo Feng, without taking Zuo Feng into consideration at all. Others only looked slightly cold at this, but Ikari's temper had already been suppressed.

Stop, the tower took a step forward and said angrily, "Why do you evaluate our city lord like this? I think you will live to this age..."

"Shut up!" interrupted Ikari's words. Those unpleasant words were not given a chance to be said. It seemed that Zuo Feng was the calmest one among the people at this time. He did not show any anger at all, and his face still had a smile on his face.

That faint smile.

"Senior, please don't get angry. The main ins and outs of the matter are important. I think Shu Zai should have told you before. In Kuocheng, if we hadn't taken action, Shu Zai would have died in the hands of his own people."

At this point, Zuo Feng paused slightly. In fact, he had not finished what he said, and everyone could hear it clearly. However, Shu Jiang had already spoken directly, not giving Zuo Feng a chance to continue.

"So what? The family has trained us, and it has also trained Shuzai. There is nothing wrong with sacrificing your life for the family at critical times. A man stands between heaven and earth. How can he not bear such a little grievance? I, Shujiang, am not like this

I didn’t take care of my son.”

This technique of not giving people a chance to speak was not only very rude, but also an extremely contemptuous move towards people. The faces of many Wind City warriors became even more ugly.

However, everyone paid special attention to Zuo Feng this time and saw that he was still calm and did not seem to be angry at all. Although they were very puzzled, everyone remained silent. This was their trust in their own city lord.


"Senior Shujiang, you did not personally experience what happened in Kuocheng. Although Shuzai knew everything and did not miss anything, in fact he did not experience too much. But at that time, I was not aware of the series of bloody battles in the old district in the north of the city.

I am a person who has experienced it personally, and I hope you know that the most brutal person in that battle was not the Su Wang family and the ghost painter who took action against the Lin family."

Na Shujiang originally turned his head to look at the sky, but when he heard this, he unconsciously turned his gaze back. Zuo Feng seemed to be waiting for his attention to turn to him, and immediately said, "In fact, the most brutal battle was between the two surnames of the Lin family at that time.

, the Shu surnamed lineage and the Mu surnamed lineage fought with each other and attacked each other, even going to any lengths to destroy each other.

You must know that the people who know the Lin family best are the Lin family themselves, who can seize the weaknesses of both parties and deal a heavy blow. Only the people of the Lin family added fuel to the flames, or even did it themselves, to achieve the results in Kuocheng today."

Shu Jiang, who originally looked angry and disdainful, finally had a clear change in his expression. He was obviously touched by Zuo Feng's words.

It was only at this time that people around him, including Shu Zai, gradually understood Zuo Feng's intentions. While everyone admired Zuo Feng, they also had to admit that although it was a bit troublesome and difficult, this was a great way to resolve the conflict between the two parties.

The best way.

At this time, Shu Zai was even more grateful and nodded secretly towards Zuo Feng. Zuo Feng just looked deeply at him with a smile, and the exchange between them was silent.

Looking at Shujiang again, Zuo Feng continued, "Maybe Kuocheng is a bit far away, so let's talk about something closer. That is Licheng near us."

Looking at Zuo Feng in confusion, the contempt and hostility in Shu Jiang's eyes had obviously faded a lot, and Zuo Feng didn't talk about it, but started telling the story directly.

"Although the Lin family may have to keep secrets from their own people, I think Senior Shujiang must have heard about it. The Lin family has a lot of arrangements in Licheng."

This time Shu Jiang nodded calmly. When the other party nodded, Zuo Feng also smiled slightly. At this point, Zuo Feng finally grasped the rhythm of communication.

"Last night's battle started when the county guard launched an attack on the Lin family. Thinking about it, the original purpose of the Donglin county guard coming here was probably to look for Ni Loach and the others. However, there was no trace of Ni Loach and the others. In the end, they were looking for

Go to the Lin family, the real power behind this loach."

Shu Jiang was a little puzzled when he heard this statement, but he did not show any impatience and continued to listen. Zuo Feng continued, "A few of us happened to be rescuing people at that time, so we used the Lin family's

I found the person in charge of the Lin family here, and settled in the Lin family's shop."

After a pause, Zuo Feng continued, "Of course a few of us had plans to take advantage of the Lin family, but we were using the identities of the Lin family at that time, and we were using the Lin family who had just been in Kuocheng and sacrificed their lives for the family. As a result,

After arriving in this city, the first thing they thought of was how to use us, using all our value, even our lives, to pave the way for one of their future development."

At this point, Zuo Feng saw that Shu Jiang was a little excited. He knew that he had to strike while the iron was hot at this time. Zuo Feng did not give the other party a chance to speak and hurriedly said, "It's not just a few of us. What I said is that there are hundreds of survivors."

Or, they just settled outside the city temporarily.

But just because these people are worried that we may threaten their future development and interests, they plan to use the help of Donglin County to completely eliminate a group of us."

Shujiang trembled all over and yelled, "It's impossible, this kind of thing is absolutely... no, no, impossible!" He wanted to appear very determined, but before he could finish the sentence, his voice weakened.

Go down.

Tang Bin, who was considered the calmest among the people, stepped out at this time and said calmly, "Senior just came back from the west. I believe you should see some of the wounded there. These wounded were all injured during tonight's operation."

Hurt, the purpose of our action is to destroy the east gate of Li city.

But the reason for tonight's action, or tonight's opportunity, was because the Lin family in Licheng wanted to borrow the help of Donglin County to eradicate the survivors of the same clan.

They planned to use the formations in front of the city gate and various equipment on the city wall to annihilate everyone in one fell swoop, but in the end we used them in turn to destroy the formations and equipment in front of the city gate. Just imagine if it was really a survivor of the Lin family

, thinking that the family’s rescue has arrived, what will be the final result?”

After hearing these words, Shu Jiang was stunned on the spot. Although he didn't want to believe it, it now seemed that the facts were what everyone in front of him said.

"Second brother, is it the second brother who is back?" At this moment, a voice sounded, and Shu Jiang's expression was obviously happy when he heard the voice of the speaker.

When he looked up, he saw a figure approaching quickly. However, the person's cultivation was too ordinary, so no one was alerted at all. Moreover, everyone seemed to know the identity of the person.

"Brother, are you okay?" When the person came up, Shu Jiang grabbed him excitedly and asked with concern.

"Hey, I'm really ashamed to say that my own people abandoned me like a worn-out shoe, but in the end, my enemies spared my life regardless of the danger."

This person was none other than Shu Jiang's eldest brother, and of course Shu Zai's uncle. When Zuo Feng and others arrived earlier, Ni Loach and the others used this man and the disguised Shu Jiang to confuse Zuo Feng into launching a sneak attack.

The visitor was also an outspoken type. Before Shujiang could ask for details, he couldn't wait to tell what happened when Zuo Feng and others came to save people.

Seeing the constant changes in the expression on Shu Jiang's face, a smile gradually appeared on Zuo Feng's lips.

This chapter has been completed!
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