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Chapter 2744: Illusory Array Fighting

Not only Zuo Feng, but also others around him were not surprised at all by the sudden appearance of the blood formation mimic beasts on both sides.

Because when Zuo Feng told everyone just now, they had already anticipated that this scene would happen, and everyone followed Zuo Feng's instructions and rushed forward without stopping for a moment.

Although everyone is in the hinterland of the villa, their speed at this time has not slowed down at all. After all, everyone is very familiar with the route they are taking now, which is the route they took when they entered the villa.

Soon, everyone saw that there was a dense mist slowly moving in the distance. It was the maze that everyone encountered when they came. The periphery of the villa was composed of various formations and mechanisms, and the core of the villa was

The mansion was surrounded by people.

It's not because this phantom formation is not dangerous that everyone chooses to enter from here. On the contrary, precisely because the phantom formation is extremely dangerous, the sacrificial branch hall does not need to set up other formations and mechanisms here, so there is only one.

Phantom array.

To the outside world, this sacrificial branch hall is full of mystery, not to mention the circumstances inside it. Very few outsiders can know about it. In order to obtain the information in this villa, Ding Hao not only spent a huge price, but also took risks.

Great risk.

However, even so, with Ding Hao's ability, he still does not have the ability to rescue his master Xing Yezui. Coincidentally, Zuo Feng once mastered the core secret of the Lin family's psychedelic formation, so his understanding of the phantom formation is far beyond ordinary

Array Master, the magic array in front of you is certainly powerful, but it does not pose much danger to Zuo Fenglai.

When everyone broke in from the outside, Zuo Feng and others led the way in without breaking the formation.

Now for Zuo Feng and others, it can only be regarded as "revisiting the old place". In addition, with Zuo Feng's previous explanation, everyone is not nervous at all now. Zuo Zai and Amber did not pause for a moment, and rushed directly in front of them.

in the mist.

It was basically the same as when we entered before. The moment everyone entered the maze, they felt that their sight was blocked by thick fog.

However, this only lasted for a moment. When Zuo Feng threw a small formation from his hand, everyone felt that the fog in front of them seemed to be gradually dissipating, and they were gradually able to see the surrounding scenes clearly. However, there was still a certain difference in those scenes.

It's a bit blurry, as if a thin veil is covering the surface.

Everyone's attention was quickly attracted by the mimic beasts that appeared on both sides. The phantoms of monster beasts as tall as houses rushed towards them crazily, and then rushed into the mist of the illusion array without any hesitation.

There are two huge black ants on the left side of everyone. These are two black armored ants that have condensed to the peak level of the sixth level. This kind of monster is rarely encountered in the Tianping Mountains. Although

The attack method is very simple, and the weapon is only two huge pliers in front of the mouth, but its power is astonishing, and its defense is also very terrifying.

On the other side are two stone ape beasts, which have also reached the sixth level. The warriors from Benxiao Pavilion who control the beast-like virtuality rush from both sides. It seems that they can intercept Zuo Feng and others outside the illusion formation.

, but controlled the speed, put Zuo Feng and others into the formation, and then launched the attack.

"It's true as Zuo Feng said. When these guys find out that we are escaping in this direction, they will never stop us outside the formation. Instead, they will choose to use the formation to help them deal with us." Shan Ji looked at it.

The eyes of these pseudo-animals in front of me flickered as he spoke.

Nifeng said with a proud look on his face: "My elder brother is more than capable. You will see more and more wonderful methods in the future."

While Shen Ji and Ni Feng were talking, the stone ape beasts and black armored ants that rushed in from the left and right sides had already encountered each other, and as soon as they met each other, they started fighting with all their strength.

That's right, these blood array mimic beasts, under the control of the Benxiao Pavilion warriors, started fighting each other, as if they had never seen Zuo Feng and others before.

In fact, they were unable to detect the existence of Zuo Feng and others in the phantom formation. Zuo Feng had already adjusted the psychedelic formation in front of him when he broke through the formation before. Those Benxiao Pavilion warriors did not know why.

, until this moment, I still didn’t know that this phantom formation had fallen into Zuo Feng’s control.

"Since these guys have such means, why didn't they use it when we came in before?" Ding Hao looked at the Benxiao Pavilion warriors in surprise, using their armor to activate the blood formation beast mimics, and turned to Zuo Feng and asked.

They were staying in the illusion formation at this time and were not in a hurry to leave. This was also Zuo Feng's plan in advance.

Hearing Ding Hao's doubts, Zuo Feng also explained; "Their method of imitating blood array beasts seems to be done using armor, which seems to be very simple. But in fact, there are restrictions. They must use a fixed combination.

Only then can the blood array mimic beast be displayed.

When we broke in, it was relatively sudden. They were unprepared and didn't understand our combat power. They were not prepared to use the blood formation beast-imitating method at all, so those warriors clearly found out that we were coming.

arrived, but did not look for companions who could activate the beast mimic.

But when we broke through the illusion formation, they finally discovered that they were no match for us in terms of pure combat power. And in the process of rescuing people in the water prison, we gave them enough time to prepare. Now that we have realized that our combat power is very strong

, so when we leave this time, we will inevitably encounter their strongest method, which is the blood array mimic beast in front of us."

After saying this, Zuo Feng suddenly raised his head and looked towards the front of the illusory formation, and wherever he could see, a figure as big as a hill came staggering towards this side.

Everyone can tell at a glance that this is also a blood formation mimic beast, but its body is extremely large. It looks like it is about three stories high. Even though it looks slow when walking, its moving speed is not slow.


What attracted the most attention of everyone present was not the huge body, but the fluctuations emanating from its body. This huge monster had actually reached the seventh level.

Shinji's pupils shrank slightly, and she said in a cold voice: "I didn't expect it to be a thunder bear. After the eight-door locking formation trapped a large number of monsters, not even one can be found in the Tianping Mountains. I didn't expect them to even

It’s all out.”

The last entity in the thunder bear bloodline is the violent bear beast. When the hunting group in the village tried to kill a violent bear beast, almost half of them were killed or injured, which shows how powerful its attack is.

After seeing the Thunder Bear, Shen Ji couldn't help but look at Zuo Feng in the middle of the team again. After hearing Zuo Feng's plan, she thought this boy was too timid, but now it seems that this human young man

It's really not simple.

If I and others really rush out head-on, this Thunder Bear Mimic alone can entangle themselves. Then the remaining four Mimics that have reached the sixth level will be more than enough for everyone to deal with.

It's a lot of effort, and may even put your life in danger.

But now that everyone is hiding in the illusion formation, they don't need to worry about it at all. They just need to quietly watch each other kill each other.

In fact, Ding Hao and Zuo Zai, who were present, also felt that it was just a waste of time when everyone came in from the outside and Zuo Feng suddenly transformed the phantom formation. Now that they saw the scene in front of them, they also felt that it was a waste of time.

I felt how wise Zuo Feng’s choice was.

The four monster beasts were still fighting, but soon the thunder bear shook its huge body and stepped into the illusory formation.

As for Zuo Feng and others, they had to avoid it to the side at this time. The body of this thunder bear was too big, and they might really get stepped on if they didn't avoid it.

As the earth trembled, the thunder bear transformed from the blood array beast rushed into the illusion array, and soon found his "target". What he saw in his eyes at this time was the seventh-level flash wolf beast.

He was fighting a black ant and rushed over without hesitation.

The huge beast's claws contained a trace of lightning, and they slapped the head of "Shen Ji" fiercely. The stone ape beast, which was originally in a hard fight, was slapped by the thunder bear and suddenly turned into a monster.

A piece of blood mist dispersed, and at the same time, those Benxiao Pavilion warriors who released the blood array also vomited blood and flew out. The injuries were so severe that they could not even get up.

What the Benxiao Pavilion warrior who controlled the Thunder Bear saw was that the "Flash Wolf Beast" disappeared directly into the mist after being hit.

But a moment later, the flash wolf beast appeared again, and launched a fierce attack on itself. In fact, it was the black ant that was attacking. The two huge pincers in front of the black ant's head were attacking fiercely.

Stab the Thunder Bear in the belly.

The collision between the two sides only lasted for a moment, and the Thunderstorm Bear destroyed the Black Armored Ant with a single blow. However, in the eyes of the Benxiao Pavilion warriors, it seemed that their "target" had suddenly disappeared again.

Zuo Feng and others, who were watching with cold eyes, all noticed at this moment that although the thunder bear's combat power was amazing, the Benxiao Pavilion warrior who unleashed the blood formation was also in great pain.

There are even warriors with a slightly lower cultivation level among them. At this time, their appearance seems to be aging continuously, and even their own cultivation level is slowly declining. It is obvious that the seventh-level thunder bear mimic beast is going to be released.

Their burden is also huge.

When the Thunderbolt Bear killed the second Black-armored Ant and faced the last Stone Monkey Beast, it seemed that it had reached the end of its crossbow. Seeing that the Black-armored Ant relied on its own powerful defense, it finally succeeded in killing the Thunderbolt Bear.

Later, the black ants gradually showed signs of dissipating.

At this moment, Zuo Feng no longer hesitated and shouted "do it", and everyone around him, including Shan Ji, rushed out together.

The wounded, weak and unable to move warriors of Benxiao Pavilion were all killed on the spot. And the last weak beast-like black armored ant was instantly disintegrated by Shan Ji's attack.

Amber, Zuo Zai, Ni Feng and others helped Zuo Feng collect the armor, but Blizzard pulled out a piece of armor from a Benxiao Pavilion warrior and investigated it carefully.

Then Blizzard's eyes widened sharply, and a violent aura was released instantly, and he roared angrily: "You Kuangzhan, you Yelin Empire, this is what you did to me, the Icefield Clan. I

Blizzard helps you remember this debt, and I will repay it double in the future."

This chapter has been completed!
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