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Chapter 2819 Ice Crystal Storm

Seal formula, as a unique existence in the use of formations, has been circulated on the Kunxuan continent for countless years. It seems that no one knows which great master created this rune formation.

The same five people know when and who created the seal.

However, there is a legend about the Seal Technique, that is, it was formed after the rune formation, and was accidentally discovered by a certain powerful person during the use of the rune formation.

Although Zuo Feng did not dare to say that he absolutely believed this statement, according to his understanding, he also felt that it was very likely.

Compared with the vast number of runes and countless ways to construct formations, the number of seals is definitely much smaller. Because seals are targeted at formations, they are targeted.

existence, rather than independent existence like runes and formations.

In other words, the existence of the seal is meaningful only if there are runes and formations. Without the rune formation, the seal will lose any meaning. On the contrary, the existence of the rune formation can make no difference at all.

Relying on the seal.

But just like ancient runes, seals rarely survive in the world today, and there are even fewer people who can use them. Zuo Feng is one of the few people who owns and masters seals, but he didn't know how to use them until not long ago.

Really able to master some of the seal techniques.

The Seal Jue itself has always been by Zuo Feng's side, existing in the second layer of the Najing space left to him by Ning Xiao. However, although he had the Seal Jue, he didn't know how to use it at all. It wasn't until he met Huan Kong that, to be more precise, he

In other words, it was after he worshiped Huan Kong as his master.

With Huan Kong's guidance and his own level of rune formations, he mastered a large number of seals in a short time. The reason why he mastered them so quickly is because the seals themselves depend on the rune formations.

Born from the law, when you truly have a certain level of rune formations, the speed of practicing the seals will naturally speed up.

Before, because he could not figure out the connection between them and knew nothing about the Seal Technique itself, Ning Xiao was in the second level of Najing and did not save any basic books on the Seal Technique. So it was not until Huan Kong taught Zuo Feng

, Only then did Zuo Feng truly master the secret of the seal, and once he mastered the rules of the formation runes, Zuo Feng's learning speed was also very fast, and now he no longer even needs Huan Kong's guidance, he can continue to learn on his own.

Learn new seal techniques.

The moment Zuo Feng cast the seal, Zheng Lu's face became very ugly. Although he could not understand the seal, he knew that each seal contained some special changes in the formation. He

It was at this time that I had a bad premonition about this change.

It's just that although Zheng Lu felt bad, he couldn't do anything. Firstly, the attack had been released, and secondly, he couldn't understand what method Zuo Feng used.

When Zheng Lu was a little uneasy, Zuo Feng's faint voice also sounded. The moment he said the last word of "Ten Miles of Frozen", Zuo Feng's hands that formed the seal suddenly parted.

There seems to be some kind of special power between them. When the hands are separated, a special power also appears in the formation. It feels like some kind of closed energy is opening the shackles through Zuo Feng's hands.

The formation that was originally on the inner layer spread violently outward and passed through the outer barrier without any obstruction. At this time, the positions of the inner and outer formations were completed.

Seeing this change, Zheng Lu had an even more inexplicable look on his face. Looking at Zuo Feng's changes before, he was obviously worried that the inner formation would be destroyed, but now Zuo Feng actually took the initiative to switch the formation to the outside.

There were two fists condensed by the golden flames. The left fist was condensing on the barrier of the formation without firing, while the right fist arrived outside the formation after a moment's delay. Zuo Feng completed it before his right fist landed.

The replacement of the inner and outer formations.

The moment the two flaming fists came into contact with each other, they completed the fusion of each other, and then the two flaming fists simultaneously burst out with powerful power.

After the outermost barrier was attacked like this, countless fine cracks appeared in an instant like fragile crystal, and these cracks spread at an extremely fast speed, and finally everything outside the entire formation was

All that can be seen are dense cracks like spider webs.

Seeing the countless cracks in the formation, Zheng Lu felt even more strange. The exchanged formation barrier could be said to be vulnerable to a single blow. Seeing that the power of the fire fist had not been completely tilted out,

The formation will be completely broken.

However, Zheng Lu is also a little strange. If the broken position of a general formation covers the entire formation, then the point that is attacked from the front should have been broken long ago.

But now, there are only cracks in the location where the flame fist attacked, but the cracks are much finer.

After all, Zheng Lu is a super strong man in the God-Refining Stage. The telekinesis he released quickly caught the problem from the formation. At this moment, there seemed to be many formations on the surface of the outermost formation.

The force gathering point releases a strange cohesion, allowing the formation to remain stable despite being so damaged.

Logically speaking, the formation has been broken into pieces, and the formation network has been severely damaged. The entire formation should have completely collapsed. However, the points where the main formation networks in the formation meet are still there.

Stay stable.

The next moment, Zheng Lu opened his mouth in surprise. He briefly identified the intersection points of the main formations, which was exactly where Zuofeng had just released the ancient runes. Now it seems that it was because the ancient runes were in the formations

It played an important role, so that the formation in front of me looked shaky, but it just didn't break.

But after understanding this, Zheng Lu's face became more and more puzzled. Even he himself didn't notice that because of the change in the formation in front of him, Zheng Lu subconsciously moved closer to the front.

At the same time, the surrounding warriors who were watching were also curious. Especially when the formation was about to be shattered under the attack of the twin flame fists, everyone moved closer out of curiosity.

However, at this moment, fluctuations suddenly appeared in the outer formation. The fluctuations spread at the point where the fire fist attacked, and then spread throughout the entire formation, which was filled with huge

Power, extremely cold power with completely opposite attributes.

However, this extremely cold power cannot be transmitted in the now "shattered" array. The extremely cold energy is swimming in the array, and it is constantly accumulated in the array and damaged. This situation will only accelerate the formation.

of disintegration.

When he felt the energy fluctuations in the formation, Zheng Lu was slightly shocked. He did not expect that such a vulnerable formation would contain such amazing power. But he did not understand that in this formation,

No matter how powerful his power is, it is impossible to defeat him, so what is Zuo Feng's purpose in doing this.

After just a brief thought, Zheng Lu's body suddenly trembled, and then he turned around and looked back. As a result, everything he saw made his heart twitch uncontrollably.

I saw countless city guards, Benxiao Pavilion and temporarily recruited warriors, curiously looking at the bamboo tower formation, and everyone was still subconsciously approaching.

Originally, there were only more than 200 people in the back garden of this trading house, including Boka and Linhu's men, as well as the men transferred by Jiang Xin. But now, looking around, just a dozen feet behind him,

There were seven to eight hundred people, and many more people were rushing over with curious faces.

In fact, these people are all driven here by curiosity. After all, seeing a strong person in the Yu Nian stage take action is such a rare opportunity. It is an opportunity that any warrior does not want to miss.

If many people were a little worried at the beginning, by now they were reassured that Zheng Lu's attack would not affect everyone, and they gradually became bolder.

But Zheng Lu now realized something was wrong. When he saw the scenes behind and around him, Zheng Lu almost shouted loudly as fast as he could: "Get out of here, get out of here!"

At this time, Zheng Lu was angry. He felt that the guys in front of him were so stupid. In desperation, he could only use the simplest way to shout angrily.

What he didn't expect was that the sudden angry shouts made countless warriors around him stunned, and they all froze there motionless. They couldn't understand that Zheng Lu, who had already had an absolute advantage, was confused.

Why do you suddenly get angry at these "watchers" at this moment?

Zheng Lu's angry shouts could be heard far away, and then a thin "kaka kaka..." sound came from within the formation. It was slightly different from before. The sound that appeared at this time was as if

The dull sound made when the ice in the river melted and broke, made everyone present feel trembling, and also made everyone feel something bad at this moment.


Before the series of cracking and shattering sounds stopped, there was a heavy explosion that could be heard clearly by almost the entire Acropolis.

As the sound of the explosion came out, a mushroom-like umbrella-shaped storm appeared. In the center, like a volcano erupting, countless gray-white storms and ice crystals splashed out from the core of the explosion, and then moved rapidly towards the surroundings.

swept away.

Standing in the sky, Zheng Lu originally made up his mind to stop the explosion of power from the formation in front of him no matter what happened. But when the formation really shattered and released its power, Zheng Lu knew that he could not stop it at all.

In the blink of an eye, those ice crystal storms directly submerged Zheng Lu. Even if he released his spiritual realm, he could only ensure that the surrounding area of ​​more than ten feet would not be affected by the ice crystal storm.

The ice crystal storm generated by the explosion directly obscured Zheng Lu's sight. At the same time, the powerful and chaotic power of extreme cold also completely disrupted Zheng Lu's telekinesis. Zheng Lu was unaware of the situation more than ten feet away.

Although he didn't know the situation outside, Zheng Lu knew very well that the losses this time would be very terrifying. No matter how large the area covered by this ice crystal storm was, he could only stay within a dozen feet without being protected from ice crystals.

Judging from the impact of the storm, the current destructive power of the ice crystal storm has even reached the full blow of a strong person in the Mind Control stage.

According to Zheng Lu's estimation and judgment, if he did not gather his strength to launch an attack, but used a range attack like this, he himself would not be able to exert the terrifying destructive power of the ice crystal storm in front of him.

This chapter has been completed!
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