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Chapter 3198: Thorough analysis

According to Zuo Feng's estimation, the most difficult person to persuade among these people should be Lishang. After all, the lord of Luan City has a habit of never stepping out of the chaotic land.

Now that he wants the other party to participate in the establishment of the Tianping Empire, this in itself is equivalent to solving a big problem for Li Shang. Zuo Feng has specially prepared some rhetoric for this purpose to persuade the other party to join him.

Come to the camp.

However, now Li Shang did not give Zuo Feng a chance to persuade him, so he directly expressed his support for the establishment of the Tianping Empire. For a moment, Zuo Feng stared blankly at the other party, feeling at a loss.

After a long while, Zuo Feng coughed awkwardly, and then said: "Although I just proposed the establishment of the Tianping Empire, this idea has already appeared in the Tianping Empire a long time ago.

in mind.

My purpose is to build an empire. This empire is not only composed of humans, but also includes beasts. In this empire, humans are not nobler than beasts, and beasts are not nobler than humans. This empire will be jointly developed by the two races.

Take charge.”

Hearing what Zuo Feng said, Tang Bin couldn't sit still this time. He said with some suspicion: "Lord City Lord, humans and orcs have only hunted each other again. How can both sides do what you said?

, living together in an environment.”

Regarding Tang Bin's suspicion, Zuo Feng was well prepared and immediately said: "I think you should know Nifeng's identity. So, can't the two of us coexist?"

Hearing what Zuo Feng said, Tang Bin couldn't help but be startled, and then turned to look towards Ni Feng, only to see the other party staring at him with a "provocative" look.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Tang Bin immediately said: "How can this be the same? Nifeng and you are as close as brothers. We have been through hardships all the way. We have experienced life and death many times. Moreover, Nifeng has completed his transformation, so he has integrated into

There are no problems in the human environment."

Hearing what Tang Bin said, Zuo Feng immediately smiled and nodded: "So this shows that humans and orcs have the possibility of coexisting with each other. At least after certain conditions are met, the two sides can complete the coexistence.


Although everyone heard clearly, they could not understand it, or they did not know what Zuo Feng wanted to express.

At this time, Zuo Feng's face was filled with a bright smile, and everyone present seemed to be infected just by seeing Zuo Feng's sunny smile.

If Zuo Feng used to say that everything he did was passive or forced, the establishment of the Tianping Empire in front of him was something he wanted to do from the bottom of his heart. He could put aside everything.

For other reasons, just work hard to complete based on personal preference.

Whether it was fighting with Commander Zhang Yu in Yancheng, or later all the way to the Xuanwu Empire. Almost all the things he encountered pushed Zuo Feng forward. He didn't even have much choice. Apart from giving up, he could only move forward bravely.


But this time was different. He had a dream in his heart a long time ago, hoping that humans and beasts could coexist harmoniously in an area. Of course, if it could be an empire, this would be even more ideal.

There are also some objective factors in this, because of the relationship with Nifeng, as well as the physical transformation of himself and the warriors of Fengcheng, which have been out of the scope of ordinary human beings. However, these are only the conditions that prompted him to have this dream, and what really made him determined to

To do so is still his inner desire.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked into the distance through the opened curtain. At this moment, the eastern sky had turned light blue, indicating that the dangerous night had passed and a promising future was about to emerge.

"First of all, I want to explain that humans and orcs each have their own characteristics. The two sides have never stopped fighting over the years. That is because there is an insurmountable gap between the two sides.

This gap is the prejudice between each other. Human beings believe that the beasts exist in this world with the purpose of destroying mankind, so they try their best to suppress each other, or in other words, they hope to eliminate the beasts.

When one side is absolutely hostile, the other side has no choice, so the orcs have never had a second choice except to fight and fight to the death with humans."

Hearing what Zuo Feng said, everyone felt that it made sense, but at the same time they seemed to find it unacceptable. Therefore, no one spoke, but their eyes were fixed on Zuo Feng.

"I think you may not be able to accept it, so let me ask you, not only in these years, but also in the recorded history of Kunxuan Continent, are there any beasts that have launched large-scale attacks on humans, or even tried to destroy a certain empire?

Part of an empire."

As soon as this question came out, everyone present immediately fell into deep thought, but what surprised them was that in the memory of everyone present, there had never been a large-scale invasion of humans by the beasts.

Hearing this, Teng Li couldn't help but be curious and asked: "It seems that there are really no such rumors. What is going on? Is it because the orcs are too weak and do not have the ability to launch an invasion?


Shaking his head, Zuo Feng thought about the supreme magical beasts from the Elixir Mountains that had appeared in the Hollow Land.

"Back then, I had accidentally seen the powerful magical beasts in the Elixir Mountains. Each of them had a strength comparable to the current Zhentian. Based on your understanding of the Xuanwu Empire, do they have the ability to withstand the magical beasts?


Except for Nifeng, everyone else's expressions changed drastically. They obviously didn't know that the Warcraft clan had such a strong strength. Not to mention the Xuanwu Empire now, even when the eight major families coexist, I am afraid they are not capable of resisting the invasion of the Warcraft clan.


"I'm all surprised." After scanning the crowd, Zuo Feng continued: "Actually, I was a little surprised at first, but when I really understood the beast clan, especially the monster beasts and the Warcraft clan, I

Only then can I truly understand that they are the purest practitioners, because everything they do is working hard towards the ultimate goal."

After a pause, Zuo Feng continued: "The orcs are not very smart. At least before the sixth or seventh level, they are far behind humans in terms of intelligence. At this time, the behavior of the orcs is also the easiest to judge.

Their fighting has only two purposes, to strengthen themselves and to fill their stomachs.

If they can achieve these two goals, there is no need to continuously launch attacks on humans, because it is meaningless to them.

Human beings have a natural advantage in terms of intelligence. It is precisely because of their intelligence that human civilization has governance, empires, and the complex order built by empires. These are the things that allow rulers to occupy the most resources.

, exploiting the bottom layer layer by layer.

Because of their wisdom, they have endless ambitions and endless greed. Human beings will want to control other races, and of course the orcs are one of them, so there are such things as beast pets and mounts in this world.


Human beings want to obtain more resources, and the places that have been occupied by monsters and monsters for countless years are the places with the most abundant resources. Whether it is various ores or various rare medicinal materials, they are all what humans hope to obtain.


In order to satisfy their own greed and ambition, humans finally chose to launch an invasion against the beast clan. I think you should all be aware of what the Xuanwu Empire has done to the beast clan in the Tianping Mountains over the years."

From the beginning, everyone was full of confusion, then after hearing it, everyone became thoughtful, and at this moment, everyone suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

It seemed that some doubts that had existed in my mind for a long time, or things that I had not fully noticed at ordinary times, were finally fully understood at this moment.

However, everyone still remained silent at this time. On the one hand, they needed time to accept everything Zuo Feng said. At the same time, they needed time to think over and over again in their hearts. After all, this was tantamount to completely breaking their original concepts and they must immediately

Acceptance is not an easy thing.

At this time, Zuo Feng didn't say anything, but stood up slowly, and at the same time took out an exquisite wine pot from the crystal storage. Among them was the Wangyouzui he brewed, although the quality was not as good as Qiuzui.

But it is definitely one of the best wines in the world.

Zuo Feng walked gently to everyone and poured a cup for everyone present. After walking around in a circle and returning to his original seat, it took a cup of tea.

"I heard that the Nether Clan is not only waging wars everywhere, but is also constantly devouring human warriors. Now half of the Fengtian Dynasty has fallen into their hands."

Li Shang raised the wine glass and took a sip. A satisfied smile appeared on her face, but she immediately asked her question.

After sighing softly, Zuo Feng said: "I don't care about this matter, Lord Li Shang, I will also talk about it specifically. I said that the actions of the beast clan are based on their own purposes, but the purpose of the Netherworld clan is

It is almost an instinct to strengthen oneself through killing and devouring.

You must know that they not only attack humans, but also the monsters and Warcraft clan that are also beasts. So when it comes to facing the Nether clan, I believe that all creatures on Kunxuan Continent, regardless of humans and beasts,

We will fight with all our strength against the Nether Clan to the end."

Teng Li took a few sips, then raised his eyebrows, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and said: "I, the people from Hongcheng, have had the most contact with the monster clan in recent years, and your analysis is also very important to us."

Agree, I am willing to do my best to help you build the Tianping Empire."

Zuo Ming, the elder of Zuojia Village, also slapped his thigh at this time and said at the same time: "Needless to say, Zuojia Village will definitely support you with all its strength, but our village's strength is really weak."

Smiling and nodding, Zuo Feng said: "First elder, don't worry, I will make arrangements for the people in the village and I won't let you take any more risks."

After saying that, Zuo Feng turned and looked towards Li Shang. As for Tang Bin, he already knew that the other party must agree without asking. Now, it was Li Shang's decision that worried Zuo Feng the most.

This chapter has been completed!
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