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The third thousand three hundred and forty-nine chapters have nowhere to hide

It is said that the authorities are confused but the bystanders are clear. Si Mantuo, who was surrounded by heavy siege, was no longer able to make calm judgment and analysis.

Whether he thought he could break out or he felt there was no hope, these were just his illusions.

Before the battle started, Si Mantuo was able to stay awake and even prepared for an all-out battle. At the same time, before taking action, he made a rough assessment and successfully sent Si Qi and Stark out.

Probably about 30%.

This success rate has never changed, but when Si Mantuo was on the battlefield, facing those zombie puppets and ghost wolf beasts that seemed to be endlessly killing, he felt that his hope was about to be shattered. In fact, the possibility of success was,

Nothing has changed at all.

On the contrary, it was when Si Mantuo felt that there was little hope and he lost consciousness for a moment during the battle that the success rate of the breakout really dropped to less than 10%.

Different from Si Mantuo, Zuo Feng has been observing secretly from the side. He has been analyzing and making judgments calmly. Especially when Si Mantuo wanted to give up, he immediately stopped and considered whether to immediately

Back away.

However, after two of his men "awakened" Simantuo again at the cost of death, Zuo Feng decided to continue his plan. Of course, he did not mean to blame Simantuo at all, after all, facing such a powerful

With so many enemies and such terrifying pressure, it would be difficult for anyone to stay calm, let alone dedicate themselves to the battle.

Especially the fact that Simantuo chose this position to break out means that he has decided to sacrifice himself, and it is normal to have huge fluctuations in his heart. Now that Simantuo has finally made up his mind, Zuo Feng knows that he will not show the hesitation and hesitation he had before.

Hesitant, then you can start taking action.

"This distance is a little closer than our previous plan, also because Nasmantuo has been using the method of forcing a retreat. But we can't wait any longer, otherwise if the opponent comes to support from other directions, we will not have any

A chance to save people."

Han Bing stared at the battlefield not far away, turned around and whispered softly. In fact, what he was talking about was another reason why Zuo Feng wanted to give up the plan.

If Simantuo charged all the way and eliminated most of the ghost wolf beasts, then they would have to cooperate from the outside to help them break out. However, Simantuo blindly forced the ghost wolf beasts back, which only caused the ghost wolf beasts to gather.

Together, the difficulties will naturally be greater when we finally break through.

After listening to Han Bing's analysis, Zuo Feng nodded, looked at Hu Hu and said, "Are you sure? There is only one opportunity in front of you. Once the other party discovers our existence, they will inevitably change your original strategy. We will definitely change it by then."

There will be no more chance to take action."

Looking solemnly at the battlefield not far away, Amber nodded slowly and said: "70% sure."

"Well, although it's not too high, it should be enough." Zuo Feng nodded and signaled Amber to start taking action. Judging from the success rate, it only dropped by one and a half percent, which was completely satisfactory for Zuo Feng.


Seeing that Zuo Feng had agreed, Amber hesitated. He raised his hands at the same time and gently brought them together. At the same time, his technique started to work quickly.

Amber's skills are very special. The main part comes from the Nether Clan's skills, and some of the Duotian Mountain's skills are mixed in. The Nether Clan's skills are aimed at Amber's transformed body, and the part of his original human body that remains

, and he itself operates spiritual energy instead of animal energy, and he also needs human skills.

Modifying and integrating the skills is not something that everyone can do, especially since both skills are of high-end imperial quality. Many medium-sized forces may not be able to obtain a copy after a lifetime of hard work.

Fortunately, Zuo Feng later met Huan Kong, and it was this powerful man from Duotian Mountain who took action. In addition, Duotian Mountain had many techniques that he personally adjusted and modified. So the two techniques can be said to be integrated.

It is very perfect, and from a certain perspective, it has surpassed the original two techniques.

It's a pity that this technique is very special. Not only does it need to have a body modified by Zuo Feng, but it also has water properties. Otherwise, there is no way to practice it.

Now, just looking at the Amber Movement Technique from a close distance, Zuo Feng looked normal, but Han Bing couldn't help but open his mouth. You must know that there is only one imperial grade technique in the entire Icefield clan, and only Blizzard can practice it.

The amber in front of him was only at the peak of Qi-sensing stage, but the skills he practiced were already at the imperial level. How could he not be shocked by this.

Amber was running the technique very attentively, and the spiritual energy around him began to condense towards him quickly. Fortunately, there was a fierce battle ahead, so the movement on Hanbing's side did not attract anyone's attention at all.

Condensing spiritual energy is only the first step, and this step is actually the least dangerous step. As more and more spiritual energy is condensed, Amber opens his eyes and looks at Zuo Feng. When he sees the other person looking at him, Zuo Feng immediately understands and nods:

"Okay, Han Bing, you have to be ready. Uh... senior, please prepare too."

Han Bing had already nodded to express his understanding, and then a lazy voice came from Zuo Feng's forehead, saying: "Hey, old man, do I have any more instructions? It's not like I'm using any strong means. I don't need to take action directly.

, I just lend you part of my power."

At this point, the old man's voice sounded again, asking: "You really don't want to borrow more power. You must know that the beast soul is only fused to 40%, which is really low. How about adding another 10%?"


This lazy old man was none other than the Ice Dragon Mie Ling, and he was indeed quite familiar with Zuo Feng now. Just after hearing Mie Ling's words, Zuo Feng couldn't help but have black lines appear on his forehead, and he felt a little

He rolled his eyes dejectedly.

"Senior, do you have to tease me a few words? I'm afraid you know my current physical condition all too well. I have to grit my teeth to bear the 40%, and it might even cause injuries. If I borrow more

Even if I have some strength, I may not be able to save my life."

After Zuo Feng finished speaking, he heard a few dry laughs from Mie Ling. It was obvious that Zuo Feng had exposed his intentions and he still looked unconcerned.

Han Bing and Amber were not surprised at this time. Apparently, they had seen the old man tease Zuo Feng many times.

Amber, who had Zuo Feng's consent, ignored the conversation between Zuo Feng and Mie Ling, and began to adjust the technique on his own while slowly spreading his hands apart.

Wisps of faint aqua blue aura emerged from his hand, but as soon as the aura emerged, black mist was immediately released from his body, immediately wrapping the light blue aura in it.

With such a little trick, the light blue energy can no longer be seen. The Arctic Icefield is now in a long night, and the surrounding environment is pitch black. Otherwise, this black fog, even if it can cover the light blue

Color energy is very conspicuous once it appears.

There is more and more light blue energy, and more and more black mist. Apart from some energy fluctuations, it is perfectly concealed.

Even Han Bing couldn't help but nod secretly after seeing it, not because Amber could hide his light blue aura so well, but also because he controlled the aura very accurately.

If too little spiritual energy is used, the speed of condensation will naturally be too slow, and everyone does not have much time now. If too much spiritual energy is used, it will directly cause the spiritual energy to fluctuate violently, and the risk of being discovered will increase exponentially.

At this speed, even if they were only about two feet apart, Han Bing could only feel a faint fluctuation of spiritual energy.

After condensing to a certain moment, Han Bing's eyes suddenly condensed slightly, and then his hands began to slowly lift up, as if he was lifting a very heavy object.

As he raised his hands upward, the already huge black mist floating in front of him slowly flew into the air. The whole process sounded fast, but in fact it was very slow.

Because this dark mass can easily be discovered if it moves too fast, so the speed of movement must be accurately controlled.

Seeing the dark mist flying up, Zuo Feng and Han Bing became more and more nervous. In fact, this process was also the easiest to discover. They had to be ready to take action at any time, and they also had to do something

Be ready to escape at any time.

Of course, whether they are taking action or escaping for their lives, they urgently need help from the black thing above their heads. To be more precise, they need help from the existence wrapped in the black mist.

After the mist rose to a certain height, Amber gently exhaled and took a deep breath. As he adjusted slightly, the dark cloud-like existence floated like that.

On top of everyone's heads.

The three of them quietly exchanged glances, and then the dark clouds began to slowly move in the air. The clouds did not move very fast, but they kept approaching the battlefield at a constant speed.

When it reaches a certain distance, Amber starts to move, and his speed is consistent with the speed of the black clouds in the sky. It can also be said that this is the limit distance that Amber can control the cloud.

Seeing that the black cloud was approaching the battlefield, Zuo Feng's eyes suddenly turned to the sky, and then he shouted softly: "Not good."

Amber and Nifeng turned around to look, and happened to see a ray of light green light emerging on the edge of the sky. Although the light was only a small group at the beginning, as it moved, the green flame-like light

, and a long line was drawn.

"What should I do?" Amber asked anxiously.

"We are already here, let's do it together, quickly!"

Amber immediately understood that he was already running quickly, and the black clouds naturally began to move faster. The aura in Zuo Feng's body also changed at this time. It was the suppressed cultivation level, which was slowly recovering at this time, but it was also

It just reached the peak of feeling Qi and then slowly stopped.

Everything was going smoothly at first, but the appearance of the extreme northern cold light completely disrupted the plans of several people. When the extreme northern cold light passes by, it will illuminate the surroundings, and the black "dark clouds" will be nowhere to be seen.

This chapter has been completed!
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